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John was amused when Catherine told him that she wanted to go to a Nightclub. Venues such as Nightclub is not really John's thing. He was surprised when she even mentioned that she wanted to dance on the dance floor and gyrate on his body.

WTF? is happening to his shy and conservative girlfriend?

He laughed so hard when they were talking earlier about going to a disco bar. He was expecting she was just joking, but she turns out to be serious and told him that if he doesn't want to go, she will go to a disco bar on her own.

Of course, he can't allow Catherine to go on her own without him since he was the boyfriend, it's his responsibility to accompany her wherever she wants to go. So, in a nutshell, they will be going to a disco bar tonight.

He noticed that something changed in her personality nowadays. She began wearing sexy clothes, she became more daring with him, daring means...she would often be the first to initiate on their lovemaking. She became bolder on what she wants...

She was turning in to a seductress before his very own eyes! He doesn't know if it's a good or bad thing. The sweet shy woman was now more daring and more expressive in what she wants.

He wasn't worried though, he can feel that her love for him only grows stronger every day. And for him, that was all that really matters to him. As long she loves him, he can tolerate her changing behavior.

He was smiling while remembering what they had done inside the restaurant the other day. He returned his attention back to his work, still shaking his head in astonishment.


Catherine was constantly texting and calling Phantom for the next information regarding John's 7th blind date. Unfortunately, it's been one whole week and he no longer contacted her. She finally accepted the fact that he just vanished out of thin air and probably has no plans to contact her again.

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She was getting crazier thinking of many possibilities...

Did John already meet the 7th lady?

If yes, where did they meet?

What happened after they meet?

Would John like the lady?

Just the thoughts of him seeing another woman behind her back without her knowledge was constantly tormenting her to no ends. She wants the pain to stop!

She sighed heavily, it's useless thinking about the unknown woman.

Nowadays, she likes pestering John for his time, she wanted to see him daily as much as possible. At some point in time, she was entertaining the idea of finally relocating into the Infinity Jade Tower so that she can guard him all day long.

Marrying him as soon as possible is the best idea to stop the torture she bombarded herself with. She will give herself one more week to decide if she really wanted to marry John this month. She will tell him of her plan one of these days if she finally arrived on the right decision.

She rose to her feet to go downstairs and perform her duty on the stores.

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The time on her phone was now 7:00 PM. Anytime from now, John will be arriving to fetch her. She's ready to go. She wore a body fit purple-colored blouse with a plunging neckline, then she matches it with a short miniskirt. As she was watching herself in the mirror she was a bit bothered, she's getting bolder each day finding herself too daring to wear such sexy clothes. She has to compete with those ladies or else she will be left behind.

If those ladies love displaying ample cleavage, she can do it too!

If they are bold, flirty and shameless...

She can do the same!

She can go the extra miles to give them a run for their money!

When it comes to her love for John she will fight tooth and nails to ward off any woman who will try to seduce and take John away from her. She has no other choice but to fight for her man!

A few minutes later...

John finally arrives to fetch her.

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He was shocked when his eyes landed on her attire! Holy Christ! What happened to her conservative girlfriend? All he can see in front of him is a sex bomb woman! She was oozing with sex appeal, from her revealing mouthwatering cleavage, down to her short mini skirt that leaves a little to the imagination! Holy Cow! His mind was blown away by the drastic change of her personality. Her lips were now colored red and she's now applying eyes shadow on her eyes.

His eyes widen...

"You like what you saw, John?" she purred like a kitten.

Jesus Christ! he muttered to himself. "What happened to you----Catherine?" he asked, as he continues eyeing her sultry look.

She then laughed and giggled amused by his reaction. "I'm changing for the better so that you will love me more," she said.

John sighed deeply. "Cath, listen, you don't have to change for me. I love you the way you are. If you don't like what you are doing to yourself then stop doing it! Don't force it!"

Catherine becomes silent for a while. Then her laughter comes back. "Come on, let's go now! I want to dance on the dance floor! I want to have fun tonight..."

She took her jacket and wrapped it around her body and they exited the building heading to the nearest disco bar.

They went to the best disco bar in the city.

Catherine and John chose the table near the dance floor. The hot loud music was now pulsating in the air originating from the sound system of the establishment. From where she was sitting, Catherine observed the women's movements first, some ladies were now gyrating on their partner's body on the dance floor.

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She can do that!

She pulled John into the dance floor and began gyrating her body to his, John groaned in silence. He like what she's doing though, she's dancing wildly and his body was getting hotter with the constant rubbing of her body parts on him. As he observes other couples dancing on the floor, their women were also doing the same thing to their men, he was amused. Out of the corner of his eyes, the men were now groping their partner's body, as the light of the disco ball becomes dimmer, the dance floor becomes a big orgy of gyrating bodies pulsating with sexual desire. The music turns slower and the lights went dimmer, and the shadow of the disco goers was now more than a silhouette. Some couples were already openly groping each other's bodies, some were kissing and some abandoned the dance floor altogether to go somewhere...

Catherine saw some couple going somewhere...

"Let's follow them!" she said to John.

They found several couples making out in the hallways...the light was darker in this part of the bar.

"Wow! This is fun!" she giggled. She then pulled John into the corner and wrapped her arms around his head. Then they shared a passionate kiss complete with groping and stroking of their body parts.

John buried his face into the valley of her breast and began sucking and licking her exposed skin. John was now fully aroused! Dang! this won't do, he wants to discard all of Catherine's clothes right there and right now! but this place isn't the proper place for that, he groaned.

"Let's go home now, Cath!" he spoke into her ears.

"Why? Were not having fun yet, we haven't dance enough yet!" she protested.

John smiled at his girlfriend. "Lol, you are not even dancing, you are just gyrating on my body giving me a pleasurable tormenting rubbing, and that turns me on! If you keep insisting that kind of dancing then we'd rather go home and let's do the real thing in my bedroom, okay?"

Catherine giggled and caresses John's face lovingly. "Okay fine, let's go home now."

John was glad that she wasn't protesting any further. They laced hands together and exited the disco bar heading home.

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