John asked the security guard on duty if he had seen Catherine...

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"Guard, have you seen Catherine getting outside the building?" he asked panting.

"Yes Sir, she went to that corner over there," said the guard.

Just in time for Catherine to appear in their vision holding a brown paper bag on her right hand.

John released a sigh of relief. With a big stride, he closed the distance between them. "There you are!" he said and enveloped her in a tight embrace.

Catherine was puzzled by his strange reaction. "W-what's wrong?"

"You scared me! I thought you run away again," he said. He planted a kiss on her forehead.

Her brows furrowed. "I'm just buying some bread in the bakery nearby for our breakfast. What am I going to feed you then? Besides, why would I run away again this time?"

"I'm just getting paranoid," John murmured to himself.

"Don't be, I said I won't run away again this time," she commented softly.

"That's good to hear, Cath. Let's go back inside the building," said John holding her hands securely into his.

They entered the door and John closed it behind them. They climb the stairs and went to the kitchen area. Catherine placed the bread in the platter and she starts boiling hot water for their coffee.

John entered the toilet to relieve himself and splash water on his face, he gurgled some water on his mouth.

He exited the toilet and went back to the kitchen and sat down on the chair across her, Catherine already prepared two mugs of hot coffee for the two them.

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They sipped their coffee in silence.

John's penetrating gaze bore into Catherine's eyes. They'd been watching each other's face for a while now.

"You look different, John," she commented casually.

John smiled. "Why? I'm still the same old me. You're just not used to my new face that is why," he replied.

"I dunno, you're like a stranger with your handsome face. I missed the old John," she said.

He chuckled.

"Really? I thought you will like this new face of mine better. Aren't all women like their men good looking?" he smirked.

She smiled a bit. Maybe she will get used to his new face after a few days of frequently seeing him around her.

"I will introduce you to the crew tomorrow," she said.

"Okay. I'm excited to meet my new employees," he said eyes glowing.

They finished sipping their coffee.

John set aside his empty mug and looked adoringly at Catherine. She looks more beautiful than ever.

"Come here, Cath, sit on my lap," he commanded her in a husky voice.

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Her eyes widen. She understood very well what's going on in his mind right now, she was hesitating to sit on his lap.

"Catherine, I'm waiting...," he said.

She groaned, she rose to her feet and walked towards him in slow motion.

The moment she was a few inches away from him, he sneaked his hands into her waist and lifted her up and deposited her on his lap facing him, she was practically straddling him. He buried his face into the valley of her breast..."I'm home at last," he muttered to himself.

Catherine gasped.

"Hello, Cath...miss me? miss this?" using his lips he began sucking on the exposed skin on her chest, then he grinned at her in a naughty manner, his face looks very happy.

Catherine runs her fingers on his flawless face, she missed those old scars somehow, but she had to admit to herself that he looks handsome with his new face. "Does it hurt?" she asked softly.

"You mean the surgery? Yes, after post-surgery, without the painkiller I won't be able to survive it's so damn painful. It takes one month for the surgery to fully heal. I was hospitalized the whole month," replied John.

She was silent for a moment, so many things happened to him without her knowledge.

"Kiss me, Cath...," he ordered her, his eyes were communicating lovingly with hers.

She smiled at his command, so typical of John bossing everyone around him.

"No!" she disobeyed his order. She was about to get off from his lap but he won't let her.

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"I won't let you go if you won't kiss me first," he said mischievously.

She bit her lower lip. "Just a kiss, okay?"

"Of course, only a kiss, I promised," he said smirking.

She lowered her lips into his...

The moment her soft plump lips touch his lips, John opened his mouth hungrily to accommodate her lips, it only took a few seconds for their mouth to touch and the passion ignites between them and they were now sharing a deep passionate kiss, so heated that they have difficulty breathing as all the familiar sensation enveloped their senses. They have been celibate for several months and now that their body found each other again, it's very hard to stop, the moment their body and lips come in contact their sexual longing for each other was gaining momentum, so blinding, so consuming and powerful they can't deny it.

Automatically John's hands sneaked inside her blouse and his fingers start fondling at her breast, the heat of their passion intensifies and was nearing to a boiling point.

"...ummmm..." a moan of pleasure escapes Catherine's lips.

John quickly get rid of her blouse, he lowered his head and his mouth began pleasuring her exposed breast still encrusted in her bra, sucking at each breast alternately, then his right hand drifted down towards her bottom.

Catherine prevented his hands from getting inside her shorts.

"John, it's still early morning! We're not supposed to be doing this," she said.

John stopped sucking at her breast and looked into her eyes, his eyes still drunk with sexual desire. "Why? What's wrong? We are the only ones here and were adults already. We always do this before, why can't we do it this time? You know that I miss you so much," his face was showing disappointment.

"After three days, okay? I have my period," she said amused by his reaction.

John pouted. "Let's do it even if you have your period!" he insisted.

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"No way!" she protested smiling at him.

"Okay fine," he finally relented. He kissed her forehead instead. He then put back the strap of her bra on her shoulder.

Catherine got off from him and picked up her blouse that landed in the table, she wore back her blouse while John was watching, she then went to her bedroom. John didn't follow her, instead, he went to his bedroom and starts masturbating on himself to unleash his raging libido.

Fifteen minutes later he was done with his deed, then he rested for a while. He checked his phone, there are some messages coming from Irene, Trixie, and Nancy. He replied a greeting to Nancy but he didn't reply to Irene and Trixie.


During lunchtime, Catherine and John got out of the building to eat lunch in the nearby restaurant.

"What do you want to do today?" asked John.

"We will attend the Sunday Mass," she answered.

"Then after the mass?"

"I want to go to the mall with you," she smiled at him.

"No problem, I will have Ramon fetch us here," he said.

Done eating their lunch they went home to prepare themselves for the Sunday Mass. Two hours later, Ramon arrived in the building with the vehicle.

The Sunday Mass lasted for one full hour. When the Mass was over they proceed into the mall. John and Catherine were holding hands while they were walking inside the mall, they were so sweet to each other. John was very attentive to her, he would bestow stolen kisses on her cheeks and on her head. Other people around them would gush quietly how sweet they were.

Catherine finally realized the effect of John's good looks on other women, she noticed some women especially the bold ones would stare openly at John.

Hmm, when she studied his reaction to the women's appreciative glances, he seems unconcerned. She wonders if he was aware of how hot he looks to other women. Is she worried that the flowers will now flock to the bee? She kept those thoughts to herself. Hope John won't change, because right now she has no other reason to run away again.

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