John glanced at Nancy and he noticed that she was starting to get restless. "Nancy, relax! The Lovers Paradise Hotel is famous for its lovely romantic view. Many lovers dined in there to watch the wonderful fantastic view of the entire city. They say if you can go up there, it feels you are already in heaven especially during the night. I want you to see it, my treat!" explained John.

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Nancy relaxed a bit, she was overthinking earlier! My Gosh! She was ashamed of herself.

Ramon was also grinning like an idiot in the dash cam mirror, he was wrong of what he was thinking earlier, he had such a dirty mind!

John would like very much to smack Ramon's head due to his stupidity.

Thirty minutes later...

They arrived at the 'The Lovers Paradise Hotel' parking lot, it's a 20-story building, with a fine dining restaurant on the 20th floor. The restaurant offers dining experience in the rooftop which is an open space area and diners can also opt to dine inside an air-conditioned room that is glass-walled offering a magnificent view of the city's skyscraper, the city produces millions of dazzling lights during night time that can be seen around the tower. The whole city is like a giant Christmas Tree when you are up there at the top.

Nancy and John exited the vehicle, Ramon did not budge from his seat.

"What are you waiting for Ramon? Come with us!" said John.

"Who...Me---?" asked Ramon in a surprised voice.

"Yes, you! Who else?" said John amused by his bodyguard's expression.

Ramon exited and locked the vehicle. This is nice! He is going to see the famous hotel at last. Soon enough, they boarded the elevator up in the sky up to the 20th floor. John chose the open air restaurant and they settled in one of the empty tables near a beautiful fountain.

John allowed Ramon and Nancy to order foods for their dinner. He roamed his eyes around the area, this is indeed a romantic place for lovers. He will bring Catherine here one of these days.

Done with their orders, they started talking about anything under the sun and Nancy was slowly warming up to the boys.

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"So, Nancy, how does it feel having a date with two boys in the most romantic places in the entire city?" asked John grinning.

Nancy was totally blown away, she was laughing, amused with everything that is going on with her life right now. Indeed, she was having dinner with two handsome men in this wonderful place that she never know existed, so totally unexpected! What a girl could ask for? This is one of a kind adventure she will never forget in her entire life. To experience something like this is beyond her expectation, everything is so sudden! She was such a lucky girl tonight! She will enjoy this experience of course!

Ramon began taking selfies left to right...

"Let's take a selfie!" said Ramon. He went around John and Nancy's back and took a picture of the three of them together grinning as if they have known each other for a long time.

Nancy also took out her phone from her shoulder bag and followed Ramon's lead, she was taking selfies everywhere in the rooftop to the amusement of John. She was now having a good time!

By the time their sumptuous dinner arrived they were already hungry, Ramon took pictures of the food first and then they began eating in silence.

Thirty minutes later, they already finished eating. They relaxed a bit and grinned at each other.

"It's my first time here," confessed John.

"My first time too," said Nancy.

"My first time as well," added Ramon. Then he added, "We are the first timers!" he laughed.

John and Nancy joined in with Ramon's contagious laughter.

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A few minutes later, they were already back at the parking lot of the hotel, heading home.

One hour later...

John and Ramon deposited Nancy safely at the doorsteps of her home.

Nancy was about to cry.

"Thank you so much guys for the wonderful experience! I'm such a lucky girl tonight! Thank you, John and Ramon, for the wonderful company!"

"You deserved a treat once in a while, Nancy," said John softly. He was wishing that her soulmate will come into her life soon, she deserved to be love.

John and Ramon smiled at Nancy and waved goodbye at her.

Nancy was still standing outside the gate of their house watching the vehicle disappeared from her sight. A bright smiled appeared on her lips. Wow, what a night that she will never forget! She finally entered her home.


"That was fun!" said Ramon inside the moving vehicle.

John grinned. Everything was unplanned and it turns out to be a wonderful experience for the 3 of them.

"Where are we going next, Boss?" asked Ramon.

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"Let's go home, I wanted to rest," said John.

"Okie Dokie," replied Ramon.

John checked his phone, he had muted it so as not to disturb his conversation with Nancy earlier in the Serenity Cafe.

He was shocked to see several text messages from Catherine and fifteen miscall from her! WTF?

Alarmed, he began reading her messages...

"...Where are you? I need you right now!..."

"...You're not answering my call!..."

"...Where are you?..."

"...Don't ever call me again!..."

"...I regretted calling you again!..."

"....I hate you!..."

John was dumbfounded with her text messages. It's the first time she acted like this. What's happening to her? Sighed, he should not muted his phone but he needs to, to make sure she won't find out he was meeting other women behind her back!

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Aaargh, women!

He called her number, it can not be reached!


He kept calling her nonstop until they arrived at the Jade Tower, still nothing!

Damn woman answer the phone!

He was getting irritated...he nearly throws his cellphone into the floor.

His night started nicely then ended in a bad way, who's fault is this? his or Catherine?

He knew the answer already, him of course! He knew that she was in deep sadness and worry because of her job and yet he was having a good time with another woman in The Lovers Paradise Hotel. He should pay more attention to her situation right now...he should have called her again earlier.

Damn everything is his fault!

He was afraid of what will she do next, she might replace her sim card with a new one so that he can no longer reach her.

He scratched his head, agitated.

Why he messed up this time?

He turns on his laptop and played Catherine's photo slideshow, he placed the laptop beside him in the bed then he kept calling her number. 'Cath, answer please!' Pleaseee! Pleaseee!

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