John was in his office thinking of bringing Catherine into the Lovers Paradise Hotel, he was sure she would fall in love with that place. The spectacular view up in the roof top restaurant is impressive, it will surely take her breath away.

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He swipes at his phone and called Catherine. He heard her voice on the other line.


"Cath, I will fetch you tonight at your place I will bring you to a spectacular place that you will surely love," he said excitedly.

"Really? Is there such place existed here in the city?" she asked feeling a bit excited too even if she was feeling gloomy today.

"Yes! Be ready tonight at 6:00 PM, I will bring you to the said place, okay?" he said.

"Okay, I will wait for you," she replied.

"See you later, Cath. I love you!" he said.

"I love you too!" she replied.

"Bye love, see you later!"

"Bye, John..."

John ended their call, he returned his attention back to his work while humming a song to himself. It's really nice to have Catherine back in his life. He feels more alive and inspired every single day.

A few minutes later...Romeo entered John's office.

"You looked happy, today bro?" he commented.

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John raised his head and looked at his buddy. "I'm happy because Catherine makes me happy, just the thoughts of her can make my day complete."

Romeo just nods his head. "I'm here to remind you of the 6th lady, would you like to meet her tonight?"

John shook his head. "No. Just re-schedule her some other day, maybe next week?" he said.

Romeo was puzzled. Every time he reminds his buddy about meeting the ladies he would always meet them on time. But right now John seems not in the mood for it.

"Why you're not meeting the lady tonight?" asked Romeo afraid that John would no longer meet the remaining ladies.

"Because I will take Catherine somewhere special tonight. She is more important to me than those ladies you wanted me to meet. Those ladies can wait...," said John indifferently.

"Ah okay," said Romeo his voice tensed, his face darkened.

John stared at his buddy's face and saw disappointment in his face. "Don't worry, I will fulfill my promise to you, I will finish meeting the rest of the ladies so that you don't have to save face," he explained.

"Thank you bro," Romeo's face started to lighten up. "By the way, when is the next wedding schedule?"

"Probably after six months," answered John.

Puzzlement appeared on Romeo's face. "Huh? why it takes a long time for the wedding to happen?"

John sighed a bit.

"Catherine insisted on it, I have to adhere to her wishes. I don't want to argue with her about this issue because I'm afraid she will run away again if I force her to marry me right away. Anyways, we already settled our differences so we have nothing to worry about this time," explained John.

Rome smiled. "Well, I'm happy for you, bro! Just finished the remaining ladies and I will no longer bother you with other women. Just continue treating them nicely, at least for me and my wife's effort," said Romeo.

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"No problem bro, anything else?" asked John.

"No more bro, I will get out now," said Romeo, he sauntered towards the door and exited the office.

John returned his attention back to his works.


At Catherine's place...

Catherine has that gloomy looked in her face ever since she discovered John's rendezvous with other women. Her eyes only looks alive if John was around her, because she have to continue pretending that she doesn't know about him meeting those girls. It's been hard on her part, she can't even confront him about it. She was afraid he will get angry if she confronted him and they will have a big fight and he would start finding other women's company more desirable than her presence.

For the first time in her life, she was afraid he will find another woman to love and marry. She's never been this jealous in her entire life.

Since she discovered John's secret meeting with other women, she began actively spending most of her time in the stores so that she can take things off away from her insecurity and her jealousy towards the women John dated behind her back.

If she stayed in her room all day, she will only think of bad things and she doesn't want to do something stupid out of impulse that she will only regret later.


Catherine already change into a casual attire for the evening. John texted her not to worry about her attire because it's not a formal place. So, she opted to wear a black jeans and matched it with a white elegant long sleeve chiffon blouse, and a black sandal for her footwear today, she let her long brown hair loose cascading down her back for sexy effect.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror, she applied a cheery pink lip gloss on her lips, satisfied with her looks, she's now ready for her date with John.

She walked to her closets and picked up a shoulder bag, the one John had given her long time ago. She smiled to herself.

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Done with the dressing up, she exited her room and waited for him in the living room.

At exactly, 6:00 PM, John finally arrived and rang the doorbell.

Catherine opened the door, she hugged John tightly and kissed his lips passionately. "I miss you so much!" she said and runs her hand on his muscled chest giving him a sultry look.

John smiled at her behavior, she doesn't normally act like this...what is happening to her? But he like this new persona of her, she become more expressive with her feelings towards him. He loves it when she showered him her attention.

After sharing a passionate kiss, they entered the vehicle and John instructed Ramon to bring them to the 'Lovers Paradise Hotel.'

They arrived to the Lovers Paradise Hotel at 6:30 PM. John and Catherine entered the hotel and proceeds into the elevator area. Once inside the elevator, Catherine began kissing John's lips, they locked lips for a few minutes and only stopped kissing when people entered the elevator, they grinned at each other, amused by the bemused looks the people thrown at them.

As soon the people exited the elevator, they locked lips again.

They were having so much fun kissing inside the elevator! The thrill of getting find out by other people only adds up to the fun and suspense.

Finally they reached the 20th floor, and the lovers exited the elevator.

Indeed, Catherine's jaw dropped!

Everywhere she look around the rooftop, dazzling fireflies of lights greeted her vision. The breathtaking view below the hotel was spectacular! The dramatic display of lights makes you feel you are floating in the clouds of dazzling lights. It's just mesmerizing and breathtaking!

"Thank you very much for bringing me here, John!" she blurted out because she feels special.

"I'm glad you like my surprise for you tonight!" he kissed her forehead.

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They occupied the table near the fountain so that they can hear the soothing sounds of the flowing water cascading from the mouth of the marble fish statue. The starts ordering their foods with wine and while waiting for their order to arrive, Catherine whipped her phone camera to take pictures and capture the special moments they shared together.

They enjoyed the view immensely and they enjoyed their dinner as well because the food was delicious even if the price tag was a bit pricey.

"I am the first woman you bring here, John?" she asked adoringly at him. Of course she is! she told herself.

"No. You're second," answered John absentmindedly. Damn! He only realized his mistake when she saw the pain materialized on her face for a brief seconds. Fuck! He screwed!

Catherine bit her lower lip, she dropped her gaze.

"Cath, let me explain...," he said.

Catherine raised her eyes into him smiling. "No need to explain, John. That woman must be very special to you because you bring her in this hotel first. It's okay I don't mind, really..."

"A-are you sure you are not angry?" asked John, he doesn't know if he feel relieved or not.

"Nah. If it's just a casual dinner then no problem with me. Unless you two are having sex here in this hotel?" she asked probing a bit for more information.

John shook his head. "I swear, it's just a dinner, nothing special," said John.

They drink their wine in silence.

Catherine continues being sweet to John the whole time they were in the hotel.

John was thankful when he dropped Catherine home that night because Catherine was not pressing him more about the first woman he brought in the hotel. She just drop the whole subject as if she didn't hear about it in the first place. She was still smiling when they parted ways. She thanked him for the enjoyable evening in the hotel. They parted their ways that night with a passionate kiss on their lips.

Little did he know that as soon the door was closed behind him...

Catherine broke down into a painful sobs behind the door, she sat down on the stair and cried her heart out. She only got up and climbed the stairs to rest in her bedroom when there was no more tears to cry.

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