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It's a rest day for Catherine and the rest of the crew of the store. She didn't wake up early, she has no reason to. She just lingered in her bed until 9:00 AM. She will only leave her bed if her tummy will start complaining of hunger.

She was thinking about where to go this Sunday? She will attend the Sunday Mass in the afternoon, then what next? She can go to the nearest mall and go window shopping and spend her time in the book sale perusing countless books on display.

Or she can go to the nearest beach and walked in the sandy shore alone. That would require a few hours of traveling. Nah...

She has other option on how to spend her time after attending the Sunday Mass. She can watch youtube videos, watch free movies online Mike or John?

She misses John really bad!

She will call John, later!

She arises from the bed and went to the kitchen to boil water for her coffee. Shen entered the bathroom to perform her daily morning ritual inside the toilet. She exited the toilet smiling, she feels excited to call John today!

She emptied the one sachet of 3 in 1 coffee into the mug and poured hot water onto it, she stirred her coffee and enjoyed the aroma that drifted into her nostrils, when it's no longer super hot, she started sipping it.

Her eyes landed on the Calla Lily flowers on the vase...they still looked beautiful and fresh. It's been the second delivery and she was wondering what is the intention or purpose of the person who kept sending it to her? A new admirer? Maybe, who could it be?

She had finished sipping her coffee. She put the empty mug into the sink, she will wash it later. She went back to the table and swipes at her phone to call John...


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~Infinity Jade Tower~

John was already up and munching on his hearty breakfast in the dining room. Today is Sunday, Catherine's off day. What is she planning right now? Stay in her room all day or go out somewhere?

He wanted to trail her today wherever she's going, sounds like an adventure!

His phone is ringing!

He picked it up and checked the caller ID. It's not registered in his contact! Whom could it be? Wrong call? But he answered it anyways...


"Hi, John..."

The moment John's heart identified the caller's voice, his heart starts beating erratically! He was instantly overjoyed!

"Oh My God, Catherine! Why it takes you so long to call me again?" he cried. She was reaching out to him today and it's making him so damn happy!

"I miss you!" she said softly.

Whoaaaaaaa! John's heart was jumping up and down inside his rib cage ten times!

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He feels so damn happy that a tear of happiness fell from his right eye. "I miss you too, Cath! You have no idea how tormented I felt inside when you run away. Please come back to me, where are you now? Please tell me, I will fetch you myself so that we will never be apart again!" he said with much urgency in his voice.

"It's still not the right time to see you again, John. I'm so sorry, but I'm still not done healing myself yet, after all the things I been through, I still need to make my self whole again," she explained.

John released a deep sigh. "Until when am going to wait for you to come back to me?" he asked again.

"If your heart still loves me then please wait for my come back. Just in case you start seeing other women and plan to enter a new relationship with anyone, can you please inform me so that I don't have to go back to you anymore," she said.

John was silent for a while, he was feeling guilty again, he just meets a girl yesterday for a blind date and there will be 9 more women to go. If Catherine will know about it, she will definitely feel furious!

"I will wait for you, Cath! I will wait for your return no matter how long because I love you so much and you're the only woman I will ever love until I die," he declared his never-ending pledge of love and loyalty to her.

"Thank you, John. I will also pledge the same for you, I will not love any other guy in this lifetime, only you!" she poured the sincerity of her emotion into her words.

They become silent for a while.

John was feeling torn inside, they make pledges to only love each other in this lifetime yet they were apart from each other. How crazy their situation is?

"Cath, listen...our situation today is ridiculous! Why can't we be together? Why?"

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"Because I'm still broken inside, let me heal first. I promised you I will become a better and much stronger person when am come back. I promised you that next time when am back at your side I will never run away again," she made the promised to John today and she was determined to fulfill that promise one day.

John sighed deeply.

"How can I be so sure that you won't entertain other suitors while I'm not at your side?" he asked for assurance.

"I won't! Take my word for that. I have no desire to entertain any suitor not now not ever!" Catherine said firmly.

John was somehow convinced that she won't find another guy, besides he already had George planted around her to monitor her activities, he feels happy of course!

"I believe you, Cath!" he said.

John's acceptance of her promise sets Catherine's heart at ease.

"Cath, what are you doing today, since it's Sunday?" he asked interested.

"Hmm, I will attend Sunday Mass this afternoon, then maybe go to the mall afterward, not sure though," she answered.

"...and how about you?" she added.

"I wanna go with you of course! Wherever you are I will be there also!" his voice was filled with wishful thinking.

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"Silly John...You might be surprised if I will suddenly arrive at your doorsteps unannounced!"

"Yes, surprised me please!" exclaimed John, his voice hopeful.

"My password still applies in your flat?" she asked teasing him.

"Yes. You can always enter my flat!" answered John. "But I warned you in advance, once you will enter my flat again, you can never go out!" he said in a serious tone.

"Huh? Why---?" she asked a bit alarmed.

"Because I will tie you into my bedpost, hehehe," he broke out laughing.

Catherine laughed along with him. She misses his smile and everything about him. She realizes that the more she calls John, the more his convincing power to get her back to his side is growing stronger. "So, if you will tie me to your bed then I will no longer surprised you!" she said.

"Seriously, Cath, my bed has been missing you terribly!" he said cheekily.

Catherine knew what he meant, she smiled a little. "Is it the bed or you?"

John sighed. "Of course it's me, I miss hugging you, kissing you, touching your body! I miss everything about you! Please don't torture me anymore! Please come back to my side soon!"

Now it's her turn to sigh. She really needs to say goodbye now even if her hearts says not yet. "I need to end our conversation, John. Need to do some things around here. I will have to do some cleaning in my room before I will go to church in the afternoon. Bye John. I miss you! I love you so much! Take care of yourself always."

"I miss you too, Cath. I love you so much! Call me everyday...," said John and then he hears silence on the other end, she already hangs up. He closed his eyes. Their conversation is not enough! He still wants more of her.

He will go to Quezon City this afternoon and attend the Sunday Mass with her!

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