Romeo visited John in his flat that evening.

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"My God! You looked like a mummy with that bandage all over your face, bro!" he commented grinning from ear to ear.

John was about to grimace but he halted because it's getting painful.

"Ca..a..n...n't.. ta..alk, it h...ur...ts!" said John stuttering

Romeo stops taunting his friend and settled on the empty chair beside him. He has something important to discuss with his buddy, he had to start talking now...

"I'll be setting you up with different women as blind date once your face already recovers from the laser treatment," said Romeo directly.

"H...u...h?" asked John bewildered. He is not going to entertain other women! his friend is going nuts!

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"Yes, bro. It's about time you will meet other women besides Catherine. She had taken your love for granted many times already. Why don't you try dating other women for a change?"

"No! I can't. You're crazy bro!" he blurted the words even if it hurts talking.

Romeo smiled at him. "Come on. I never asked you of anything, just agree with me on this. I will be arranging you with a blind date up to 10 different women from all walks of life. Just meet them once if you don't like them then you don't have to establish a second meet up, I just want you to try seeing other women. If all the ten women don't pass your taste and qualification then I will give up. You can then pursue Catherine anyway you like, I don't mind anymore. What is the purpose of all this? to help you find another woman to like besides Catherine. What if Catherine is not really the woman destined to be your soulmate that is why the wedding didn't push through two times already? You have to think outside the box bro! Just give these women a chance to meet you, maybe one of them will catch your that you can finally move on from Catherine's memory," suggested Romeo.

John groaned. He had not told Romeo yet that he was about to see Catherine again after six months.

"Just agree to this arrangement bro, you have nothing to lose. You only have to meet and talk to this women at a maximum of three hours only, I think it's enough to warm up to an exciting conversation to get to know a little bit of each other. So, if after 3 hours, you two don't click, then move to another date. I wont force you to like anyone, am just trying to offer you more option when it comes to women instead of obsessing with one woman only. I think it's not hard at all to meet somebody new and talk everything under the sun for just three hours, it will be exciting! It wont kill you to have the chance to meet new people, right?" asked Romeo.

John sighed deeply. He doesn't like it when his buddy interferes with the affairs of his heart.

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"Get out! You're dismissed!" he said.

Romeo didn't even budge. "I wont stop pestering you until you will say...yes! I wont go home until you agree to meet these women!" he clearly stated his intention and he wont give up.

John was starting to get annoyed but the only way to shut up his buddy is to agree to his demands. "Okay fine~!" he gave Romeo the thumbs up sign.

"Y-you agree now?" asked Romeo.

"Yes! Just go home now because am resting," said John.

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"How many weeks your face can recover from the laser treatment?" asked Romeo.

"Four weeks the most," replied John.

Romeo grinned in triumph. "You are awesome bro! This is going to be the best decision of your life. I'm going home now."

Romeo tapped John's shoulder as a sign that he is very pleased with his cooperation. He walked towards the door and left John's flat very proud of himself, proud of what he had achieved tonight.

John was left alone with himself in the swimming pool area shaking his head.

Well, what could go wrong in just meeting women for three hours at a time? Somehow, he was already feeling guilty with his decision to agree to Romeo's request. It's like he was betraying Catherine already, it didn't sit well with his stomach. But as long he will just talk with the women then what is wrong with that? Unless he will do more than talking and get physically intimate with the ladies then that would be the time to feel guilty.

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He sighed.

It's just ten women and it will be over in no time...

He was trying to console himself.

Because he somehow felt that it's wrong and it's beginning to torment him inside before it even began...

If Catherine would meet 10 different men at a time, how would he feel if he knows about it?

Similarly, what will Catherine feel if she knows he was meeting several women behind her back?

He winced inside...

But he can no longer retract his words because he had already given it to Romeo. He just have to go along with him when that time comes, he will just make sure that Catherine won't have knowledge about it. Or else it's gonna result in a big fight and it might destroy their relationship to a point of no return.

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