The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 209: 209

Romeo entered John's office in a jovial mood. He already found the 7th candidate for the blind date and this girl is a perfect match for John. She belongs to a wealthy family, an heiress of a vast business empire, just a little bit spoiled brat and known to be a playgirl in the elite circle of wealthy families in the society. Maybe John and this girl are destined to be a soulmate, maybe John can tame this girl.

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He sat down on the chair in front of John's table, grinning.

John raised his eyes and examined Romeo's smiling face, he was frowning. "Why are you happy today, bro?" he asked.

Romeo was all smiles looking at his buddy.

"Because I already found the 7th woman to be your date!" he said. "This woman is a perfect match for you! I swear!" bragged Romeo.

John shook his head, not delighted by his buddy's news, his face turns serious. "Bro, I want you to stop finding women for me from now on. I already located Catherine and I am in the process of trying to bring her back to my side again. We are now communicating with each other," explained John.

Romeo feels like a bucket of cold water was being poured down on his head. "Oh no!" he wailed. "But what will happen to my ladies? They are excited to meet you! I can not shatter their hopes," grumbled Romeo.

John sighed.

"Bro, listen to me, you still need a reserved woman, just in case Catherine will run again. Just meet these 7 ladies and I can no longer ask for more, pleaseeee?" Romeo was literally pleading now.

John released another heavy sigh. "Okay, but the 7th lady is the last on the line! I already had enough of this nonsense! If you add another woman on the list you will be the one to meet that girl, not me!"

Whewww! Romeo's face suddenly lighted up in relief. "I can no longer meet any woman bro, my wife will kill me with a shotgun!" said the terrified Romeo.

"That is why we need to stop this nonsense, okay?" said John.

"Okay, as you wish! But you will still need to meet the rest of the ladies, please?" he just wants to make sure that John won't back out from meeting the rest of the ladies because the women are looking forward on meeting him.

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"I will see them one by one. Stop worrying about them!" said John.

Romeo gave his buddy a thumbs up sign. "That's good! Thank you, bro, you will surely meet the new girl in your life out of these seven ladies! I am sure of that!"

John sighed. "Enough of these talks! You seem to forget that I just told you earlier that Catherine and I will be back on each other's arms anytime soon! She's the only woman for me and no one else can take her place," declared John.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! I got it!" said Romeo. "By the way don't forget the 2nd lady in waiting for tonight, same place and venue, okay? Be there at 6:00 PM don't be late! Ma'am Nancy will be angry!" Romeo chuckled to himself.

John sighed. "Get out now, please! I still have lots of things to do here."

Romeo exited the room in just a matter of seconds, behind the door, he paused a bit, he had a smug look on his face. So, Queen Catherine already returns, eh? he sneered. Let see...


Six Hours Later...

John was dressing up to meet Nancy the teacher in the cafe. He wore black denim jeans and gray colored men's polo shirt. Done with dressing, he exited the flat and entered the elevator.

When he got out of the elevator into the parking area, Ramon was already waiting for him in the car. He slid into the passenger's seat and called George on his cellphone.

"Hello Boss," greeted George.

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"What's up in there? How's Catherine? Did you see her in one of the stores?" asked John.

"She's just doing her routine rounds but she didn't linger in the store much, except going into the bank earlier in the morning, she no longer ventured outside of the building the whole afternoon," explained George.

"Okay, continue watching over her just in case she will go out somewhere today, call me right away," said John.

"Copy Boss!" answered George.

Next, John called Allan.

"Good evening, Boss," greeted Allan.

"Where is Grace right now?" asked John right away.

"As usual inside her house, Boss!" replied Allan.

"Okay, that's all I wanted to know," muttered John. Everything is clear now. John put back his phone into his trousers pocket. The ride towards Serenity Cafe only takes a few minutes.

When they arrived at the venue, it's not yet crowded. John instructed Ramon to watch near the entrance, although it's impossible for Catherine and Grace to be at this place right now, he just wanted to be on the safer side.

He saw the lady's back on the last table, he walked casually towards her and he sat quietly on the chair across her.

"Hi, Nancy!" he beamed at her.

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"Hello...J-John, is that you?" she asked, smiling a little bit shyly at the gorgeous guy in front of her.

"Yes. I'm John. Nice meeting you!" he extended his hand to her for a handshake.

Nancy accepted his handshake and their hands touched briefly. Nancy feels a tingling sensation in her fingers that spread rapidly all over her body! Oh My gosh! She was electrocuted by his hotness! Her face reddens like a ripe tomato.

John was amused by her reaction, the teacher was blushing like a teenager seeing her first crush! This is amusing, he told himself.

"Nancy, how old are you and what is your occupation if any?" he started initiating a pleasant conversation with her 'coz she's getting shy and she was no longer looking at him.

Nancy stuttered. "I'm 28 years old and I'm w-working as a kindergarten teacher on a p-private school for preschoolers," she managed to finish her words by avoiding the guy's eyes.

John continues smiling at her. "Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked.

Nancy shook her head. "None."


Nancy continues shaking her head feeling more shyer this time.

"You mean to never had a boyfriend all your life? Never been kissed and never been touched?" he said jokingly.

Nancy's face turns red in shame.

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Oh my, what a poor soul! said John to himself. "You know, falling in love with someone and being loved in return is the greatest feeling in the world. Hope you will find your soulmate soon, dear Nancy."

Nancy was no longer talking, she was on the verge of crying because she pitied herself so much, nobody has taken a liking on her because she's a plain Jane, that is why she's been single her whole adult life.

John was looking at her no longer amused, but he was definitely worried that she will cry any time soon. Ahh, he has a nice idea on how to compensate her for his rudeness. He wants to bring her into a place somewhere special.

"Nancy, I want to bring you to a special place, would you come with me?" he asked softly.

"Y-yes...," she answered coyly.

"Let's go!" John stood up and let Nancy walked ahead of him first. They exited the entrance and walked towards the parked vehicle, Ramon was already inside the driver's seat. Then John opened the passenger's door for her. They both entered the passenger area and seated side by side, their knees come in contact from time to time.

And each time her knee comes in contact with his knee, Nancy gulped back her own saliva.

"Ramon brings us to The Lovers Paradise Hotel," said John in a casual manner.

Both Nancy and Ramon was stupefied!

What---? Hotel right away? said Nancy to herself, she was shocked! Her body was trembling. She thinks she was going to faint! She will get laid tonight to a handsome guy on her very first date! OMG! Bring it on!

Ramon was glancing at his Boss' face in the dash cam mirror, his face was stunned! still confused as hell with his command...

"Go now, Ramon!" barked John when he noticed that Ramon is not obeying his order.

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