In the next few minutes, she performs a strip dance in front of John. She'd been practicing the dance in her room for several days already, she wants to surprise John with her dancing skill. As she continues gyrating her body to the beat of the music, she can see the raw lust imitating from his eyes.

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They locked eyes... she was dancing erotically to the beat of the steamy music, showing him her titillating moves, arching her back and running her hands over her body as if making love to herself. The steamy music and Catherine's ravishing body become one.

John was mesmerized by her moves and the way her body fuses with the steamy music stimulating his mind, his whole body was now tormented with feverish desire. He cupped his manhood and starts pleasuring himself in front of his lady love.

Catherine smiled at him and starts moving towards his direction in slow seductive motion. She climbs above the bed, and shifted on top of him, she starts running her fingers below his t-shirt, and John discarded his shirt. Catherine began kissing every inch of John's muscled chest, then her mouth went lower passing down to his navel and then to the surface of his shorts, she discarded his short and his briefs as well. His stiff member sprung fully erect!

She gasped in delight upon seeing his erection, she then lowered her mouth and began licking and sucking the tip of his shaft sending John to the edge of paradise. She took his rod in her mouth like a lollipop, giving him a pleasurable sucking with her tongue for a few minutes.

"Ahhhh....ummmm...Cathhhh...," he groaned in ecstasy.

John was having the best erotic moments of his life. He can't bear it anymore, he wanted to be inside her now! He gently pulled Catherine away from his shaft and they changed position, he was now on top of her.

"My turn babe...," he whispered huskily into her ears.

John claimed her lips for a searing kiss, he then discarded all her clothing piece by piece, he began nibbling at her earlobe, and showered hot kisses on her neck down to her cleavage and then his mouth starts sucking at her breast pleasuring them...

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"..ummmm...ahhhh...." a moan of pleasure escapes her mouth.

John's mouth lowered down passing her navel and went straight to her core, he inserted his tongue inside her moist core and began eating her.

Catherine writhed in pleasure. A moment later, John withdraws his mouth from her core and poised his erect manhood at the entrance of her mound. He then plunged his shaft inside her moist silky wall, he began pummeling her center with hard pleasurable thrust.





The room was overflowing with their moaning, panting and grunting, two people in love immersed in delirious sexual intercourse, so mind-blowing was their intercourse that John finally hit her G-spot in three consecutive hard thrusts sending them to a mind-shattering climax, they orgasm at the same time.

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John crumbled beside her in the bed, satisfied and sexually sated.

A few moments later...

They were looking and smiling at each other's eyes.

"That was fun love! Your strip tease dance blows my mind away, which was turning me on! It's very sexually arousing, I love it! You're awesome!" he murmured and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you!" she giggled in happiness. Catherine was very glad that he found her strip dance awesome. She really put her heart into practicing the dance and makes her movements perfect inside her room. To see the satisfaction and admiration from his eyes were all so worth it! "I will strip dance for you again if you want," she smiled sweetly at him.

"I'm looking forward to it!" he chuckled. He then embraces her from behind spooning her. "Let's rest and sleep my love," he said. John reached for the blanket above their head and wrapped it around their naked body.

The couple sleep soundly during the night entangled on each other's arms and limbs.


The lovers wake up feeling good the next day, they showered together, brush their teeth, eat breakfast and did some singing session in the karaoke. During lunchtime John requested Catherine to cook chicken soup, they cooked the dish together. Then during the afternoon, they watched movies in the theater room. Catherine accompanied John in the gym, he does some weight lifting while she chose to walk in the treadmill.

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After spending time in the gym and resting for a while, the lovers decided to bake a chocolate cake in the kitchen, they were having fun baking the cake.

Done baking, they brought the chocolate cake in the living room and began eating it while watching some random show on TV.

They were having so much fun spending time on each other's company.

John went to his office to get something and when he returns back he showed Catherine the new Marriage License Application, he already filled up his complete the application it needs to be signed by both parties, the groom and the bride.

He gave the pen to Catherine.

Catherine looked at John and stared at the Marriage License Application in her hand. Then she smiled at him sweetly.

John smiled at Catherine and planted a loving kiss on her forehead.

"I just want to get this ready so that if the time will come you are now ready to marry me, we will pass it to the Judge's office right away and obtain the schedule for our wedding," explained John.

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"Okie Dokie!" she stood up.

Catherine brought the application form into the dining room, she sat down in the chair and put the application down in the table and began filling up the form, after a few minutes of signing she's already done, she reviewed everything nothing is amiss, just perfect! Satisfied, she then wrote her full name and signature.

She gave back the form to John.

He took the form from her hands and drops a quick kiss on her lips and grinned from ear to ear. "Thank you, Mrs. Roxas!" he said and pinched her nose.

John brought back the application form into his office for safekeeping.

When he went back to the living room and sat down beside her on the sofa, he hugged her tightly. "Seriously, Cath, when are you going to marry me?" he asked her with pleading eyes.

"I will think about it, maybe within this month or next month? Who knows, but it will be sooner than you think. If I finally decided I will inform you right away. I will make it as a surprise for you," she said beaming.

"Okay, that's good! I'm looking forward to it! Hope it will happen this month," he said, his voice was full of wishful thinking.

Catherine lay her head down on his lap. 'It will be sooner than you think, John,' she murmured to herself.

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