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The time has now come for John to see Catherine again!

It's been the last 3 days of the month...

The first thing John did the moment he opened his eyes early in the morning, precisely at 7:30 AM was to send Grace a text message asking her politely for Catherine's address.

Grace did not reply right away...

John waited and waited until the afternoon, then he finally received a reply from Grace.

'Later John, I will call you at night. I am out of the house, I have some important things to do outside..."

John typed...'Okay, thanks! I will wait for your call tonight'... and sends it to Grace.

Done replying to Grace, he arises from the bed and went to the bathroom to do his thing. While inside the bathroom, he stared at his face, the scars were no longer visible, he was truly amazed how advanced the medical technology nowadays! The ugly John was now forever gone, right now in front of him is the good looking John. He really wanted to know how will Catherine react if she finally got to see his new face.

It will be surprising for her! Because she wasn't expecting that he will undergo surgery at all while they were separated from each other.

After eating his breakfast he starts working inside his office in high spirits.

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He was inspired and motivated while working. Catherine's photo slideshow has been playing nonstop in his laptop, he would glance at his beautiful smiling face from time to time enveloping his heart with good vibes.

Lunch break...

John went up to the 15th floor to eat his lunch in his flat, then back to work again.

The rest of the afternoon passed like a blur.

Dinner time...

Grace's call came at 6:00 PM while John was watching the news on the flat screen TV in the living room. He muted the volume of the TV right away.

"Hi, Grace...!"

"Hello, John...!"

"I'm excited to get Catherine's address, Grace!" he said, the excitement was vibrating in his voice.

"Yeah, I know. The truth is am hesitating to give the address to you 'coz my cousin is currently enjoying her life nowadays. She told me that she already found peace within herself, she also enjoyed her job so much. She loves her life being single for now, yet she also told me that she loves you still, she has not forgotten you, she said that she will come to see you after two years," said Grace.

John was deeply saddened because Catherine was determined not to see him for two years, while he can't even survive not seeing her that long! That's too damn long! Many things can happen in two years.

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He sighed.

"John, can you promised me that you will only see her after one year. I don't care what you will do, as I have said before you can watch her from afar but don't disturb her peace of mind yet, it's important that when she will return to your side she is already committed to staying by your side forever. Let her enjoy her freedom for a while, that is all I'm asking from you in exchange for her address. Can you promised me that?" asked Grace, she needs assurance because it's her cousins overall mental well being that is important to her.

"I promised you, Grace, I'm willing to torture myself for the next 6 months without talking to her. For the time being, just seeing her is enough for me. As long I can see her from a distance I will be more than satisfied. Will you please give me her address now?" begged John. He was afraid that Grace might change her mind at any given moment and will no longer give him the address.

"Okay. I will text you the exact address in a few moments. I'm counting on your promised, John! Please remember your promise!" Grace's repeated again.

"Don't worry, I will stick to my promised!" said John. He just wants to have Catherine's address right now! My God, his excitement is mounting in leaps and bounds! It's suffocating him! If only he can enter Grace's mind he already plucked the address from her brain.

He heard momentary silence on Grace's ends. Then he received a text message from Grace with the address on it. He was overjoyed!


He released a sigh of relief.

"That is her complete address, John. Good luck!" said Grace.

"Thank you so much, Grace..."

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"Okay, bye for now."

"Bye, Grace!"

John's hands were trembling with excitement! He called Ramon right away.

"Ramon ready the car! Were going to Catherine's address in Quezon City right now!" he can't contain his excitement.

"Wow, you already find her, Boss?" asked Ramon.

"Yeah. Grace finally give me her address in Quezon City. We're going in there right now!" exclaimed John.

"Okay Boss!" answered Ramon excited as well.

Fifteen minutes later...

John and Ramon together with George and Allan, they all boarded the vehicle. John was wearing a black jacket over a white t-shirt and a baseball cap on his head.

One hour and thirty minutes later...

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They arrived at the exact address at 7:30, due to heavy traffic. They parked the vehicle a few meters away from the actual stores.

John instructed his bodyguards to just stay close to the vehicle to minimize the chances of Catherine noticing them, 'coz right now he is the only one she might not notice right away due to the restoration of his face. If he will just lower his cap a bit to hide his eyes and then not utter a single word, he can get close to Catherine without her identifying him. It's his eyes and voice that would give away his real identity. He was entertaining the idea to use colored contact lenses to hide his eyes. Maybe in the coming days...

John exited the vehicle and scanned the three stores in front of him. The shops were still open and some customers are loitering inside the stores. The Burger Shop, the Meat Shop, and the Laundry Shop were just the way Grace describe them to be. He saw the security guard on duty standing on the corner. The stores were glass-walled, from his position outside he can see clearly the people inside.

The burger shop contained several tables and chairs to cater for diners...

He took a peek at the Laundry Shop and the Meat Shop, Catherine wasn't in any of them.

Next is the burger shop, he stood outside the door and surveyed the inside...

He finally saw her!

Catherine was behind the cash register!

His heart was beating faster it seems like it was about to leap out from his rib cage, he was simply feeling overjoyed seeing her again!...a single tear fell from his eyes. He has been missing her for so long, all he wanted to do right now is to enter the store in a hurry like a flash of lightning and then hugged her tight and kissed her senseless! then whispered 'I miss you so much' in her ears over and over again.

But he can't!

Not yet!

He calmed himself a bit and pulled down his cap a little bit lower from his head, then he pushed the door open to enter inside...

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