~Saturday Morning~

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John woke up to a bright new day. Everywhere he looks inside his flat everything looks beautiful cause today is the day he will finally reveal himself to his lady love. All his disguises will be stripped one by one and the only thing remains is John, the man who loves Catherine unconditionally. It's been a journey, but he never regretted loving Catherine, every single day, every second, every minute. Just the thoughts of her can make his day brighter.

Catherine will always be the one and only true love in his life.

Tonight before the night is over he can finally cuddle with his lady love for real after a long time of separation. He's been dying to taste her lips again, get closer to her, touch her hair, touch every part of her body that he misses touching. All the yearning he felt for her will finally be sated tonight, he really misses her so much that sometimes it hurts just seeing her from afar yet unable to touch her.

He rose to his feet feeling great and inspired.

Today is a special day for John. He will make some preparation with his appearance, then rehearse all the words he'd been wanting to tell her all this time. He will be expecting some resistance and confusion on her part at first but eventually, she will accept everything and they will move on beautifully with their lives together.

He decided not to tell her about his unannounced visit tonight at her place...

He wants to surprise her!

He will be bringing some clothes with him and his plan was to stay beside her for one week if she won't be able to absorb all his revelations in one go. He will be very patient with her.

John entered the bathroom, exited a few minutes later, then he starts eating his breakfast.

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The whole morning passed just like a breeze.

Then afternoon comes, John finished some work in his office, at 5:00 PM he was already done with his works, he left his office and went to his flat feeling energize and excited!

'I'm coming to see you my beloved Catherine'...he whispers over and over again.

He gathered some of his personal belongings like underwear, several shirts, shorts, jackets, and some clothing as well as his toothbrush and stuffed them all into a traveling bag. He brought with him his laptop as well.

After eating his dinner, he brushes his teeth, took a shower and then began choosing an attire in his wardrobe. He took out a navy wool blend jacket with matching white t-shirt and a blue Levi's men denim jeans. After wearing the chosen clothes, he went to the mirror and starts attaching the blue colored contact lens in his eyes.

By 8:00 PM he was ready to go.

He called Ramon to ready the car because he will go down in the parking area any moment from now.

Satisfied with his appearance, he exited his flat and entered the elevator heading down to the parking area. His bodyguard was already waiting for him outside the elevator.

Ramon took John's traveling bag and placed it in the car's trunk.

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A few moments later they were already traveling down the road towards Catherine's place.


~Saturday Night~

At Catherine's place...

The time on the wall clock strikes at 9:00 PM.

Catherine already cleaned herself, she wore her black shorts and black tank top as her sleeping attire for the night. She decided not to watch any TV shows tonight, she just wanted to sleep early. She was about to turn off the light in her room when her phone starts ringing.

It's the guard on duty who was calling her to inform her that there is a man outside the building claiming that he is the new owner of the property and wants to go inside the building!

Shiit! Alex is here! Damn! She told him she doesn't want any surprises, she had cleaned the extra room though as preparation of his coming but that was last week, she groaned!

She edges closer towards the window and opened it to look outside.

There he is the guy...standing beside the guard!

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She can't see his face clearly from above...she went back to her bed and retrieved her phone.

She immediately swipes at her phone opening it and checked her messenger, Alex is online! she read his latest message.

"Catherine, don't make me wait outside for a long time, hurry up! open the door for me. The guard is preventing me from entering my own property, am not liking it!"

He sounds pissed, she said to herself. This is the owner himself! Damn!

Catherine called the security guard and told him to relax 'coz the guy standing beside him is indeed the owner himself!

She wrapped a bathrobe over her body and exited her room to go downstairs and meet Alex the owner.

The entrance to the living quarters on the second floor is made up of some stainless steel railings and then an oak door. Catherine opened them one by one.

There he is standing in the doorway...The Owner!

The guy went inside bringing along with him his traveling bag and laptop and close the door behind him. Then he looked at her.

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Their eyes meet!

Catherine gasped in a total surprise.

She was beyond stunned! Wait...Wait...wait a second...! H-he is also the same guy in the burger shop? In the laundry shop and In the mall? A lump formed in her throat.

They were just staring at each other's eyes.

"S-sir Alex?" she finally asked after finding her voice.

The guy did not utter a single word he remained silent, instead, he settled his traveling bag and laptop gently on the corner fist and then with a big stride he closed the distance between them...he suddenly wrapped his arms around her tightly.

Catherine felt herself being enveloped in a bone-crushing hug, so tight, that she has difficulty breathing...

"Let me go," she wriggled trying to get away from the tight embrace of the stranger. But all her efforts were in vain, he was holding her in a vice-like grip, it's impossible to push him away from her body.

John loosens a bit of his hold on her just enough for her to breath. Awesome! this feels so good to be able to hug her like this after a long time! He planted a loving kiss on her forehead. "I miss you so much, Cath!"

She froze...

Catherine's eyes widen in shock upon hearing Alex's voice for the first time, he sounded John! She can't be mistaken, it's John's voice she was just hearing right now!

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