John and Trixie were already in the parking area of the cafe. Trixie was still latching on John's arm.

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Ramon's eyes widen upon seeing the sexy lady latching on John's arm. WTF? He shook his head. He can't understand why his boss was still seeing different women when he already found Catherine, that really puzzled him. But he dared not ask why? He was just a mere bodyguard and no rights to question his employer's actions and decisions. He then entered the driver's seat.

John and Trixie approached the car. John opened the passenger door for her.

She entered excitedly expecting that John will follow her in the back seat. She was disappointed when John opted to take a seat on the front seat beside the driver instead. She was furious.

John glanced at her, smirking. "Trix, where are you residing? We will take you home," offered John politely.

Damn! Trixie was swearing profanities under her breath, so he was just playing with her emotion? Bastard! He really has no intention to go all the way with her. He was just leading her on! This is not fair! She kept throwing daggers at his back.

John looked at Ramon.

"Ramon, you asked the lady where she wants us to drop her?"

Ramon looked at the furious woman. "Ma'am, please tell me your address..."

"Just drive straight, on the fourth street, turn left and enter Morales St, drop me at Grace Apartment besides the water refilling station," said Trixie pouting up a storm.

John was smirking on his seat.

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The fifteen minutes drive towards Trixie's apartment passed like a blur.

Ramon parked the car in front of the Apartment's gate.

John exited the car and open the car door for her. Trixie got out of the car still pouting. She threw daggers into John's eyes.

"Why are you mad?" he asked amused.

"You told me you will take me to heaven, but you bring me home instead!" she hissed. "You're just leading me on! You are playing with my emotion!"

John sighed. "Trixie dear, just consider yourself lucky today. What if I had AIDS or something? I am a gentleman and I don't take advantage of women looking for one night stand. I love my girlfriend, I won't betray her behind her back with another woman. Am sorry, I just can't," he said.

"You're a fucking faggot gay!" she taunted him just to get revenge.

John smirked and whispered something in her ears. "I am not gay, I can make you orgasm five times within fifteen minutes flat, I can make you moan my name all night long, but as I have said before, I won't betray my woman. So, goodbye and goodnight and behave yourself!"

John entered the vehicle and commanded Ramon to drive the car back into the Infinity Jade Tower.

Trixie was fuming while watching the rear of John's car starts fading from her eyes. She inserted her key into the gate of the apartment. She climbs the stairs towards her room on the second floor. Once inside her flat, she went inside her room and retrieve something from the drawer of her closets, her sex toy! She's still feeling horny. She lay down in her bed, she lowered her underwear from her legs and plunged the 7 inches dildo inside her crotch. As she was pleasuring herself, it's John's handsome face that she was thinking in her mind, she smiled and continuous imagining herself having sexual intercourse with John throughout the night.

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John and Ramon finally arrived in the Infinity Jade Tower.

"What happened to that woman, Boss?" asked Ramon unable to suppress his curiosity.

John smiled in amusement. "She was just horny, she wanted a one night stand with me but I refused her offer. She got angry, telling me am a fucking gay for refusing her offer. Partly it's all my fault because I'm just kidding around with her, didn't think she would take it seriously, that is why she was furious that she was not laid tonight," explained John.

"Ah okay, I was thinking you two would end up somewhere private because she was latching on your arms like she was your girlfriend not wanting to let go," commented Ramon.

"I don't like loose women, they are the biggest turn off to me, maybe if I hadn't meet Catherine in my life Trixie might stand a chance with me. But I'm already a reformed man. Anyways, lets stop talking about her," said John.

John left Ramon, he entered the elevator and went straight to his flat.

He changed his clothes inside his bedroom and lay down in the bed. He checked his phone for messages. Catherine was not sending him even a single message today, he opened his messenger and log in as Alex his alter ego in the messenger, she was online. But he won't pester her in the messenger tonight, he won't be calling her on the phone today as well because tomorrow he will pay her a visit, they will see each other face to face and she will finally see his new look.

He sighed. Hope she won't get furious with all the disguises he has to make just for her sake.

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Fifteen minutes later...

John was already preparing to sleep.

His phone suddenly rings. It was Trixie calling! He ignored her call. But she was persistent in her calls, annoyed, he answered her call, but instead of a voice, he hears moaning on the other line, lol, the girl must have been masturbating on her own. He ended the nonsense call.

He shook his head in amusement.

Horny women!

He placed his phone in the bedside table and was preparing to sleep. But his phone rings again! He checked who was the caller, it's the Queen to his heart! He smiled broadly.

"Catherine, my love my darling!" he exclaimed in a joyous tone.

"Huh? You're going to sleep without saying goodnight to me? Have you already forgotten me? You didn't text me even once today, strange!" she said.

"I just want you to miss me," he replied.

"Cliche!" she said.

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"I miss you badly, Cath! Let's get back together okay?" he said, his voice thick with emotion.

" Soon...," she was humoring him.

"How long do I have to wait?" he asked.

"How about one year?" she replied.

"Nice! Okay, I will wait," he said. The two years before, now suddenly become one year, she really is warming up to him again. It's actually a good thing but he can't wait for one year anymore, whether she like it or not tomorrow he will see her and make a face reveal.

"I love you so much, John!" she whispered.

Wow! His heart melted in his rib cage, his main weakness in life is always been her love for him, he grinned from ear to ear. "I love you too, Cath, and you know it!"

"Okay. I just called to say I love you!" she said giggling. "Good night John!"

"Kiss you Cath! Hug you! Good night, sweet dreams. Hug my baby tonight," he said smiling with happiness.

"Bye John," she murmured sweetly and ended her call.

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