John's face was already plastered with a smile after waking up in the morning the next day. His outlandish mute disguised was running smoothly, he had introduced a new persona of him to Catherine. After six months, he will strip all the disguise away and reveal himself to her.

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That day in his office...

Romeo entered the room while John was doing some work on his laptop.

"How it's going, bro? Your first date?" asked Romeo.

John groaned. "It's not a date, it's just a meet and greet!" he corrected.

Romeo sighed. "Whatever, what do you think of Irene?"

"She's fine. But I feel nothing for her, so next...," John dismissed Irene as if he didn't cross path with her.

"How about this coming Thursday, same place and same time again. It will be lady #2 this time," said Romeo.

"Okay," John replied in a relaxed manner.

Romeo already briefed the girls that John is an aloof person. There is a big chance that he might take a liking in any of them or maybe not. They just have to treat the blind date experience as some kind of experiment and not to take it seriously. The women are just single ladies from all walks of life who also wanted to find their soulmate. His wife had called her relatives, their friends and friends and so on if they can suggest a single female that is willing to date a good looking businessman. There has been a positive response, and he already got six girls willing to meet John, as for the rest he and his wife still need to find them.

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"This next lady is a teacher, please be gentle with her," said Romeo.

John gave his buddy a quizzical look. "Don't worry I won't pounce on her," he murmured indifferently.

"That's all...I have to go now," said Romeo. He was being careful not to press too hard on his buddy's button afraid John will stop seeing the rest of the ladies.

"Just remind me of the meet up one day ahead, I tend to forget the things that are not important to me," John said.

"Okay," replied Romeo and exited the office quietly.

John opened his laptop and starts watching Catherine's slideshow. A smile curled up in his face. He just spends some time with her yesterday yet he already misses her badly. Her presence is so addicting, he can never get enough of her.

He called George.

"George, what's up in there?"

"Not much happening in here. No one is absent from the crew, normally Catherine can only be seen assisting in the stores if one of the crew is absent," explained George.

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"Ah okay, just informed me if she is visible in any of the stores, I will drop her a quick visit," said John.

"Copy Boss," replied George.

John ended the call and returned his attention to his work. He doesn't want to loiter around the stores if he can't see Catherine he will only be wasting his time. He wants to go there if there is a big chance he can spend at least one full hour staring at her face and luxuriating in her presence.

A few minutes later, he exited his office to go upstairs to his flat to take a dip in the pool. He will also perform a bit of exercise cause he was not able to visit his gym in these last few days.


John was lying in his bed that night and nothing else to do. He was staring at his phone, he already added to his contact the two phone numbers that Catherine uses to call him. He will try to call the two number hoping they're all functioning still or even one of them can still be reached at this time.

He called the first number...It cannot be reached.

Then he called the second number, Holy Cow! it was ringing!

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He was holding his breath, too much anticipation pumping in his veins right now...please answer... Cath, pleaseee!


Catherine was lying in her bed when the phone starts ringing when she checked the caller it was John! Dang! She forgot to use the other sim card during the last time she called him. She ignored the ringing of her phone hoping he will give up. The call ended but soon enough it kept ringing again, she sighed.

She picked up her phone and answered his call...

"Hey, mister why are you so persistent in calling my number? Am turning deaf already!" she grumbled, but a little smile was now lurking in her lips.

"I love you, Cath!" he whispers softly, he poured all his emotions and deep longing of his heart into those three words.

Awwww, so sweet! Catherine giggled into the phone, truly delighted.

"Miss me?" asked John smiling from ear to ear when he hears her giggling at the other end.

"Yesss! I miss you so much!" she answered sweetly.

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"You miss me so much yet you are not willing to see me? What will we do about it? eh?" he asked.

"Dunno," she said getting confused than ever.

John sighed on the other end. "Come on, Cath, you can put an end to this torture we are both feeling right now. Just tell me where you are and I will fetch you right now. Just say yes! I will fly to the moon just to see you!" He put more pressure on his words so that she will have no other choice but to say yes.

Catherine was getting silent on the other end.

John was fearing that she might suddenly hang up on him. He has to changed topic, maybe pressuring her so much might is not a good idea right now considering that they were still trying to establish communication over the phone.

He doesn't want to put their vulnerable connection in jeopardy as of this moment.

"Hello, Cath, are you still there?" he asked worriedly.

"Yes am still here," she replied.

"Hmm, have you meet a new guy lately?" asked John trying to test her and changed the topic altogether.

Catherine was silent for a moment. She was not seeing anyone if what he meant is going out with a guy in a date? No. Nobody is courting her right now, they won't stand a chance since she can rarely be seen in the stores' premises and she had instructed her co-worker not to give her cell number to anyone who would ask for it especially if it's not work-related.

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