John and Ramon were now back to Jade Tower.

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John had promised Catherine a visit tonight, he needs to go back to his flat first. He missed her so much already. A few minutes later they already arrived in the tower. John went straight to his flat and took a shower, he finished his bath, just in time for the foods that he ordered for his dinner finally arrived.

A few moments later he was done eating his dinner, he brushes his teeth then changes into denim jeans and a white t-shirt, he wore a leather jacket above his t-shirt. When he looks at himself in the mirror he was smiling in anticipation. His woman is waiting for him tonight at her place, they will be making love all night long.

He had been waiting for this day that she no longer had her period. His hunger for her had been tormenting him in the past few days cause he can't touch her. Tonight he and Catherine will soar to high heavens. As the erotic images of their previous lovemaking flooded in his mind and the throbbing of his manhood already began.

Aargh! He needs to hurry up to her side, he was now desperate to embrace her and do many erotic things to her body. He groaned, his imagination was already getting wild anticipating their steamy lovemaking tonight...

John exited his flat in a hurry, damn! if only he has wings he's been flying already and arrived in Catherine's room right at this exact moment.

A few minutes later, John and Ramon were now on the road traveling towards Quezon City. John decided to play a prank on Catherine, he was smiling while typing a message for her. He sent the message with a sad emoji.

"Ramon, let's drop by on any flower shop you see along the road, I will buy a bouquet of flowers for Catherine," he said.

"Okay, Boss," Ramon replied.

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At Catherine's place...

The shops were closed and the stores' crew was already gone home.

Catherine was done showering, she wore the sexy lingerie she just bought yesterday and smiling in anticipation of John's coming. Her three days period was already over. The last time he was here, they can't take their hands off each other, if she doesn't have her period back then they already made love countless times considering John's voracious appetite for sex.

She bit her lip in anticipation...she missed running her fingers on his broad muscled chest.

She lay down on her bed and waited for his call. Her phone beep, there's a text message from John informing her that he can't visit her today because he has an important matter to take care and it would be impossible for him to visit her since he was outside the city.

Catherine was very disappointed, she pouted, hmp! she won't text him and ignore him for several days as punishment for not coming today. She was about to turn off the light and sleep early but the doorbell starts ringing. Whom could it be?

She wore her bathrobe to cover her sexy lingerie and went down the stairs to check who is outside the door.

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When she opened the oak door, OMG! a beautiful bouquet of flowers greeted her vision her favorite red and pink roses! The face hiding behind the flowers is no other than---John! grinning from ear to ear. "Good evening my love, waiting for me?" he looked at her adoringly, his eyes were flashing alive with feelings of passion and lust for her.

She pouted. "I thought you were out of the city!" she glared at him.

"I just decided to play a prank on you, please don't be angry, okay? I'm here already. Here, I brought with me your favorite flowers...," he handed her the bouquet of flowers.

Catherine accepted the flowers and began smelling them. They entered the door and closed it behind them. As they were climbing the stairs John's hand was already busy kneading her sexy bottom and showered hot kisses on her neck. He can't bear it anymore, he sneaked his hand inside her lingerie and began kneading her breast, she moaned, loving his touch.

Catherine holds on to the railings of the stairs as John began running his hand all over her, fondling every part of her body. He discarded her bathrobe quickly and it landed somewhere in the ground.

"Wait, not here John!" she tried to get off him but he was trapping her in between the railings, his body was pressing on her back.

"I can no longer control my hunger and desire for you, Cath, let's do it here now!" he said in a husky voice.

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She felt the lower part of her lingerie was being pulled down by John's hand. "Holy Cow! What are you doing?" as she felt his hand entered her panties and cupped her crotch, stroking it, sending waves of intoxicating desire spreading all over her body, she moaned aloud with the heavenly sensation that his hands awaken to her core. Not contented, John plunged two fingers into her moist core...and continues his pleasurable stroking of her silky wall.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Catherine moaned aloud, her fingers digging into the railings.

John continues pleasuring her mound, his fingers thrusting in and out from her core as his other hand was busy kneading her breast. "...aaaaah, I love doing this to you, Cath," he whispered. He thought that he already had given her enough pleasure, he unzipped his pants and lowered his underwear, he freed his stiff manhood now on its full-length erection, it's so hard like steel, he guides it on her soft bottom...

Catherine felt his hardness touch her bare bottom, then he slowly pushes his manhood into the opening of her core, entering her from behind...."aaahhhh....ummmm...ahhhhh..." she moaned in pleasure.

John kept pushing his steel rod all of it inside her silky wall..." like it Cath?" he whispers, his tongue licking her neck and sucking on her skin.

" it v...e...r...ry...mushhhhhh..." her voice was now incoherent as the surge of pleasure is too much for her to bear, her body was now on feverish boiling point.

John continues thrusting into her silky wall, pulling his member in and out, giving their body tons of erotic pleasure, his body is full of energy, his pumping in her core is gaining more momentum as minutes passes by...he kept thrusting his member inside her silky wall conquering new erotic territories...

"aaaaahhhh..." she moaned arching her back, she was intoxicated with so much pleasure assaulting her body.

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John was already panting and grunting heavily...." ummmm...ahhhhh...Cathhhhh..."

His every thrust was now aiming for her G-spot, their bodies were now only adds up to their intense erotic sexual intercourse that is now nearing to a boiling point. John can now feel that he is on the verge of orgasm as he pushes his strength with more powerful thrust inside her, reaching her G-spot in three successive thrust...finally they orgasm simultaneously, it's a mind-blowing spectacle, so beautiful, they were blissfully sated their bodies shuddered at the same time. John buried his head into her sexy back still holding her body firmly to his.

Catherine's body turned limp, she slumped into him. John embraced her from behind.

"You tired, love?" he whispers softly, but he was grinning with happiness and satisfaction at the moment.

"Yessss," she murmured and closed her eyes.

John put back his now flaccid manhood inside his underwear and do the same to her panties by attaching it back to the lower part of her body, he can't help it, he pinched her sexy bottom twice!

"Ouch!" she yelps in surprised and elbowed him.

"Can you still walked love?" he asked amused.

"Carry me, I can't walk, you tire me!" she pouted and complained in a soft voice but smiled sweetly at him nonetheless.

John smiled at her lovingly. "Yes, I will carry you to your room, my love," he murmured. He planted a loving kiss on her forehead then lifted her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

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