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It's business as usual in the stores, the crew perform their jobs not knowing that the new owner was already upstairs looking forward to meeting them all.

While on the second floor...

Catherine was showing John how she encoded the daily sales report in the excel files. While she was busy explaining to him everything he was also busy running his hands up and down on her arms and sometimes on her legs, he would twirl her locks in his fingers. She had her hair in a ponytail, he would steal some hot arousing kisses on her expose nape and neck distracting her in the process.

"Stop it, John! What the hell are you doing?" she said, glaring at him.

He grins at her and gives her a puppy dog eyes.

"Are you even listening to everything I say here?" she asked.

"Of course I'd been listening to your explanation, I love the way you explain everything, so detailed and your voice so sweet," he said winking at her.

Catherine bit her lower lip and smiled at John. "You're so horny!" she commented.

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"I miss you, Cath. I want to hear you moaning my name again," he whispers in her ears huskily.

She giggled feeling amused upon seeing his face glowing with sexual need, she ignored his sexual innuendos and continues explaining something to him...

"Enough explaining, I already understand everything, come here, let me kiss you!" he said about to grab her.

But Catherine was quick enough and she stood abruptly from the chair then she ran towards her room giggling. John ran after her, she was about to close the door but John was able to block the door from closing on his face.

"Where are you running---?" John quickly entered the room and closed the door behind him, trapping her inside the room.

Catherine steps backward, he was stepping forward. She halted when her legs were already touching her bed.

"Got you, Cath!" John lunged at her and they both fall back into the soft bed, laughing together. John shifted on top of her.

"What are you doing?" her eyes were glowing with anticipation of his kisses.

"What do you think, love?" he whispers, his voice thick with unspeakable desire. "Don't you miss me?" he lowered his head and his lips start nibbling on her earlobe.

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"...ahhhh..." she moaned.

He continues showering light pleasurable kisses on her neck. He cupped her face lovingly. "I love you so much, Cath. Please don't run away again, okay? Please...promised me?" there was much pleading in his voice and his eyes spoke volumes, the things that his voice can't say his eyes says it all.

Catherine looked into his eyes and see the agony, then there's something else...his undying love for her was glowing in there as well. "I love you so much, John. I promised this time I won't run away again. I swear to God!" she said and smiled at him affectionately.

John's face was filled with elation after hearing her making an oath not to run away again. He hugged Catherine tightly. "Every time you run away from me, you are killing my heart. It's so painful, Cath. You have no idea how much I suffered when you run away. Please don't do it again. I will do everything for you just don't leave me alone again, okay?" he looked at her adoringly as if she was the most precious treasure in the whole world.

Catherine smiled radiantly at him she can feel the outpouring of his love into her heart making her feel so wanted and so treasured.

"Why did you love me this much?" she asked all of a sudden.

"I dunno. All I know is that I already had this strong connection towards you on the first night we meet. I can't get you out of my head. When you run away into the city, I had to find you or else I will go crazy if I can't find you. Then I realized that in this world you are the only girl that can make me happy. This is what they call true love."

"Awww so sweet," she giggled upon hearing his confession.

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"And how about you? How did you fall in love with me, Cath?" he asked her.

Her hand reached out to his face pinching his nose playfully.

"You are my first kiss, you are my first boyfriend, you introduce me to heaven the first time our body touch, I have to conclude that you are my first in everything. How can I not love you?" she smiled appreciatively at him.

They looked at each other's eyes for a long long time. Then they both started crying, tear of happiness sprung from their eyes.

"Hey stop crying!" she said trying to wipe away the tears from his eyes.

"I cried because I'm so damn happy that I finally found you. You have no idea how happy I am," he confesses to her his innermost feelings, his emotion so raw it glistened in his eyes.

Catherine's fingers sneaked inside his t-shirt and start caressing his muscled chest.

"I'm happy that you never give up on finding me, that you never give up on us. I'm happy that you still keep loving me in spite of my flaws.," she said.

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"I have my flaws too, we were never a perfect human being. I might continue making mistakes in the future, hope you can still forgive me when that time comes," he said.

"Just don't cheat on me, John. Don't cheat behind my back. Don't cheat me with another woman, it's one thing I may not able to tolerate. If you cheat you will never see me again. I swear. Remember that, okay?" she said sternly.

"I will remember that love. As for you, don't cheat behind my back as well. I don't tolerate betrayal kindly. I might kill both of you and your guy, okay?" he uttered the word chillingly.

Then John's face suddenly turned soft. "Why are we even talking about cheating?" he smiled.

"We are so in love, how can we cheat on each other?" added Catherine.

"Yeah, right. Let's stop talking about the cheating issue, I'm sure we won't arrive on that part. Let's just cuddle. I love cuddling with my baby," John whispered and embraced Catherine tightly not wanting to let her go ever again.

They cuddled, kissed and indulged in a pleasurable make out session in the bedroom to their heart's content. They expressed their love and devotion towards each other in the only way they know how by sharing passionate kisses and making erotic touches on their most erogenous part of their bodies that never fails to take their breath away.

They were so happy, their world was beautiful, so rosy, so gloriously fantastic.

They luxuriated in each other's arms, loving and enjoying every smile, every giggle, and moan that comes out from their mouth.

Catherine's bedroom became a heavenly paradise for the two lovers.

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