Catherine was eating her supper in the dining table near the kitchen area. She had already placed and arranged the pink Calla Lily in the flower vase, the beautiful flower brought a certain kind of good vibes in her heart and adds color to her living quarter that is a bit dull. She loves staring at the flower, it's mesmerizing and adorably pretty!

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She read the small card attached, the message was...

'....stay beautiful and pure always...'

Catherine smiled while gazing at the flowers, she was truly loving the presence of the flower in her flat. It doesn't matter who gives it, if they don't want to reveal themselves then so be it as long she didn't ask for it.

There is an instruction given along with the delivery of the flowers on how to water the flowers so that it won't wilt fast, it needs water but not too much and not every day. She will just follow the instruction, she wants the flower to last longer as possible.

That night she received a text message from one of the crew of the Laundry Shop named Donna, informing her that she will be absent the next day cause she had to accompany her daughter to the dental clinic to have her daughter's decayed teeth removed cause it's been giving her and her daughter endless night of suffering and they can only rest if it will be finally extracted by the dentist once and for all.

She replied by typing...' Take your time...' and sends the message to Donna.

Done eating her dinner, she brushes her teeth.

After a while, she turns on the computer and began encoding the stores' sales reports for the day into the excel files.

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One hour later, she's already watching random shows on the television. Then she already feels sleepy, she turns off the TV and prepares herself to retire for the night.


The next day...

Catherine would pop up from time to time in the Laundry Shop to help managed the store together with the other crew.

George was outside the store, he just bought a cola from the burger shop. He was wearing sunglasses and a black sweatshirt with a hood. He had parked his motorcycle in the parking area of the building at the front.

He saw Catherine in the laundry shop and he noticed that the other crew was absent, that means Catherine would be visible in the laundry shop the whole day to assist the crew. He noticed before that the original crew would take each turn to have a one-hour lunch break, that means Catherine would be left alone in the shop for one hour!

Perfect timing!

He called his boss right away.

"What's up...George?" asked John. He just finished eating his breakfast and was now preparing himself to take a bath and then report to work in his office.

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"Boss, confirmed, Catherine will spend her time on the laundry shop either at 11:00 AM or 12:00 to 1:00 PM for lunch break, one of the crew was absent."

"Okay," said John excitedly. He will be seeing Catherine for at least one full hour!

"Boss, much better if you will bring some dirty clothes that need washing so that you can use the clothes as props to get closer to Catherine," suggested George.

"Wonderful idea, George!" said John amused.

"That's all for now, Boss," said George.

"Okay, we will be there in more or less half an hour," John replied and ended their conversation.

John went inside the bathroom and took a luxurious bath while humming a song under the shower, he is very excited to see Catherine again!

One hour later, he got out of the shower and choose his outfit for the day. He had chosen a white t-shirt, brown leather bomber jacket, brown hat and dark sunglasses as his attire for today's meeting with Catherine.

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By 10:00 o'clock he summoned Ramon to his flat.

"Ramon takes this to the car with us," he handed the shopping bag that contains 4 jackets and 4 white t-shirts to his bodyguard.

Ramon brows furrowed. "W-where are we going today, Boss?"

"We will take the clothes to the laundry shop to have it laundered," said John.

"Ah okay," muttered Ramon.

"I will come down in a few minutes. Ready the car because we will go to the laundry shop where Catherine is working, she is waiting for me there," explained John.

Ramon finally understood what his boss meant and wanted to do in the laundry shop, not necessarily mean to have his clothes laundered, he just wanted to see his lady love and the clothes were just a props, he smirked at his sly boss and turned around to head downstairs in the ground floor to ready the vehicle.

A moment later...

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When John went down and emerges from the elevator into the parking area, Ramon was amazed by his employer's transformation.

Based on his employer's dress set up today, it would be impossible for Catherine to identify John unless he will start talking. With John's blemish-free face, dark sunglasses that hide his eyes and the hat that covers most of the visibility of his head, it would be really hard to identify John with his new identity especially that Catherine doesn't know yet the restoration of her lover's face.

"Can Catherine identify me easily? What do you think?" John asked Ramon when he entered the vehicle.

Ramon shook his head. "Impossible, Boss, unless you will start talking, she will know your voice right away once she hears it," answered Ramon.

"Good, I will pretend I'm a mute guy," he smiled. "Let's go now, Ramon! I'm very excited to see Catherine again!" said John.

Ramon started the engine of the car and soon enough they were traveling smoothly in the streets heading to Quezon City.

In his mind, John was already dreaming of Catherine's beautiful face, sweet melodious laughter, her alluring charming smile, and her voluptuous body to die for. God! he really misses her so much! If he can only drag the months and flushed it down into the drain he already has done it. He was longing for the day to come that he can finally hug, touch and kissed her again.

While traveling...

They encountered some minor traffic along the way, good thing he prepared to travel early just in case they would be disrupted by some heavy traffic along the highway. He just wanted to be there at the laundry shop by 12:00 o'clock to catch her alone. Every fiber of his being is already feverish with excitement!

"I'm coming to your side now my love," he whispers silently as if wanting the wind to carry his secret message to his lady love.

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