The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 231: 231

Catherine exited the restroom and walked casually into the pool area.

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She dips her feet into the pool.

John was watching his beautiful sexy Goddess dipping her gorgeous legs into the pool and she slowly submerged herself into the water fully wet and she was now swimming towards his direction.

When Catherine was inches away from him, John sneaked his hands into her waist and hugged her tightly.

"Miss me, Cath?" he asked in a husky voice while his hands already clamping at her bare bottom kneading them. "Miss this?" he smirked at her.

"Yesss, I miss everything about you!" she answered in a seductive voice.

He smiled at her delighted by her answer. John lowered his head and showered her cleavage with hot kisses. She arched her back loving his lips caressing her skin.

"...ummm...," she moaned in pleasure.

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John was now sucking at Catherine's breast while his hands went inside her bottom swimwear and caress her soft bottom with his bare hands.

Catherine's body temperature was now soaring hot, John can easily arouse her because he knew what part of her body can set her on fire instantly.

John continues kneading her bottom with his hands while his mouth hungrily sucking at her erect nipple.

Catherine's fingers were buried into his hair.

John withdraws his mouth from her breast and engaged her mouth in a passionate kiss. They were kissing, lips locked, while their hands were groping each other's erogenous body parts.

He can feel the throbbing of his manhood between his legs. It's getting steel hard down there clamoring for erotic action. He grinned, his eyes flashing with raw lust. He tore his mouth away from her lips, then turned her around, her back facing him.

John slowly discarded her top and then her bottom swimwear, she was finally naked whole body. John also discarded his swimming trunks and his freed erect manhood sprung into action, bumping into her soft bottom in a tantalizing manner. He smirked loving her naked body so soft to his touch. He fondled and groped her body in frenzy..." looked so delicious...," he kneaded her breast while his right hand stroked her core down in the water. He pleasured her breast and her core simultaneously.

"...ahhhh...Johhhhhhh...ummmmm....ahhhhhhhh...," she moaned in a successive manner. Her eyes were hazy with desire, her body arched and convulsed by too much intoxicating sensation assaulting her senses, her consciousness was now swimming in ecstasy, John's skilled hands are giving her body endless pleasure.

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He loves hearing her moaned his name in pleasure, it arouses him even more. His shaft seems to have a mind of its own...

Catherine can feel his hard erection keeps poking at the valley of her bottom seeking entrance, Oh God! she loves the sensation of her stiff rod bumping in her bottom, teasing her, it's so tantalizing, so gratifying, she lowered her hand and grab at her poking erection, she then guide it at the entrance of her core passing her bottom. She smiled in delight when the tip of his manhood finally found the entrance of her core.

John plunged his erect manhood into her soft-core!

She gasped in pleasure! "Ahhhhh..." that was pleasurable she can feel his entire length inside her. John began pumping hard inside her, she has to pressed her hands into the tiles of the pool to accommodate his hard thrust. John's hands hold her hips in place as he keeps pumping pleasurable hard thrust inside her silky wall.

"...Ahhhh...ohhhhhhh..." she moaned in pleasure. "....Ahhhh...ahhhhhhh..." her lips contorted in bliss.

"..ummmm...ahhhh..." John panted. "....Ahhhh...ummmm..." he grunted in Ecstasy.

Their loud groaning, moaning and panting filled the entire swimming pool area. A few minutes later their moaning slowly ceased caused they already orgasm two times in a row.

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Catherine turned around and faced him, her eyes still filled with passion, they sealed the aftermath of their vigorous sexual intercourse with a searing kissed on the mouth.

"That was fun!" exclaimed John grinning.

She pinched his belly. "You're such a horny guy!"

"And you are a horny woman! That makes us perfect for each other!" he grinned from ear to ear. "I love you, Cath!" he whispered in her ears.

"I love you more, John!" she replied back.

"Come on, I have something to show you!" he said excitedly. His eyes flashing.

"What is it?" she asked very much intrigued.

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John held her hand and they get out of the swimming pool. They wore the bathrobes on their naked bodies and walked hand in hand towards the bedroom.

John pushed the door open... Catherine's eyes grow bigger...she can't believe what she saw in the bed!

Oh My God! His bed was covered with petals of red roses! Wowwwww! It's a bed of roses!

"Oh my, I love it so much, John!" she cried in delight. She walked towards the bed and runs her fingers on the red rose petals. It's indeed real! She was touched that John goes the extra miles just to please her.

"It's just a total of five kilos of rose petals," he grinned, feeling very much happy that all his efforts were adored and enjoyed by the woman he loves so much.

"I'm so happy to see a bed of roses for real," she shrieked in happiness.

John walked to her side and kissed her head. "Anything for you my love, anything that can make you happy, I will do it!" he murmured. John enveloped her in a tight embrace.

Catherine cried all of a sudden. It's John's loving and generous side that prevented her from hating him. He has everything that a woman can ask for. In this lifetime she will never love another man only him. So, even if he sometimes see other women behind her back, she will try to tolerate it even if it's so damn painful as long there is no sexual intimacy involved between the women and him, she might pretend everything was just a bad dream.

That night they made love in the bed of roses. They enjoyed and treasured each other's presence. Their steamy and erotic lovemaking lasted all night long. John ejaculated inside Catherine's core countless times hoping for a baby to grow inside her tummy, hopefully soon.

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