The Next Day...

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John visited Catherine at her place. He noticed that she's unusually quiet today. They were currently sitting in the living room, she kept staring at him under her hooded eyes.

"Cath, tell me, what is wrong? Are you angry at me that I was not able to answer your calls yesterday?"

"Yes," she pouted.

"I'm so sorry, Cath," he said.

"What is your excuse this time?" she looked at his eyes intently.

"As usual I have a meeting with my staff," he answered avoiding her eyes.

Catherine sighed. She knew he was lying, he becomes an expert in lying recently due to meeting different women behind her back.

"Okay, I believe you," she edges closer to him. She can make things difficult for the two of them, yet in the end, she will be the one to suffer the most. She can only love him, yet he was capable of meeting other women behind her back, meaning he is capable now of falling in love with other women beside her if she runs away again. Unlike her, she only loves one man and that is John. She has no choice, she will stick with him this time. She will torture herself every day with jealousy towards those women he dated behind her back as long he keeps coming back to her, she will survive somehow. If only she can learn to hate him, but her heart can only love him. And it's already the worst feeling in the word having to suppress her jealousy and growing hatred on him. Still, her love for him was stronger than the hatred she felt for him. It means one thing, she was not pushed on the edge yet, her limit has not yet severed. She can still continue pretending as if she knows nothing of those women.

John immediately enveloped her in his arms. He has been observing her profile. There is something wrong with her lately, but he can't put it in words unless she will open up to her.

"Care to share to me what are you thinking right now? I'm really worried about you since yesterday, you didn't text me anymore and you haven't answered my call all night," his penetrating gaze bore into hers.

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"I'm sorry John, I'm just upset that you didn't answer all my calls. But I'm okay now that you're here by my side," she smiled and runs her fingers in his muscled chest.

John felt relieved that she was now smiling at him. He lowered his head and kissed her lips. She opened her mouth wide to accommodate his lips. They shared a torrid kiss that lasted for a few minutes. He pulled her into his lap and brushed his fingers on her chest giving her an arousing feeling. Catherine was easy to turn on, he knew her body too well, he knew what button to push so that she will yield on to his demands sexually, it's like knowing her body well at the back of his hand.

"Let's make love here," he suggested lustfully and winked at her.

She smiled lazily at him and playfully rubbed her palms on his jeans in a suggestive manner. She then unzips his jeans slowly giving him a sultry look. He reached for her face and kissed her lips in a burning passion. Her hands cupped his growing erection and she starts stroking it with her fingers in an erotic manner. Not satisfied, she inserted her fingers into his underwear and her fingers came in contact with fully erect manhood pulsating hot in her hands.

They looked at each other's eyes. John smirked at her, his eyes were now heavy with desire. She continues to pleasuring him with her hands, liking the desire on his eyes.

Then she sat on his erection trapping it between her legs.

John smiled with anticipation, he then slowly pulled her shorts down from her legs, her panties still attached to her pelvis.

Catherine starts grinding on his erection. His stiff manhood bumping into the fabric of her panties wanting to get inside here, wanting to penetrate her in one hard thrust, she starts moaning..."aaaaa...ummm..."

John groaned...."Cathhhh..."

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John runs his hands on the entire length of her legs giving them nice caresses stimulating her senses to the edge of bliss. With just a simple touch he can make Catherine moan for him, she was truly his woman molded after him.

"You are mine only, Cath! Mine only remember that...," he sneaked his hand inside her blouse and began fumbling at her bra, done unfastening her bra, his fingers start stroking her breast, kneading it.

Skin to skin, touch to touch, their bodies were feverish and fully aroused ready to get burn.

"Yesss, I'm only yours John, only yours forever...," she murmured with her eyes closed, loving the erotic tantalizing sensation of his erect manhood poking at the center of her panties, giving her the adrenaline rush of having his stiff rod pulsating inside her core.

John can feel her grinding increasing in speed, she was really having a good time riding his erection and every time he sees her enjoying her manhood, he felt proud that he can make her happy this way.

"Have your way, Cath, enjoy me as long as you like," he groaned in enjoyment.

Catherine can no longer bear the suspense and the tormenting feeling, she lowered her panties down her legs and throw it somewhere.

John was gulping his saliva down his throat burning with anticipation. As Catherine was easing her core down to his stiff rod he watched her face with so much passion and adoration and then he groaned in ecstasy as he felt his manhood beginning to enter inside her silky core and getting buried deeper inside her as she starts grinding erotically on top of him to her heart's content.

Her grinding was so good it stimulated John sexually, she was like a cowgirl riding him, her perky breast bouncing along with her rhythm, he smiled wantonly and his hands reach upward to fondle at her breast, she arched her back giving him free access to her breast.

After a few minutes of fondling and pleasuring each other...

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"Let's finish this inside the bedroom, love...," he murmured in her ears. He rose to his feet carrying her into the bed with his manhood still lodged in her core.

Inside the room, John took charge of their lovemaking and pummeled her core in and out. It's the type of wild intercourse that pushes them to the edge, they both love it. She digs her fingers into his back and wrapped her legs on his pelvis...

"...aaaaaa...ummmm..." she moaned in pleasure eyes closed.

"...Cathhhh...I love youuuuu... this is so good...ahhhh...," he groaned and continues banging her core surrendering completely to his voracious sexual appetite.

A few minutes later they reached their nirvana and orgasm three times...John collapsed beside her in bed. He reached for the blanket and wrapped it around their naked bodies.


Three hours later after their pleasurable lovemaking...

The lovers already rested well, they were both lying in the bed, Catherine made a pillow out of John's taut tummy.

Catherine suddenly wanted to go to the mall.

"Accompany me to the mall please...," she looked at him with her puppy dog eyes.

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His heart melted at the sight of her expressive eyes. John smiled at his lady love. "What are you going to do in the mall?"

"I'm going to buy new dresses, pleaseee?" she said, running her fingers on his chiseled chest.

Although he was puzzled why would she like new clothes, he relented. "Okay, no problem, Cath. Let's clean ourselves first then go to the mall," he answered.

One hour later, they were already traveling aboard John's vehicle.

They arrived at the nearest mall, Ramon parked the car at the parking area.

The lovers entered the mall, they were holding hands and very sweet to each other.

Catherine chose the ladies boutique that sells all kinds of female apparel from women's blouses, jeans, lingerie, mini skirt, cleavage-baring sexy tops and many more. She picked up ten cleavage-bearing sexy blouses and tops in different colors, she also chose five mini skirts that leave a little to the imagination and the last but not the least she grabs five pairs of sexy lingerie. She fitted them all in the fitting room one by one except for the lingerie.

She grinned truly happy with her purchases, she was about to pay with her own money in the cashier's section but John insisted that he will be the one to pay everything, seeing that she was enjoying her shopping and besides Catherine isn't the type of woman who demands money from him. But he's willing to indulge her of her whims, she isn't the materialistic type of a woman that demands jewelry and fancy things from him, it's the first time he'd seen her splurge on clothes though.

Done with clothes shopping, they entered a fast-food restaurant and ordered foods for their dinner.

They went home that night in high spirits, John dropped Catherine in her place while he and Ramon go back to the Jade Tower.

That night Catherine admired her purchases with excitement gleaming in her eyes. Although she already fitted them all in the mall, she wants to wear them again.

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