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John just finished eating his dinner...

He went inside his bathroom to take a quick shower and brushed his teeth. He was informed by Romeo earlier in his office that Ella the last woman on his blind date list will be arriving at his flat at 7:00 PM, one hour from now.

Done showering he walked to his closets and donned black jeans and a white t-shirt on his body. Then he waited for her arrival in the living room.

He was in the middle of watching a documentary about endangered species living in the ocean when the doorbell starts ringing.

The woman must have already arrived!

He groaned.

He paused the documentary he was watching.

John rose to his feet and opened the door of his flat.

A smiling beautiful woman in his late 20's greeted his vision. "Hello, John! I'm Ella your blind date for today!" she said in a sing-song voice.

The woman extended her hand to John for a handshake.

John smiled at the lady. She was wearing a sexy blue dress that accentuated her gorgeous figure. A Louis Vuitton bag was hanging on her shoulder. Everything about the woman screamed wealth, elegance and sex appeal. "Nice meeting you Ella! Please come inside," he invited her in.

The woman entered the door and roamed her eyes inside the flat.

"You got a nice flat! You got a good taste for interior design, John," she commented.

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"Thank you, Ella. Come into the living room and have a seat," he ushered her into the living room.

The woman sat down on the sofa. John sat opposite her.

"How old are you Ella?" asked John wanting to start a conversation right away so that he can send the woman home faster.

"I'm 27 years old," she answered.

"So, what is the main business of your family?" he continues engaging her in a conversation.

"My family's main business is in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Have you heard of RGM Pharma? my family owns it!" she answered proudly.

"Yes, I've heard of it," replied John. So, Romeo was telling the truth. He was now seeing face to face one of the heiress of the leading pharmaceutical company in the country.

"If you are interested, I can offer you a tour inside our biggest laboratory located in Pasay City," she said cheerfully.

"Thank you for the offer, I might be interested to see it one day," he replied. "And you are you a graduate in---?"

"I have a Bachelors Degree in Microbiology, I will work for our company one day if I get tired roaming the world," she smiled at John.

"Actually, you don't have to work, people will do the work for you," he said. "By the way, you need a drink?"

"Yes please, any soda will do," she answered.

John rose to his feet and went to the kitchen to get some soda in the bottle and then he also brought a glass with him. He went back to the living room and open the soda and poured the contents into the glass. "Here's your soda, Ella."

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The woman accepted the glass. "Thank you, John," she said and started drinking from the glass. "By the way, what business your family is engaged to-?" she asked, interested.

"My family is into Hotels and Resorts and we own assorted of businesses around the country but compared to your family's business we're just a small fish in the sea," he said humbly.

"Awww, you're too humble, John," she said demurely.

John smiled at her in a friendly way.

They went silent for a while.

"By the way, can you give me a tour of your flat, please?" she smiled sweetly at John like an angel.

John can't say no. "Okay, follow me, I will give you a tour," he said.

They rose to their feet and John become the tour guide.

He showed her the kitchen area, dining room area, theater room area, gym room, as well as the bedroom and guest room.

"Where is your famous Infinity Pool? I wanna see it!" she said excitedly.

John brought her to the room where the swimming pool was located.

"Wow nice, but where is the view of the city?" she asked, all she can see was the sparkling bodies of water in the pool.

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John picked up the remote control and pressed the button, the curtain slowly parted in the middle showing the glass wall that gives away the dramatic spectacular view of the city during night time.

Ella's eyes sparkled in delight. "Wow! You got a stunning view of the city here inside your infinity swimming pool. Just lovely, perfect and romantic. I love it!" she exclaimed in admiration and awe.

John smiled at the woman, deep inside he was wishing for her to go home now. He was getting tired of entertaining her. As far as what he read in newspapers, this woman is a notorious spoiled brat heiress. So far, she was not showing her horns, yet. Hopefully not, because he was not in the mood to babysit a spoiled brat.

Ella sat on one of the lounge chairs and continuous admiring the view of the dazzling city's skyscraper then she fixed her gaze in the far distance as far as her eyes can see.

John's phone starts ringing...he answered it...

It's Catherine!

"Hello John, good evening. Have you eaten dinner already?" she asked.

"Hello love, yes, am done eating dinner already," he answered. He looked at Ella to silence her.

John and Ella's eyes meet.

John exited the door of the swimming pool area and entered his bedroom.

"What are you doing?" asked Catherine.

"I'm browsing online doing some research for my next project, I will sleep early tonight after 9:00 PM," he answered.

"Ah, okay, sorry for disturbing you," she said.

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"No, you're not disturbing me. How's your day?" he asked her.

"Just fine. The stores are fine," she answered.

"Okay, that's good," he said.

"I will say bye for now, continue your research then," she bid goodbye.

"Okay. I will call you later before I sleep, Cath. I love you!" he said, feeling guilty that he was entertaining another woman inside his flat.

"I love you too! I will wait for your call later," she said and ended the call.

John sighed in relief.

He must send Ella home now!

He left his phone on the bedside table and exited his room heading towards the swimming pool area. He pushed the door open. Ella was no longer sitting in the lounge chair...

Jesus Christ! She was already in the pool, swimming! Did she bring her own swimming attire? She was wearing a sexy two-piece swimsuit colored black and white. John gulped back his own saliva. She does have a gorgeous body, perfect 10! the same as Catherine's body.

Just the thought of his girlfriend made him feel guilty, he must not drool and ogle at other woman's body! he scolded himself.

He groaned.

This woman, Ella is trouble!

How dare she swim in his pool without asking his permission first!?

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