The next day, afternoon, John summoned George in the living room.

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"George, I want you to locate a flower shop near the area where Catherine was currently staying. Order pink Calla Lily and it needs to be delivered to her place every five days. Instruct the florist to deliver the flower every five days without fail I will pay in advance for one-month delivery. Here is the message they need to write in the card..."

John handed the piece of paper with the written message on it to George. The bodyguard put it inside his wallet.

"Tell the florist that my name must not be disclosed to Catherine no matter what happens. If Catherine starts asking who is the sender just tell her that the sender just wishes to keep himself anonymous."

John chose pink Calla Lily because it specifically symbolize appreciation and admiration and pink is also Catherine's favorite color and besides the flower can also last up to one week in a vase as long it's taken care well by watering properly.

" Anything else, Sir?" asked George.

"From now on starts monitoring Catherine's daily activity in the stores. Find out where she usually go during weekends. Also finds out if she is going out with someone," added John.

"Got it, Boss," replied George.

"That's all for now. You can go now. By the way here is the money for the flowers." John took some bills from his wallet and handed it to his bodyguard.

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George accepted the money and put it in his wallet and make an exit out of the flat.

John readied himself to perform some work in his office. He had plans to buy colored contact lenses but he was still undecided about it, it might cause damage to his eyes. He would rather wear a sunglasses and baseball cap to hide his eyes from Catherine. Anyways, after six months he is now free from his promise to Grace in exchange for obtaining Catherine's address. After six months he can now see and talk to Catherine freely. Anyways time fly's too fast, this time it will no longer be torturous to him since he can now see her from time to time.

He will buy an additional five sunglasses and five hats today after he is done with his works in the office. Then he also needs to buy new jackets that Catherine has not seen yet. He is smiling, all of a sudden he finds everything exciting seeing her from afar without her knowledge. But much better if he can finally talk to her and hold her close to his body, he is waiting for that day!


Romeo entered John's office bringing some files and documents for John to check and approved. He placed the documents in the table.

"Bro, are you ready for the first candidate on your blind date?" asked Romeo grinning.

John groaned remembering that he agreed to his crazy friend's idea. "I don't remember agreeing to it bro, did I---?" he said, trying to make Romeo dropped the blind date idea as he was not even up for it.

"No, you can't say that! You already agreed to it remember? You can't back out because I already have 3 candidates for your blind date willing to see you!"

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John sighed. "But am not in the mood to meet other women!" he grumbled.

"Just meet 10 ladies and then after that, I will not pester you again, just give your self some option. You had nothing to lose, really, all you need is 2 to 3 hours of talking and then go home if you don't like the girl. That's it plain and simple...," explained Romeo.

John was getting irritated with Romeo. "Okay, I will meet lady #1 this Friday. Since you are the one who insisted on this crazy idea, you will be the one to find the place for the ladies and me to meet."

"No problem Bro!" said Romeo grinning. "But you will be the one to pay the bills, hehehe," said Romeo laughing.

"Fine!" John shot his friend a murderous look.

"Oh, don't be a meanie bro! You should be the one to pay the bills on your dates with the ladies because you are the one who will be enjoying their company not me. Besides, you are the rich man here and am just your poor worker," argued Romeo.

"Shut up already bro! Scram!" said John.

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"Alright, am going now. I will let you know if I already find a nice venue for your fantastic dates," Romeo said laughing. He exited the office and called his wife to help him find a nice place for John's blind date venue. He wants it to be a bit private, quiet and not so crowded place so that John and the ladies can hold a deep and exciting conversation with each other.

John was left alone in his office fuming. He can't understand why did he even agree to the blind date, way back he was hoping that his buddy would forget all about it, but he was wrong, Romeo was now adamant to pursue the said matter at present times!

At exactly 5:00 PM John exited his office to go to the mall to buy all the things that he needed as a disguise every time he wanted to see Catherine.

Twenty minutes later, John and Ramon entered the nearest mall from the Jade Tower, they entered the men's apparel store where all types of men's clothing can be found.

John was able to purchase 6 hats of a different color, 1 dozen white cotton t-shirt, 4 sweatshirts with hood and 7 jackets of different style and color. Pleased with his purchases, he left the store's premises and headed to the optical clinic located inside the mall to have an eye check up and to have a proper recommendation on what contact lenses are good for his eye type. He won't necessarily be wearing contact lenses during these times but just in case he needs one as a disguise then it will become handy.

Two hours later, John and Ramon went back into the Jade Tower after done with their shopping.

John was resting in the living room, he called George for an update.

"What is the update there, George?" asked John.

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"I didn't see Catherine attending to the stores the whole day, but she did go to the nearest bank and do some bank transaction in the morning, on her way home she dropped by at the nearest restaurant and bought some foods, then she went home, after that I had seen her again popping up in the stores a few times but she didn't linger in any of them. It's like she was just doing some rounds then she disappeared again perhaps spending her time in her living quarter upstairs on the second floor," explained George.

"I see, I think no one is absent from the crew's side that is why she doesn't linger much in any of the stores. Keep me posted just in case you see her visible in any of the shops' premises. Visible means she intends in manning the store on behalf of the absent crew," said John.

"Okay Boss, copy!" replied George.

"Did the flower shop already delivered the pink Calla Lily flowers to Catherine?" asked John.

"Yes Boss, I had seen the delivery boy deliver those pink fresh flowers to one of the stores."

"Did you instructed the florist to deliver it to Catherine only?" asked John.

"Yes Boss, one of the store's crew received it and disappeared at the back of the store probably bringing it to Catherine's room upstairs," said George.

"Okay, that's all for now." John ended their conversation and went to his room to rest for a while.

Everything is good so far.

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