John realized that after Trixie, this lady #6 named Hazel was the bombshell. He was taken off guard when she planted a quick kiss on his cheek and kept rubbing her feet on his feet down the table, lol. Hazel was flirty and expert in seduction and her cleavage was too much on display that can tempt even a priest! Of course, he doesn't want to stare at her cleavage but it would be impossible to do so since her face and her cleavage was so damn near to each other! Then it would be awkward if he keeps talking to her while his eyes were looking to the other side to avoid her tempting cleavage.

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He sighed.

"Hazel, how's your computer shop business going?" he asked attempting to establish a more formal conversation with her. Hazel's flirting was getting on his nerve which was too much for his liking and her perfume was suffocating his nose giving him a mild migraine.

"My business is running well, thanks for asking," she said proudly.

"Hazel, you should not wear such provocative dresses in public and don't rub your feet on my feet I don't like it," he chastised her.

Hazel was taken aback by his frankness. She thought that he was enjoying the erotic rubbing of her feet on his feet. She smiled in amusement. This guy is quite something!

"Wow? Oopsie---you don't like my cleavage? I thought men like women wearing sexy clothes," she purred not even offended by his remarks. She found his personality quite refreshing. The previous men she dated would openly drool on her sexiness especially on her perfect cleavage. Then they would love her feet rubbing, but in the end, she left them hanging lusting after her.

"To be honest, you're overdoing it, Hazel! And next time don't kiss men especially if you just meet them for the first time. You are giving them a wrong signal," he added.

Hazel smiled in amusement by his comment. "...and what signal I give you this time?" she asked.

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"That you are willing to be slaughtered by me tonight!" he grinned mischievously.

Hazel broke down in a hysteric giggle. "Ohh! Well, dear, you are wrong. I may be a flirt but I don't do one-night stand on the first meeting! That's not my thing. If you're lucky, I might go with you to be slaughtered on your bed on our 3rd outing, but I never do it on first meeting. I'm not cheap!" she rolled her eyes.

John was amused. "Really---?"

"If you go out with me on the 3rd time, I can make you orgasm there times in just fifteen minutes. Wanna bet?" she whispered into his ears in a playful tone wanting him to accept the challenge.

It's now John's turn to laugh. "Wow! That's my line! You stole it!"

Hazel looked seriously at John. "To be honest you're not that bad. How rich are you?" she asked suddenly.

John continues smiling at Hazel. He knew very well these types of women. These are the type of women who bring trouble in men's life and he was not naive to fall into her trap.

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"How rich am I?" he asked himself. "Rich enough to buy you a Ferrari or a Lamborghini," he grinned from ear to ear.

Hazel laughed along with him. "In that case, we might click together, wanna see me again?" she asked, thrusting her chest forward, giving him an eyeful of her cleavage. Then she smiled seductively at him. Her eyes fully charged with seduction.

John appraised Hazel's look. Physically her body was delicious on a guy's perspective, but her personality was a bit intimidating and she's smart and wise, but she isn't a good wife material. She was the type of woman that was like a leech she will suck her man dry. Besides on a scale from 1 to 10, she barely reached 6 on his standard. Catherine is the only woman that he will rate perfect 10 in all aspect.

"Seriously, no, I shall pass this time!" he said in a serious manner.

"Y-you just turn me down!" Hazel can't believe it.

"Yes babe, I just turn you down!" he said in affirmation, amused by her reaction.

Hazel's eyes flashed in rage.

Then John continues...

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"You know what, you should focus your attention more to your computer shop business, and you will become a rich lady one day. Avoid too much flirting with men, you might end up with someone who will only take advantage of your body and dumped you when you are no longer useful. Just a bit of friendly advice from me. Hope you are not offended by my words," he said.

Hazel's eyes soften. "Awww, you're so sweet John! You are just my type, let's meet again!" she suggested excitedly hoping for the best.

John raised his eyebrow. "Lol, I said am not going out with you the second time around, besides I already have a girlfriend that I love so much. We just recently get back together, so yeah, I'm already taken."

Hazel bit her lip and sighed. Too bad he was already taken. She likes John's personality, frank but gentleman. If he was just like any other guy he might already agree to her suggestion of a second and third meeting. Dang! All her efforts today were wasted. She finally met the man that is a complete package, good looks, gentleman and wealth combined, unfortunately, he was already taken. 'Better luck next time, girl!' she said to herself.

"In that case, I won't be wasting my time on you then," said Hazel. She gathered her belongings and bid goodbye to John. "Nice meeting you John and thanks for your time."

"Wait...I will give you a ride home," he offered politely.

Hazel smiled. "You really are a gentleman, but I have my own car, thanks for the offer. Bye John," she gave him her sweetest smile and rose to her feet.

John accompanied Hazel into the entrance and all the way into the parking lot.

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Catherine was following them from behind.

The sexy woman boarded her own car and drove away from the cafe's premises.

While John and Ramon also get inside the vehicle and left the place.

Catherine was left alone standing on her own in the parking area with a crushed spirit. She walked sadly towards the street and hired a taxicab going home.


That night on her room, Catherine no longer texted John. Just for tonight she will submerge herself in the pain and torture and cry her heart out.


Meanwhile in John's room...

He was deeply worried when he saw Catherine's miss call, about twenty- five of them and when he texted her goodnight she didn't reply. He tried calling her phone but she was not answering his call. He will visit her tomorrow to know what is wrong with her.

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