The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 207: 207

~Infinity Jade Tower~

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John was getting restless after he heard Catherine sobbing during their phone conversation earlier. He was getting worried about her, what could be her big problem? He wanted to fly right into her doorsteps and asked her personally what is her problem so that he can help her. He will exhaust all his resources just to alleviate whatever difficulty she is encountering right now, it truly breaks his heart every time he hears her crying.

He called George...

"Hello Boss," said George.

"George, what is the update in there?" asked John.

"Not much happening around here, except that I see an advertisement being posted a while ago outside the doors of the stores," explained George.

"Go closer toward the advertisement and read it aloud to me," said John.

"Okay Boss, just a moment," George walked towards the posted ad.

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He began reading...

"For Sale Whole lot & Building, please contact this email address and messenger for direct buyers only!"

John now finally understand why Catherine was crying earlier. The whole building was going to be sold and she and the other workers will soon lose their job. She will have to find another job again, as what Grace has frequently told him Catherine enjoyed her job so much and she likes her living condition right now and to think that her safety bubble just exploded and shattered into tiny fragments with the sudden news of the selling of the whole business then it must be really hard for her to accept everything at once, that must be the reason why she's crying.

He sighed fully understanding now why she suddenly hangs up on him while they were talking to the phone earlier. "George, send to me the email address and the messenger ID of the owner. I will call you later for an update."

"Okay Boss," replied George.

John ended their conversation.

He will try to negotiate for the building, he has to buy it so that Catherine doesn't have to worry and feel sad anymore. But he has to keep it a secret from her for a while. First thing first, he needs to contact the owner and know the conditions. His phone was beeping, the incoming text message was from George who forwarded to him the email address and messenger ID of the owner.

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John turns on his laptop and began adding the owner's email and messenger to his contacts. He typed a message in his email introducing himself and his intention to buy the whole lot area including the whole building. Hopefully, no other buyer has contacted the owner first! He needs to be the first buyer so that the owner will sell to him first.

Unfortunately, when the owner replied, there are already 5 early buyers who contacted the owner. He comes in #6 and probably more buyers will be interested to buy the property.

Damn! it's gonna be a bidding war this time!

The owner replied to him again, sending him the complete list of the amount that other buyers are willing to shill out to buy the whole area.

John calculated the area, the visibility, and the profitability as well the current market value of the said lot and the building.

Three of the buyers were offering PHP5 million pesos each, the others were offering 6 up to 7 million, there could be another offer coming soon.

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He quickly typed the owner a message stating the reasons why she needs to sell it to him, and not on others.

First he made an enticing offer of PHP10 million above of all the previous buyers offers combined, then he promised the owner that he will absorb all the workers and will continue the stores operation, third and the last thing, he plans to give the building and the whole business as a wedding present to Catherine, his soon to be bride. But he only has one request to the owner not to tell her about his intention to buy the building because it was meant to be a surprise gift for her.

The owner responded on his message by saying that he will know of her final decision tomorrow morning.

That night John sleep late because he was worried that his sales pitch won't sway the owner and she might sell her property to other buyers, worst thing if somebody might already have a much higher offer compare to him.

It would be a fatal blow on his part if the property would be sold to other people and Catherine and her co-workers will soon lose their jobs. He was just trying to prevent the inevitable. He is willing to help Catherine this way, buying her happiness is the most important thing for him right now.

Worst come to worst, he can always resell the building and regain his money back. The purpose here is to continue providing Catherine the peace of mind she craves for and the stability of livelihood she comes to love for the next six months before he completely enters her life again.

He was especially worried about Catherine's state of mind if he fails to buy the building, he doesn't want his lady love to be plunged in sadness and depression. He was afraid that she will go to some far away places that would impossible for him to locate after the building is sold to another buyer. She will surely find other jobs and involved herself with lots of undesirable people especially men that would only take advantage of her.

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He wants her near him all the time. It would calm his mind if he had direct knowledge of her living condition, know the job she was performing daily and know the people she was having regular contact with every day.

Previously, not knowing where is Catherine is a fatal blow to his protective ego and the thoughts of her running away again this time because of the devastating loss of her livelihood is terrifying to him, that is why he needs to own that property she was working at right now so that he had at least some kind of control in her life.

At exactly 2:00 AM, John finally succumbs to sleep with thoughts of Catherine hovering in his mind, she is the last thing that he was thinking of before his eyes finally shut off.


While in her room, Catherine was still wide awake tormented by her impending doom. Who's gonna be the next owner will surely make a big change in their working condition, worst they will all be terminated and replaced by new workers. But if the new owner is kind enough, she and the rest of the crew is willing to continue working for them. By 3:00 AM, Catherine finally falls asleep as well.


Author's Note:

Dear readers: This novel is exclusively written by me for Webnovel only. If you read this novel in other sites, that means you are supporting a pirated site! Please, if you care for the original authors stop supporting pirated sites! Thank you all!

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