The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 204: 204

That afternoon...

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While Ramon was driving the car towards Catherine's address. John was already calling George.

"George, where is Catherine right now?"

"She just entered the Church to attend the Sunday Mass," answered George.

"Where is that church located?" inquired John.

"It's near the San Lazaro Hospital and besides a gasoline station. Approximately 50 meters away from Catherine's home," explained George.

"Was the church crowded?"

"Yes Boss," answered George.

"Okay, we're heading there right now. The mass has just started?"

"Yes Boss, about fifteen minutes ago."

"Okay. Don't lose track of her," John reminded him.

"Yes, I won't Boss," replied George.

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"Bye for now." John ended their conversation.

"Ramon, you go straight to the Catholic Church, it was situated near San Lazaro Hospital and beside a gasoline station. Catherine was attending a Sunday Mass. I wanna be in that mass right now. I want to sit near her."

"Okay Boss," Ramon saw that hospital before, he navigated the car on the way there.

Fifteen minutes later.

John and Ramon already arrived at the Church. George walked towards them.

"Where is she sitting right now, George?" asked John.

"She was sitting at the 2nd bench, on the left side, near the entrance of the church. She's wearing a color purple ladies polo shirt and skinny jeans," describe George.

"Okay, I will go inside now and find her."

John left his two bodyguards at the entrance of the church to find Catherine inside. He did not spend a long time finding her. He saw her familiar back right away. Her long brown hair cascading in her back. There still a vacant space on the 3rd bench, just behind her, he squeezed himself into the vacant space and settled himself comfortably on the bench. He took off his dark sunglasses and attached it on his t-shirt.

He was wearing a blue contact lens for today. He knows he was being braver today after they just had a conversation earlier, he is ready for anything. If Catherine recognizes him today then he will cross the bridge and claimed her again...if not then he will continue his disguise.

While the mass was ongoing they happened to exchange a brief glance at each other, once. When the mass ended, the rest of the churchgoers already left the church premises. Catherine remained seated on the bench.

She loves lingering in the church for a few minutes after the mass. She loves the tranquility surrounded by the solemnity of the church.

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Thirty minutes later she had enough...

Catherine rose to her feet and began walking towards the entrance of the church.

John wore his dark sunglasses again and followed her from behind.

She boarded the jeep going to a mall. George was following the jeep behind aboard his motorcycle, while John entered his vehicle which was parked a few meters away from the church.

Ramon started the engine of the car and followed the direction of the jeep. A few minutes later they arrived at the nearest mall in the area. Catherine got out of the jeep and entered the mall, George was already following her a few meters away. Ramon and John were still in the parking area.

John entered the mall alone. He called George to ask where is Catherine's whereabouts.

"George, where is she right now?"

"We are on the 2nd floor, she is in the book sale stall right now and perusing books, Boss," answered George.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few seconds." John stepped into the escalator that would take him to the second floor. He located the book sale around the corner and he also saw George standing nearby pretending to check out some clothing items in the nearest stall.

John approached his bodyguard and instructed George to go find Ramon and keep each other company. George left the area.

John went into the book sale and began perusing books next to Catherine. At one point they both reached for the same book at the same time, both skin touching, they withdrew their hands instantly and smiled at each other in awkwardness.

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Catherine recognized him now as the mute guy in the burger shop, in the laundry shop and in the church! What a coincidence they meet each other here in the mall again?

There is something awfully familiar about him! She just can't put it in words.

After a while, Catherine left the book sale premises and wanders around the mall. She was surprised to see the mute guy trailing her from behind. There is only one way to find out if he is indeed following her. She entered the ladies restroom to relieve herself. When she exited the restroom he was also there outside the men's restroom room, waiting for someone?

She roamed around the mall with the mute guy following her everywhere she goes, she ignored the guy, after getting tired of endless walking, she sat down on one of the benches scattered inside the mall. As expected, the mute guy sat down next to her in the bench.

Catherine took a pen and a piece of paper from her shoulder bag and write something...she gave it to him to read.

John took the paper and read the message...'Are you following me?'

He took the pen from her fingers and wrote his answer on the paper...'Yes. You walk too fast, you tire me easily!" he complained.

Catherine laughed at his answer, then she giggled thoroughly amused by the whole situation.

John's heart stops beating while watching her smile turned to laughter. Her throaty laughed caresses his heart like no other. He would love to embrace her right now and kissed her senseless! But he willed controlled over himself. It's not the time yet!

John began writing something in the paper...'I wanna treat you to a snack, I'm very thirsty and hungry from too much walking...'

Catherine read it...

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She smiled and replied...'Yes. But on one condition I will pay my own foods...'

John read her reply and write again...'Okay, let's go!'

They stood up together and entered the nearest fast food around the corner and settled on one of the empty tables. They waited for their order to arrive.

They were silent the whole time, John stared at her face openly.

Catherine finds his penetrating gaze uncomfortable, she noticed that he got the coolest bluest eyes she had ever seen in her entire life. The rest of him screamed of something familiar....he move like John, he has John's mannerism as well!

But he is not John, because John is ugly, his face is filled with scars and he won't go out in a public place without wearing a face mask to hide his ugly scars. She closed her eyes, she's getting paranoid!

Their orders finally arrived. They began attacking the foods since they were both hungry. They eat together in silence.

After done eating, she wrote something in the paper...'I'm going home now. Thanks for your company.'

He replied...'I wanna accompany you home, please?'

She answered...'No!'

Catherine rose to her feet and began walking away from the fast foods premises. She was glad when he no longer followed her. She exited the entrance of the mall and boarded a taxi cab to take her home.

John watched her from a distance. She was indeed distancing herself away from men. He was actually predicting that she will let him take her home tonight, but he was wrong. But still it's a wonderful and eventful night for him, they spend precious moments with each other inside the mall. It's still better than nothing.

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