The Next Day...

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After waking up, John immediately opened his messenger to see if the owner already replied to him about her decision, sad to say, he received a message from her asking of a photo of him together with Catherine as valid proof that he was indeed telling the truth that he and Catherine are into some kind of a relationship. John chose the photo of Catherine and him wearing both their wedding dress, the one taken inside his bedroom, she was smiling radiantly into the camera while he was embracing her from behind. Then he also attached a message explaining to her that he and Catherine were undergoing some sort of misunderstanding right now and he was in the process of wooing her again and eventually marry her in the church one day.

Done sending the message and the photo, John left the laptop in the bedside table and went into the bathroom.

Then he proceeds to the kitchen to make his coffee.

He went back to his bedroom to get his laptop and brought it to the swimming pool area. He placed the laptop in the empty lounge chair beside him. He pressed the remote control and the curtain parted in the middle, revealing the glass wall, bringing in the morning sunshine and the stunning city landscape in full display before his very eyes.

He continues sipping his coffee in a relaxing manner, after he finished his coffee, he then checked his messenger. The owner finally replied to him! With great anticipation, he starts reading the message ...

'Wow, what a nice photo you had sent me! Am just wondering why you are not undergoing surgery yet with your face since you can very well afford 10 million to purchase my property? Anyways, Catherine must really love you, she was literally glowing in her wedding dress, but I don't want to ask why there's a misunderstanding between you two since it's already a private matter between two people in love. Just want you to know that mine and my husband's love story originated in that building. When I was just starting with the business it's very tough at first, but my husband who was still my admirer during that time was very supportive of me, eventually, we become lovers. We have our first baby in that building upstairs and the rest is history. The reason why am sharing you this little story of ours is because I already have chosen you as the new owner of my property! Congratulation Mr. John Roxas. May you and Catherine will work hand in hand to continue making the business flourished for many years to come under your guidance and management. Good luck and more power to both of you!"

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John grinned in satisfaction.

Fantastic! Finally, he was successful in buying the property! Catherine can finally breathe in relief. He would love very much to call her right now and tell her the news but he prevented himself from doing so. There will be a right time for this! Everything can wait for the right time.

He rose to his feet to start his day. He will wire the money into the owner's bank account in Singapore after the DEED Of ABSOLUTE SALE is already signed by both parties and notarized by the power of attorney.

After everything is settled with the transfer of the property under his name he will now become the owner of Catherine's workplace. This time he will make sure she can no longer run away from him.


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Catherine was locking herself in her room all day, good thing nobody is absent from the crew today, she doesn't need to hang out in the stores because her face right now was a mess due to so much crying.

She can't bring herself to call Grace and informed her cousin that she needs help again to find a new job. Maybe she will start finding work on her own from now on instead of depending on Grace's help all the time.

Her phone was ringing...

She picked it up to see the caller, it's Mike! She groaned, she doesn't want to talk with anyone right now! She ignored the ringing of her phone, but Mike is persistent, he kept calling!

She sighed and finally answered his call.

"Hello, beauty!"

"Hi Mike...," she answered in a bland voice.

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"Ohh, what happened to your voice? You sound like you been crying? Are you---?" he asked in a worried tone.

"I encounter bad luck again, the owner decide to sell this building, I will have to find another job again," she said.

"Oh no! That is so sad, Cath! Tell me how to contact the owner I will ask my mother to buy the property so that you can continue working in there," offered Mike.

Catherine smiled for the first time amused by her gay friend's attitude, he was acting like he was a five-year-old child asking her mother to buy candy for him in the store.

"Lol, this property is worth millions, Mike. I'm sure your mother won't waste her time and money buying this property," she said.

"Don't underestimate my mother dear, I am his only son, she always indulges me with all my whim. She won't be able to say no to me if I requested something from her. But just in case she will refuse I have my own money to buy the property. Just tell me how much and how to communicate with the owner. Just don't be sad, okay? I don't want you to be sad, I want you to be always happy!" said Mike.

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Catherine was touched by his concern for her well being but it might already be too late for Mike to do anything.

"I will message the owner if the property still has no buyer until now. I will let you know," she replied.

"Okay, I will wait for your call Beauty. Maybe this time I can finally experience receiving your call for the very first time, I am always the one calling you!" he complained and pouted at the other end.

Catherine laughed a little. "I'm poor, I have no money to waste on phone calls. While you are born rich and you always waste your money everywhere...that is why..."

"Hmm, how about I will open a monthly phone plan for you, Cath? I will pay your phone bills monthly so that you can call me every hour? How is that?" he suggested.

Catherine laughed aloud. "Lol, thanks for the offer but no need, Mike. Anyways, I need to end this call cause I still have some things to do here. Bye Mike, take care!"

"Bye Beauty! Don't forget to call me if the property still has no buyer, okay?"

"Okay, I will! Byeeeee!" replied Catherine and she ended their call. She rose to her feet and left the room to go downstairs and perform her daily routine rounds inside the stores. It's a tough day but she will have to pretend that everything is the same as before.

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