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Catherine's rest day.

She was thinking about what to do today? She was terrified because if she's alone she kept thinking of how John was meeting those women behind her back. The jealousy lingers in her mind and it made her miserable every day. She hides her sadness inside every time she was around with the crew and in John's presence.

In John's presence, she was the smiling Catherine.

When she was alone in her room, she was a miserable woman, eaten by sadness, insecurity, and jealousy.

If only it could be easy to hate John, but no matter how hard she tried she can't bring herself to hate him. She's at the lowest level of her self esteem. Now that John is already good looking, he can have any woman he likes. He now became an irresistible magnet to women, he is a complete package, good looks and wealth. He can easily replace her anytime. She knew she doesn't have to entertain those negative thoughts it will only make her suffering more painful.

She was still lying in her bed, and the time on her wall clock is already at 8:00 AM, she's feeling lazy to get up.

Her phone starts ringing...she checked the caller, it's John! she answered his call eagerly.

"Hi John...!" she said in an excited voice.

"Cath, my love, what are you doing today?" he asked.

"I have nothing to do...," she replied.

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"Come over here at the Jade Tower, it's been a while since you been here," he invited here over at his place.

About time, she beamed. "Yes, I would love to visit there again," she said in an excited voice.

"That's good. I would send Ramon over to fetch you, okay?"

"Okay, what time?" she asked.

"After lunch. You will be spending a night here with me, just like before," he said, his voice gentle.

"Yes! I love that. I miss you!" she said.

"I miss you too, Cath! See you later! Bye..."

"Bye...John! Kiss you...mwuahhh!" she said lovingly to him.

John chuckled on the other end. "I love your kisses, Cath. Bye!"

Catherine was still holding her phone and she stared at it even if John already ended their call a while ago.

She rose to her feet and left her room. She went inside the toilet and do her thing. She made her coffee and spread a spoonful of peanut butter on the sliced bread, as she was munching on her breakfast, she was thinking what to wear? 'The usual attire,' her consciousness answered. Besides she was just going to the Jade Tower no need to wear a fancy dress to impress John. He never criticizes her simple dressing. But...but...she wants to dress to impress him, those ladies might snatch him away from her.

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Done eating her breakfast, she washed the dishes in the sink.

She walked to her room and check the dresses in her closets. Her mouth grimaced, her clothing is mediocre at best. She should shop for more provocative clothes that can enhance her sex appeal so that John won't get tempted or swayed by sexy women wearing provocative clothes.

Done agonizing what to wear, she went inside the toilet to take a long shower.


After lunch...

Ramon arrived at Catherine's place.

Catherine wore a simple body fit pink blouse and skinny jeans and waiting for him in front of the building.

"Hello Catherine," greeted Ramon.

"Hi Ramon," she replied.

Ramon opened the passenger door for her, she entered the car enthusiastically eager to see John. Ramon started the engine and soon enough they were already traveling in the highway towards Makati City.

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Catherine was thinking of asking John's driver some question.

"Ramon, does your Boss seeing or meeting other women behind my back?" she started interrogating him.

Ramon was stunned with her point-blank question. Does Catherine have knowledge about those women? He kept his eyes on the road ahead. He must not let Catherine know of the truth. "I have no idea, Cath."

Catherine knew better, if John lied to her then his bodyguard will also lie. It's just a waste of time asking him.

"It's okay, Ramon. Just forget what am asking you earlier. I'm sure John won't do it behind my back because he loves me so much, am I right Ramon?" she asked for validation.

Ramon nodded in affirmation. "Yes. John loves you so much he won't cheat on you. That is at least I can assure you."

Catherine sighed suddenly. "Okay. Thank you, Ramon, you make me feel better now."

Ramon breathed in relief, thankful that she was no longer asking more questions from him. His employer is very much happy with his life now that he finally has Catherine back in his arms. Hope there will be no more trouble in paradise 'coz he really wants the love birds to end in the church's altar one day.

Catherine was silent in the remaining minutes of their travel to Jade Tower. Ramon parked the vehicle in the parking area.

"Thank you for the ride, Ramon," she said and exited the car.

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"You're welcome," Ramon murmured.

Catherine entered the building and went inside the elevator, she pressed the button #15. A few minutes later, she was already outside John's flat and she inputs her password and fingerprints in the security system scanner. The door opened up for her. She entered inside and was greeted with red and pink roses in the entrance of the door and the pile of roses was extended into the hallway towards the swimming pool area and towards the bedroom.

She smiled in delight. She sauntered towards the swimming pool area and opened the door slowly, there he is!

John was swimming in the pool, just wearing his black swimming trunks, his six-pack was in full display. He looks like a Greek God. She smiled broadly, then she bit her lip drooling at his sculpted physique.

She pushed the door wide open and entered the pool area, closing the door behind her.

John saw her and his face broke into a wide grin.

"There you are! My lovely Catherine!" he exclaimed in happiness upon seeing her beautiful face. He got out of the pool and walked towards her in big stride. He planted a quick kiss on her lips.

"Wanna join me in the pool, Cath?" he asked.

"Yeah sure," she replied smiling.

"You're favorite swimsuit still there in the cabinet," said John.

"Okay, I will change." Catherine walked towards the cabinet and chose the sexy two-piece black swimsuit. She entered the restroom beside the cabinet and change into the swimsuit.

Meanwhile, John dived back into the pool.

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