"Huh? I see male customers most of the time when am being in the store assisting the crew, but if you ask me if am dating or seeing another guy, my answer is no. But I meet one of our customer in the mall last Sunday, a mute guy."

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"Really? Tell me how does he look like?" he asked eagerly.

"He got the coolest bluest eyes I'd ever seen in my entire life," she said.

"Is he good looking?" asked John.

"Yes, he is," she answered.

"Is there a possibility that you will fall in love with him? Are you fantasizing over him?"

"Hell no! Why are you asking me that question?" she sounded like she was getting irritated.

"Of course, am feeling jealous because he is good looking and I'm not, you go on a date with him in the mall yet you won't even want to see me! How am I supposed to feel?"

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Catherine raised her eyebrows and sighed deeply. "Were not on a date, it just happened that we meet in the mall. John, trust me am not dating anyone and I have no plan to date, anyone, okay?"

"Okay, I trust you, Cath," he said amused.

"And how about you? Are you seeing another woman while am away?" she asked. She knew John has low self-esteem when it comes to women due to the scars on his face, but his fat wallet can make up for that. She does love John wholeheartedly even with all the scars in his face. If there is one woman who wouldn't take advantage of him, she can proudly say to herself that she is that woman. Loving and entering into a relationship with John is a wonderful journey but loving him also brought a lot of conflict and drama in her life. Her life before meeting John was peaceful and after she falls in love with him the trials and tribulations came pouring into her life in all directions. That is why she needs to be a tough woman to stay in his side forever because if she is weak she won't last a year in his side.

John was silent for a moment. "No. I'm not seeing any particular woman right now," he lied utterly.

"I trust you, John. We just have to trust each other, okay?" she said.

"Okay," answered John.

Catherine yawned. "I'm feeling sleepy already, let's sleep now, John,"

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"Okay, Sweet dreams, Cath, hug you! I love you so much! Please, don't change your phone number again, pleaseeeeeee?" he begged.

"I have no plans to change my phone number again, promised!" said Catherine. "I love you, John. Good night. Sweet dreams," she whispers and ended the call at her end.

John still wanted to talk to his lady love all night long but he was already satisfied with the time she had given her. Hoping that in the coming days their communication would become a regular occurrence in their lives.

The lovers sleep on each other's bed with a sweet smile on their faces, their recent conversation lingers in their mind that brought happy memories in their heart.


The darkness faded and open the doors to a new day.

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At precisely 9:00 AM, Catherine received a message from the owner of the stores in her messenger, informing her that she is going to sell the whole area including the building and the stores to anyone who can afford it, as soon as possible! She and her husband decided to buy a new house and lot in Singapore so they needed the money ASAP. There is a big chance that the new owner will demolish the building to erect a new business or project, or there is also a possibility that the new owner will continue to operate the stores but will hire their own employees. She was also instructed by the owner to post an ad outside the stores.

Aarghhhhhh! No! She winced in pain after reading the entire message.

Suddenly Catherine suffered a migraine. A pain starts pounding heavily in her head, it was like a pounding of the drums that vibrates in her brain and does not go away easily.

Just when she already feels at home with her new job, all of a sudden she was now on the verge of losing her livelihood not only her but the rest of the crew working in the shops.

Finding a job that she likes is not easy especially that she is just a mere high school graduate. Besides where else she will go after this building will get sold? She will have to find a job again somewhere.

She went to her room and cried in her bed. She has been crying for ten minutes already when her phone starts ringing. She picked up her phone and answered the call. It's John!


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"Yes love, it's me...w-wait...a-are you crying?" he heard her sobbing.

"Sorry John, can't talk to you right now, I have a big problem and I'm not in the mood to talk with you right now, I to you some other time, just not right now, bye," she hangs up on him. She continuous crying until there are no more tears to cry.

She lingers in her room until 11:00 AM. But she knows that she can no longer delay the inevitable, the crew needs to know the truth no matter how painful it is. By lunchtime, she gathered all the workers in front of her and informed them about the owner's sudden decision to sell the whole building.

She died inside while watching the saddened faces of her co-workers. All the employees are friendly to each other and they were like one happy big family, like her, they also love their job. It's so painful to watch the forlorn expression on their faces as if the whole world was collapsing around them.

By 2:00 PM, Catherine already typed and printed an advertisement in a white paper and instructed the crew to post it in their respective stores outside the door so that any interested parties can see it. The notice also contains the email address & messenger ID of the owner so that any prospective buyer can directly contact her to negotiate about the price.

Catherine went back upstairs because she wanted to cry again. She felt really sad today. Losing the stores is painful for everyone who works in the stores, they all have to find another job again soon.

As for Catherine, she has to start all over again...somewhere far... after the stores were sold out to the new owner.

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