Ella saw John staring at her sexy body, she smirked. She waved at him.

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"John, come here, join me! Swim with me, your pool is very nice," she said aloud.

John walked closer near the pool, careful not to stare much at her sexy body that was making his body temperature soar. "Ella, I think you need to go home now. The night is getting late," he said in a cold voice.

She pouted like a spoiled brat that she was. "No. I won't go home yet, I still enjoy swimming at your infinity pool and I admired the view so much. Come, keep me company here in your pool," she coaxed him.

John sighed. Now her horn and thorns were showing. She got a body of a 27 years old woman but acting like a teenager.

"I'm not in the mood for swimming tonight. I will give you until 9:30 to enjoy swimming as much as you can. Then after the time is up you need to go home, okay?" John tried a gentle persuasion approach to her.

She pouted. "I don't want to go home tonight. My father and I just had an epic argument last night, I don't like going home. Can I sleep in your house, pleaseee, just for tonight?" she gives him a puppy dog eyes.

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John was furious! Holy Christ! This is ridiculous! He never allows any woman to sleep in his flat except for Catherine, he was now seething in anger. He growled. How did he end up in this situation!? Was he being too kind or too polite that he was now being taken advantage of?

"No way! You can't sleep here!" he replied adamantly.

"Why? You're single, right? No one will get angry if I sleep here for tonight," she said.

John sighed again. "Yes, I'm single. But I have a girlfriend who will get angry and jealous if she will find out that I let another woman sleep in my flat," he explained.

"Then don't tell your girlfriend about me, she doesn't have to know, let's keep it a secret between us," said Ella in a conspiratorial tone and winked at him.

John groaned in exasperation. This is hell!

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Ella playfully splashed water on John's body, in just a few seconds he was already soaked with water dripping from his shirt all the way down to his feet.

"Stop it! What the hell are you doing!?" he glared at her.

"What do you think?" she smiled seductively at him. "I want you to take off your shirt and then dived into the water. I said I want a company while swimming! And I would like to see how delicious your abs is, I want to see your six-pack!" she demanded alluringly in a cheery voice and smiled sweetly at John.

John continues scowling at Ella with a sullen expression on his face. My God, she has such many demands! What a spoiled brat indeed! A child in a woman's body, he said furiously. John left the pool area in total outrage.

He will completely ignore her. She was pushing him to lose his control. But he had to remind himself that Ella belongs to a powerful family, he can't throw her outside his flat using force or else it will backfire on him.

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He went back to his bedroom and changed into dry clothes. He lies down on his bed and thinks of a plan on how to make her go home, unfortunately, he can't think of a concrete plan as of the moment. If she'd really refused to go home tonight, he might as well let her stay for the night in the guest room and think of a plan to force her to leave his home tomorrow morning.

The time now is 10:00 PM. He was hoping she already got tired of her outrageous games and ready to go home. He doesn't care where she will go as long she will leave his house. John rises from his bed and got out of his room heading to the swimming pool area. When he pushed open the door, to his chagrin, Ella was still swimming in the pool admiring the city lights, Jesus Christ! This woman was hell-bent on making his life miserable tonight.

John sighed.

Ella saw John peering inside the pool. She waves her hand at him. "John comes here, join me in the pool!" she was displaying such a shameless behavior as if she was the owner of the house.

John entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"Ella, can you please go home now. You are not welcome here to stay for the night," he said mildly.

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Ella raised her eyebrow. "Oh, why…? Don't be rude to your guest, John. Your girlfriend is not here so why can't I stay overnight?"

John groaned. "What can I do to make you leave my house?" he asked, desperately.

Ella's eyes twinkled in a devilish grin. "Keep me company in your pool! Let me see your abs and your six-packs," she purred with malicious intent.

John knew better what Ella wanted to happen. He will never strip his clothes next to her in the pool, fearing he might do something stupid or she might do something stupid and they will both regret it the next day. This woman is very good at manipulation, he had no idea what she's thinking right now. It's better to play safe...

He sauntered towards the cabinet and picked up one clean bathrobe and put it in the lounge chair for her.

"If you are done swimming, you can retire for the night in the guest room. You know where it is. I'm going to sleep now," he said in a calm voice and left the pool area.

He went back to his bedroom and prepares to sleep. He was turning and tossing in his sleep, damn! He exited his room and picked up a bottle of wine and glass from the kitchen and brought it to his room. He began drinking wine, after finishing three glasses of wine, finally sleep kicked in, he lies down on his bed and sleeps soundly after a few minutes.

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