John was back in his flat after spending a few days on Catherine's side. The moment he had spent on her side was amazingly great. There was no major understanding on their part after his face reveals, his initial fear that she will get angry and she will hate him more did not happen. Instead, she warms up to him nicely, it was such a happy reunion for the two of them. They spend their time touching and petting their body parts making each other so hot yet they can't indulge in physical intimacy to the deepest level because she still has her period.

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He is super duper happy, it's the kind of feeling that he can't quite describe well in words, every time he saw her smiling, laughing with him, whispering sweet nothings to him and when her eyes spoke volumes staring at him sweetly, his heart starts melting. She can literally bring the sunshine in his world or rather to put it precisely, she is the brightest sunshine in his life.

As he was preparing himself for work, he received a text message from Romeo informing him that the fourth lady named Coleen which is an architect would be meeting him in the Serenity Cafe at 6:00 PM tonight, he groaned. All these meet up with other women should end soon! He hated doing it behind Catherine's back, especially that they were already back in each other's arm, it's not proper to meet other women! He is a one-woman type of guy and what he's doing lately meeting these women secretly is eating him up inside with heavy guilt pricking at his conscience.

All these have to stop but the only way to stop it is to finish meeting the rest of the ladies just to fulfill his promise to Romeo.

He tried to console himself that there will be 3 remaining ladies left to meet and everything will be over and become a thing of the past.

After getting his shower done, eating his breakfast and checking some business emails in his laptop, he then proceeds to his office down into the 13th floor.

He goes through all the important files and business documents that Romeo has been dumping in his table since he has been away for a few days.

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By the time 5:00 o'clock was approaching he already cleared all the documents that needed his immediate attention.

He exited his office and entered the elevator heading up to his flat. He will change his clothes into something casual. He took out a black t-shirt, brown leather jacket, and Wrangler jeans from his closet and change into them.

He scanned his cell phone to see if Catherine had a message for him, she indeed sent him a simple message consist of three words...' I love you'...those words instantly produces a megawatt smile on his lips. He typed the same words and sends it to her three times with heart emoji.

He then muted his cell phone and exited his flat to go down to the parking area where Ramon and his car was already waiting for him.

"Where are we going, Boss?" asked Ramon already starting the engine of the car.

"To Serenity Cafe to meet lady #4," John answered.

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"Okay, Boss," replied Ramon, he glanced at the dashcam mirror and checked out his employers face. His frequent meeting of new ladies bothered him a lot now that he and Catherine were already back on track in their relationship. But he won't dare ask his employer about such personal questions. He can only obey orders, that is his job description, he kept his mouth shut.

A few moments later they already arrived at the Serenity Cafe which is not overcrowded yet as of the moment. As usual, Ramon was guarding near the entrance, for a change he sat on one of the empty tables inside the cafe near the entrance and ordered an Espresso Macchiato while he kept watching the incoming and outgoing of the cafe's patrons in the main door.

John located his blind date on the same corner. He approached her from behind.

"Hi Coleen," he greeted her while he sat down on the chair across her.

" must be J-John?" she asked, she was wearing an eyeglass.

John smiled warmly at Coleen and appraised her looks and attire. She got her hair in a ponytail, she was wearing a colored yellow long-sleeved blouse over skinny jeans. She also brought a house designs magazine with her and it's in the table currently opened on page 15, as if she just recently read it. Her bright smiled radiated inside the whole cafe, after the vixen Trixie, Coleen is like a breath of fresh air, she has this aura of freshness and purity around her the likeness of Catherine, but not so close to her lady love.

They engaged in a brief handshake.

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"Nice meeting you, John!" enthused Coleen. When she heard of this blind date she was hesitant to agree to it because she was not really trying hard to find a boyfriend. She was in the stage of her life that she wants to love herself more. After a painful break up with her boyfriend for six years, her entire world collapsed around her. It took her over one year to get over his memories and move on with her life alone on her own. Seeing lovers walking in the streets and in the mall holding hands doesn't look so painful anymore, she already move on. But recently she heard of the news that her ex-boyfriend was going to marry his new girlfriend, that made the old pain fresh so she agreed to this blind date just to test out if she is ready to meet new men in her life. She wasn't really expecting much on this blind date. But she did not expect that John would be so good looking and so yummy, his smile is captivating.

"You currently have no boyfriend, Coleen?" asked John.

"Yes. But am not sure if I want to have one yet, I just broke up last year with my boyfriend of six years, so am probably not ready yet for a new relationship, but am ready to meet new people though," she answered honestly.

"Oh, sorry for the breakup," he said out of sympathy.

"No need to say sorry, things happened for a reason. Anyways, are you single, John?" she asked interested to know more about this magnificent hunky male in front of her.

John smiled broadly thinking of Catherine.

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"I just recently reconnected with my girlfriend after being separated for more than six months due to some misunderstanding, so its been a roller coaster ride relationship with her, but I love her so much so I'm willing to go the extra miles to pursue her even if she keeps running away from me," he smiled at her, showing the smile of a man very much in love with his girlfriend.

Coleen realized that John is very much in love with his girlfriend! Damn! She is the type of woman who'd never pursue men who are into a loving relationship with other women. Although John's good looks aroused her curiosity and interest she'd better not pursue him.

John ordered Cappuccino while Coleen ordered Mocca Latte with coconut. They kept talking about random interesting happening around the world. They discovered that they converse easily with each other as they share the same views and beliefs in life.

All in all, it's a pleasant experience for both of them, they were just like ordinary people meeting for the first time, yet their path isn't destined to cross again.

Coleen refused John's offer to drop her in her house cause she would be meeting a client for a proposed project in the same cafe.

After two hours of pleasant conversation, they parted ways with a smile on their faces. John bid farewell to Coleen inside the cafe.

As soon as he was out of the entrance of the cafe, John immediately checked his cell phone expecting a barrage of text or miss call from Catherine, instead, he only received one single message from her that contains three words..."I Miss You!"... a loving message that instantly elicited a smile on his lips, he replied the same words to her accompanied with lots of heart emoji.

Whewww, finally, meeting the fourth lady is done! Three more ladies to go!

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