Friday, time to meet the 3rd lady.

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John was wearing a white V-neck shirt and blue denim jeans, he took out a gray denim jacket from his wardrobe and got out of the room. The lady is now probably waiting in the Serenity Cafe. He was a bit late because he was having a business meeting with his staff earlier and they finished late discussing important matters about his businesses.

Only four remaining ladies to meet and it will be over. After this, he no longer allows himself to be swayed by Romeo.

He exited his flat and entered the elevator heading down towards the ground floor. John exited the elevator and entered his car.

"Where are we going, Boss?" asked Ramon.

"To Serenity Cafe to meet lady #3," answered John.

"Okay," said Ramon. He started the car and drives slowly out of the parking area, a few minutes later the car was now running smoothly into the busy streets going to the cafe.

They arrived in the Serenity Cafe after twenty minutes.

As usual, Ramon positioned himself near the entrance of the cafe just in case Catherine or Grace will suddenly appear out of nowhere.

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John entered the cafe and sauntered to the secluded corner where his blind date was waiting.

He strolled casually towards the table and slid quietly on the chair across the lady.

The lady raised her head to look into his eyes. They smiled at each other.

" name is John, and you?" he said while extending his hand to her for a handshake.

"I'm Trixie...nice meeting you John," she said all smiles appreciating how good looking her blind date was. She has a thing with men wearing jackets, she finds them really cool.

"I'm sorry if you waited for a long time, I'm late because I was having a business meeting with my staff earlier, we finished late, sorry about that," he apologizes.

"Nah, it's okay. I have nothing else to do so waiting won't kill me," she said.

John scrutinized his blind date. Trixie is pretty with all the cosmetics on her face, but not as pretty as Catherine. His beloved Catherine doesn't wear makeup yet she always looks beautiful and fresh as sunshine. Trixie was wearing a sleeveless black blouse with low cleavage that is oozing with sex appeal. He knew that women who wear low cleavage clothing wants attention and loves to flaunt their assets to the opposite sex. He removed his eyes from her ample chest when he realized that she was observing where his gaze landed and lingered on for a brief second.

"Like what you see?" asked Trixie in a flirtatious way. She smiled provocatively at John. The kind of smile that says 'hit me on.'

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"Where you working at, Trixie?" asked John trying to change the topic. She was clearly giving him a clear signal that she was ready to hook up with him, but he's not interested, Catherine is enough for him.

"I'm a nurse by profession. I worked at St. Vincent Hospital in Pasay City. I have a morning shift from 5 AM to 4:00 PM every day except Sunday, that is my rest day. Just so you know," she winked at him.

John was amused. Girls were now throwing themselves at his feet, huh? He wonders if he was still ugly looking as before will the girls of her kind would even throw him a second glance? Probably not, he was sure of that.

"I heard you are a businessman, John. Are you single?" she asked very much interested in his status.

"Yes, but I already have a girlfriend. We had a misunderstanding before but now we are getting back together," he said.

Disappointment marred Trixie's face. But maybe she still has a chance with him since they are not married yet. Maybe she can snatch him away from his girlfriend, she can always try, she said to herself.

"Do you like nightlife, John? How about we leave this place and let's go somewhere fun, like a disco bar? What do you think?" she smiled enticingly at him, giving John an eyeful of her ample cleavage. She wants to gyrate on his masculine body on the dance floor. She was feeling shameless lusting for his attention.

John didn't reply right away. If he was like any other guy, this girl would be writhing in his bed in extreme pleasure before the night is over. Wow! She is so ripe for the taking! Why some women nowadays are very flirtatious and lacking no shame! He groaned.

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Trixie heard him groaning. She guessed her shameless flirting has the desired effect on him. She smiled with satisfaction. She was sure she will be warming his bed anytime soon!

"You like a one-night stand?" asked John his penetrating gaze bore into her expectant eyes.

She smiled alluringly at him, she was now using all her charm to seduce this guy that makes her heart palpitate. "Depends on the kind of guy," she winked at him.

John smiled at her, amused. He decided to humor her a bit.

"What is your favorite position?" he asked.

"Doggy and cowgirl position," she answered cheekily.

"You and my girlfriend love the same position," commented John. 'This girl is game,' he told himself.

"Really-? But I can assure you, I'm a better rider than her." She winked at him again in a seductive manner while biting her lower lip. "Wanna try my bedroom skill?" she asked.

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John laughed heartily a bit too loud, his sexy laugh drawn looks from other tables.

"Is that an open invitation?" he asked still smiling.

"Yes. I rarely act like this to anyone. But you turn me on, so yeah, why not?" she said without shame.

John whistled a bit. An irresistible invitation from a sexy hot aroused lady, it's more than any guy can ask for. 'What are you waiting for John?' he murmured to himself. He stood up abruptly.

"Let's go!" he said smirking.

"W-where?" she asked a bit bewildered.

"To 7th heaven...I will take you to heaven tonight," he said chuckling.

Yes! Success! Trixie's smile widens, she finally got him under her little fingers. She eagerly wrapped her hands around John's arm feeling like she is his woman. While they were walking towards the entrance, she kept rubbing her side boob to his arm to aroused him further. She is very excited to spend erotic moments with him tonight. He looks like he is also an expert in bed, he was oozing with sex appeal, she will give him a spectacular blow job tonight that he won't forget. The way he looks at her is so hot! She wondered what is the measurement of his manhood, 7 inches? Awww, she loves that! She was literally drooling at his masculine body and her imagination already runs wild.

John allowed Trixie to continue latching onto his arm. A lazy smile was tugging on his lips.

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