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Romeo entered John's office for one sole purpose only. "Bro, I'm reminding you of the blind date scheduled for this week. Lady #6 will be waiting for you in the Serenity Cafe at 6:00 PM tonight."

John nodded at his buddy. "Okay, I'll be there."

"Thanks, bro!" said Romeo and exited the office.

John watched his friend's retreating back. He had almost forgotten that there were two more ladies left to meet.

After he will meet the 6th lady tonight, one more left to go. Anyways, he will just fulfill his promise to Romeo and be done with it.

Meeting the ladies was an interesting and entertaining experience so far but he won't go through the same hassle again.

He checked his phone for Catherine's messages. He always received messages from her, two messages in the morning, two during lunchtime, two in the afternoon and two during night time. He counted that she sends more or less ten messages total a day to him, and he was a happy boyfriend. Each of her messages never fails to elicit a broad smile on his face.


At Catherine's place...

Catherine received another text message from Phantom, informing her that John would soon meet another lady in the same cafe, same place, and same time. Her hands were trembling while reading the message.

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Not again!

How many women he has yet to meet? This is getting outrageous!

Witnessing John meeting the other woman last week was already painful!

Now she has to torture herself again?

She released a terrible sigh. The heavy burden in her heart was making her dizzy. She calmed her nerves. Even if she doesn't want to go there in the cafe, she needs to. She wanted to find out how will John react to the next woman?

What does this woman look like?

Would John become attracted to this woman?

A lot of things were creating havoc in her mind right now. The more she was thinking about this woman the more her curiosity was mounting. Of course, she needs to be there...

The time was now 3:00 PM. She still has two hours left to prepare herself and her disguise. She has to arrive in the cafe early before John and Ramon comes, just like before. That would lessen the chance of her getting discovered.

At 4:00 PM, Catherine instructed the stores' crew to give their sales report to the guard on duty because she will have some important things to do outside and would come back a bit late that night.

Catherine went upstairs to her room and retrieved her disguise attire from the cabinet. She folded it neatly and put it inside her shoulder bag. She also put her travel magazine and wallet in the shoulder bag.

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She went downstairs and padlocked the door. She instructed the guard to received the sales report from the crew and also the key to the stores.

Done with her instruction, she boarded a taxi cab heading to the nearest mall so that she can change into her disguise attire.

Fifteen minutes later, she got out of the taxicab and entered the mall. She located the first restroom that was nearest to the entrance and donned her disguise. The Niqab was very helpful because it covered her entire face and only her eyes can be seen. After checking her image in the mirror she exited the restroom and got out of the entrance of the mall and boarded another taxicab heading to Makati City towards Serenity Cafe. She gave the written address to the driver.

While inside the taxi, her heart was bleeding again, she was hoping and praying that there will be no more women after this, cause she doesn't know how long she can hold on to her patience. Due to her big love for John, she was willing to hide the pain in her heart. She doesn't want to destroy the beautiful relationship they have right now.

Although it's painful, she was willing to forget this whole incident and moved on forward with John.

She just hopes John won't do something stupid later with the woman that can enrage her, or else all hell will break loose!

One hour later, she arrived early in the Serenity Cafe there was no sign of John and Ramon yet, the time now was 5:30 PM.

She went inside the cafe and sat down on the same spot, good thing it's still vacant. If she guesses it right, John will meet the lady on the same table on that secluded corner. She removed her travel magazine from her shoulder bag and put it in the table, she checked the menu and gave her order to the waiter standing nearby.

Ten minutes later...

Out of the corner of her eyes, Catherine saw a sexy woman entering the entrance of the cafe, the woman was wearing a short black mini skirt and a sexy black blouse with plunging neckline, her ample cleavage exposed. Her eyes followed the woman...

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The sexy woman walked past her table and proceed to the last table on the corner where John and his previous date were sitting. The woman ordered something from the waiter.

Catherine took a deep breathe, if her guess is right, this woman will be John's next date. She can still smell the woman's intoxicating perfume lingering in her nostrils. She turns her attention back to the entrance of the cafe.

Fifteen minutes later...

Catherine saw 'John and Ramon' (Tom and Jerry) entering the entrance of the cafe, Ramon seated himself on one of the tables near the entrance while John walked towards the secluded area of the cafe, she shuts her eyes and holds her breathe when John walked past her table.

She saw John sat on the chair across the sexy woman.

She saw their mouths moving probably greeting each other...

Catherine did not expect what the woman was going to do next... the woman leaned on forward to John and kissed his cheek quickly. That was super fast kiss!

She saw John's face registered a shock at first but he was smiling again after a few minutes...

Her heart stopped beating and died! Grrr!


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Dark voices were screaming in her mind...she released a deep breath. This woman was obviously a skilled flirt! She was feeling furious now, she wanted to scream aloud but no voice came out from her mouth.

This was such a painful situation! She doesn't know if she can survive another minute being tortured seeing her boyfriend meeting a shameless seductress.

Grrrr! her anger was skyrocketing!

She kept glancing at them behind the magazine...they were talking now...

She reached for her phone and called him twenty-five usual his phone was muted. He didn't even bother to check his phone. Grrrrr!

What made her blood boil the more was when she noticed that the woman's feet were currently down the table, she was rubbing her feet seductively on John's exposed skin above his shoes! Grrrr! She can see that John was trying to avoid her feet but the woman didn't give up, later on, he seemed to be getting tired of warding off her feet so he ignored her feet, that makes Catherine more furious!

While she was observing John's face, his eyes seemed to be looking more frequently at the woman's cleavage! As if he was planning to devour the woman right inside the cafe!


Her tears were now streaming down her face soaking her face including the Niqab she was wearing, she let the tears flow down but she tried hard not to make any sound while crying. She reached for her handkerchief inside her shoulder bag and wiped the tears from her eyes.

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