One week later...

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Catherine woke up to a new day. Last night she texted the anonymous sender Phantom to know when will John going to meet the 7th lady on the list, unfortunately, Phantom no longer replied to her, she waited until midnight for his reply that never comes. Tired of waiting, she called his number, but the phone voice mail says it cannot be reached.

She was puzzled, did Phantom severed their connection already?

She was getting restless, she needs Phantom to continue supplying her information about John's extracurricular activity. Without Phantom how will she keep spying on John's rendezvous with other women?

Are there more women on the list?

My God! She needs to know!

Not knowing... makes her paranoid.

There was supposed to be a 7th lady in waiting...

Will John meet her in the same cafe? What time? When?

It would be impossible for her to visit the cafe every day just to spy on John. She needs the exact time and date for the supposed to be meeting.

Phantom's silence marked a dead-end of her spying, aarghh! She was going crazy!

She needs to keep spying on John!

She needs to see those women herself and how John would treat and react to them. Not knowing anything makes her so restless!

She will continue texting and calling Phantom, hoping he will contact her again.

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Catherine got up from the bed to start her duties and responsibilities downstairs.


~Infinity Jade Tower~

Romeo entered John's office.

"Bro, good morning!" he smiled at his buddy.

"What's up bro?" asked John.

"I'm here to tell you about the lady #7, the last lady on the list of your blind dates," said Romeo.

"So, how about her?" John was asking although not interested.

"Hmmm, she's still out of the country vacationing somewhere in Europe. I asked her before she goes out of the country if she's still interested to meet you and she said, yes. She will be arriving next week. But there is a problem bro...," said Romeo scratching his head.

John's brows furrowed. "What is the problem---?"

"She doesn't want to meet you in the cafe or anywhere, she wants to meet you here in your place, she wants to see your infinity pool," said Romeo.

John's face darkened. "Huh? How did she know about my infinity pool?"

"It's all my fault bro, I raved about your pool to her when we saw each other three weeks ago," answered Romeo.

"Romeo, you know that I don't like strangers entering my dwelling, I only allow people close to me to enter my private residence," John reprimanded his best friend.

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"Yeah, I know. Don't worry bro, this woman won't do you harm, she is of decent origin, she is one of the heiresses of the leading Pharmaceutical Company in our country. Just let her sees the pool for a moment and then talk and entertains her in your living room for at least one hour just for formality's sake and then sends her home. She is really excited to see you after she had seen your photo, pleaseeee?" Romeo looked at John with puppy dog eyes.

John was now getting amused by his buddy's looks although he was annoyed earlier.

"Okay fine. I won't entertain her for long, but I will try to be polite to her," said John. Anyways, she will be the last woman he has to meet so he will let his guard down a little bit.

"Thank you, bro! She is the last woman on your blind date list so she's a bit different from the rest, anyways, I will go out now," he said, and walked out of the room.

John shook his head, he already had an uncomfortable feeling regarding the last woman he was going to meet.

He taps at his phone and called Catherine.

"Hello love...," he said softly.

"Hi John...," she answered right away in a sugary voice.

"I will have Ramon fetch you at 7:00 PM tonight, we will be dining in a five- star restaurant," he said.

"Wow, that's nice! Okay, I will wait for Ramon here. What I'm going to wear? Formal attire? Or something casual?" she asked excitedly.

"Just wear casual, if you have a long skirt matched it with a long sleeve blouse or just wear a simple dress, that will do," he said.

"Okay, I have something like that in my closets," she answered.

"That's nice, see you tonight then. I love you!" John said in a gentle voice.

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"I love you too," she cooed.

John ended the call at his end.

Catherine stared at her phone. She was excited about her dinner date with John tonight. But she was also worried why Phantom no longer contacted her. Did he already stop helping her?

She released a deep sigh of frustration. She needs to forget thinking about Phantom for a while, maybe he will reply to her tomorrow.

She entered her room and walked towards her closets, then she starts rummaging on her assortments of clothes, she found the one she wanted, it's a below the knee black skirt that got sexy slits on both sides, she will match it with a cleavage-baring nude-colored long sleeve blouse.

Oh yeah! She will dress sexily tonight for John.

A naughty smile formed on her lips.


Ramon arrived at Catherine's place at 6:30 PM.

She emerges from the door wearing a brown jacket over her sexy clothes. Ramon opened the passenger door for her.

"Ramon is your Boss going to meet another woman this week?" she asked suddenly.

Her question prompted Ramon to glance at her way with a puzzled look in his eyes.

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"As far as I know, you are the only woman he was constantly meeting nowadays," answered Ramon.

"Nice answer Ramon...," she murmured and keeps to herself during the duration of their travel towards the Infinity Jade Tower.

They finally arrived at the tower, Ramon parked the vehicle in the parking area while Catherine hastily exited the car and went inside the building to see John in his flat.

When she arrived in his flat, she saw him waiting for her in the living room watching television, he was already done dressing. He was wearing a color cream sophisticated polo shirt over a black slack. He looks yummy and handsome as always!

He turns off the TV when he saw her entered the flat. He stood up to greet her.

Catherine took off her jacket for John's benefits.

John was deeply surprised and stunned upon seeing her attire! She looks so sexy in her attire! She was showing too much cleavage! He groaned. He won't allow that! And she was also wearing a skirt that has a sexy high slit on both sides.

"Hmmm, Cath, you're attire is too sexy!" he protested. "How about you changed into something…not too daring," he suggested.

She pouted. "I want to wear this attire! Don't worry I brought with me my jacket, I will just wear a jacket over my attire, pleassse?" she purred.

"Okay fine," he relented. He walked to her side and stared at her sexy cleavage, drooling, he can't help it, he lowered his head and starts licking the exposed creamy skin above her breast.

Catherine gasped in pleasure "Whoaaa! What are you doing, John?"

He was smirking when he looks into her eyes, then he groaned. "I'm already aroused..."

She released a throaty laughed and messed up his hair lovingly. "You're my favorite pervy boi! Come on let's go now!"

John tore his mouth away from her cleavage and composes himself for a few seconds. Then they exited the flat and entered the elevator to proceed to their destination.

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