The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 236: 236

They arrived at a five-star restaurant famously named "The Master Chef's Cuisine" situated at the top of the 15th-floor building. It was a fine dining restaurant that caters mostly to a wealthy clientele. They offered Italian Cuisine, Chinese Cuisine, Caribbean Cuisine as well as American Cuisine and many more.

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The waiter greeted them at the entrance and asked them if they want to dine in an open-air, dine in private or dine in the main dining hall. John chose a private dining experience. The waiter guided them to a room. Inside the room, there were ten cubicles, each contains a dining table and chairs, all the cubicles were facing the beautiful city's skyscrapers that can be viewed inside the room.

The glass-walled room offered the diners a one of a kind wonderful experience of dining in an air-conditioned room while at the same time able to admire the dazzling beautiful city so alive during the evening with the spectacular lights flashing everywhere that can be seen as far as the eyes can see.

They settled themselves on the last cubicle on the left side. Only three cubicles were occupied as of the moment, the rest were vacant.

"Wow, It's a lovely view!" exclaimed Catherine in awe. She took off her jacket and put it in the chair beside her.

"Yes indeed! That's is why I brought you here because I'm sure you would like the view," said John. He pinches her nose fondly and began perusing the menu. "What types of cuisine you would like for dinner, love?" he showed Catherine the menu.

She glanced at the menu. "Hmm...I want Caribbean cuisine!" she said.

"Okay, let's order our foods. What food you like to order?" he asked her.

"I don't know any Caribbean dishes, just order what you want," she said and focuses her attention back to the breathtaking view in front of them.

John ordered Brown Stew King Fish, Pepper Shrimp, Boneless Curry Chicken, Seafood's Soup and Caesar Salad, as well as wine. He gave their order to the waiter standing nearby.

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When the waiter was already out of the room, John edges closer to his lady love and stared at her ample arousing cleavage, salivating...

Catherine noticed where John's eyes landed. She smirked at him. "What are you looking at?" she asked in a sultry voice.

John raised his eyes into her face. "I want to kiss you, Cath!" he said in a husky voice.

"Awww, just kiss me, don't ask permission," she purred.

John lowered her mouth into her cleavage and starts licking and sucking at the exposed skin of her breast. A flurry of burning pleasure shot to Catherine's belly. She fought hard not to moan aloud as his rough mouth brushes against the sensitive skin of her breast.

Suddenly there are new arrivals coming inside, Catherine has to stop John of what he was doing. "Lol, behaved my darling, this is a restaurant, just continue it later when we're home," she smiled at him, amused.

John grinned at her. "Yes Ma'am," he murmured into her ears.

Twenty minutes later, the waiter finally served their meal.

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They eat in silence occasionally glancing at each other, their eyes were communicating, her eyes were hinting of something...

A few minutes later they were done eating their delicious dinner. John called the waiter to clear their table except for the wine and the glass. He gave the waiter a big tip.

While they were sipping their wine. Catherine looked at John with a naughty expression in her eyes. She edges closer to him and casually placed her right hand on the surface of his pants. John looked at her quizzically...

She smiled enticingly at him, her fingers began massaging his manhood.

John's eyes widen...

"Just enjoy love," she murmured using her silky voice. Her other hand reached for her jacket and covered their lower region with it.

A few minutes later, she can feel his manhood getting aroused, she was getting bolder, she unzips his trouser slowly, careful not to make a sound, then she grinned at him when her fingers reached the inside of his briefs, her fingers clasped around his stiff shaft, she was stroking the tip of his erection repeatedly it brings extreme pleasure to John. He groaned, his smoky eyes glued to her face.

"You're a naughty woman," he mumbled in a low voice. He then smirked at her. His hand went inside the jacket and his fingers sneaked inside her skirt caressing her bare legs, stimulating her. Then his fingers cupped her crotch stroking it above her panties.

She gasped...and mouthed at him saying..."No!"

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John just smirked at her. As she keeps stroking his erect manhood he also inserted his finger inside her underwear and inserted his two fingers inside her moist core, her body shuddered instantly due to the sudden invasion of his fingers, he keeps making pleasurable stroking to her private parts.

They looked at each other in utter horror and amusement...OMG! They were being shameless doing it right in the public!

Then they grinned from ear to two naughty children.

Catherine withdrew her hands from his underwear and John did the same although in a reluctant manner. Dang! He was already aroused!

They finished their wine...

"Let's go home now love, we have some unfinished business to finish home," his eyes shone with excitement.

She beamed at him. She knew what he was talking about. "Yesss...let's hurry home!" her eyes were glowing with anticipation.

They stood up ready to go home. John wrapped the jacket on Catherine's shoulder and they exited the private dining room heading for the elevators section. They finally landed on the ground floor.

They waited at the entrance of the restaurant for Ramon and the car.

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Once inside the moving vehicle, John and Catherine can't take their eyes off each other, their eyes were speaking volumes.

Thirty minutes later, they finally arrived at the Infinity Jade Tower. As the elevator was taking them upstairs into the 15th floor, John was already pouncing at Catherine's cleavage. His head was buried deep into the valley of her breast. She smiled in amusement.

As soon as they exited the elevator and entered his flat, John was already halfway of unbuttoning her blouse.

Giggling, Catherine made a dash towards his bedroom, John was following her from behind, chuckling. She jumped into the bed and he landed on top of her knocking her breath away, her body convulsed in laughter.

Then the laughter faded away and they become silent for a while, staring at each other with a heavy desire burning in their eyes.

"I love you so much, Cath!" he murmured lovingly into her ears.

"I love you too, John!" she replied with so much love vibrating in her voice.

"Let's make love now," he suggested, his eyes glittered with raw desire and lust, then he continues unbuttoning her blouse with much urgency this time.

Their steamy session began.

Soon enough, the only sounds that can be heard inside the room are the heavy panting, grunting, and moaning of the couple. They pleasured each other's body all night long.

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