Ella was waiting for John to join her in the pool for skinny dipping, however, he was adamant not to give in to her temptation. She was furious that for the first time in her life she was repeatedly refused by a man. She was used to having men catering to her demands, no one can resist her charms and her seduction, and of course, no one can resist her gorgeous body! But John seemed to be immune by her charm. Hmmm, interesting! He proves to be quite a challenge to her. She was kind of bored in her life. All the men she finds attractive either they were married, already taken or below her standard.

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The first time she laid eyes on John's face, she already likes him, and she wants to wrap her fingers around him. In short, she wants to play with him for a while, it doesn't matter if he already had a girlfriend, and she can steal him under his girlfriend's nose if she really put her mind to it.

His repetitive ignoring of her and not wanting to swim in the pool with her irritates her so much! If he was like the previous men she had known before, he already jumps right into the pool and tries to make advances on her sexy body and flirt with her all night long.

But John is different! He seems to be the type of guy who doesn't play around, he is a serious guy! The kind of guy she needs, too bad taken already, but she can always manipulate him for a little while to ward off her boredom.

John is an interesting challenge that is hard to resist! She won't leave his residence until she can successfully break his defenses. She must succeed in making him bend under her will and whim.

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The devilish glimmers in her eyes were more alive than ever.

She gets out of the pool and reached for the bathrobe and wrapped it around her body. She walked casually towards his bedroom and halted in front of the door, she tried to push the door open, it won't budge! Shiit! He locked his door, meaning, he doesn't want her in his room tonight Grrr! How annoying! He was wearing her patience thin. He was annoying as hell!

Gone were the days that she can get any man she likes in bed in just thirty minutes of seduction. This is boring! She walked towards the guest room, she pushed open the door and see the clean comfy bed inside. She entered the room and roamed her eyes inside, it's good enough. This room will do, she said to herself.

Ella got out of the guest room to retrieve her shoulder bag in the swimming pool area.

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Once inside the pool area, she sauntered towards the cabinet and perused the clothes there, she saw several sexy women's swimsuit attire! Hmm, it must be his girlfriend's swimsuit. She smiled to herself, she will borrow one tomorrow, 'coz she plans to swim in the pool again during daylight. Will the breathtaking view of the infinity pool during the night be the same during the day time? Tomorrow she will know for sure.

For now, she will rest and sleep in the guest room. She won't leave this flat if she won't succeed in making John swim beside her in the pool. She's been dying to see his abs, she can see that beneath the t-shirt lies an amazing six-pack since he had his own gym. One fetish she had in life was centered more about men's abs and six-packs. She will go crazy if she sees men with amazing abs especially if they were good looking as hell. She will only marry a man with nice abs and of course handsome.

She went back to the guest room and takes a shower inside the bathroom. She picks up dry clothes inside her shoulder bag and changed into it. She only brought one pair of swimsuit attire, two pieces of underwear, one dress, two bras, and that's all that her shoulder bag can accommodate. She doesn't originally intend to sleep here in John's place, she can sleep in any hotel of her choice, but John irritated her when he plays hard to get and keeps ignoring her demands. She loves very much to break his spirit! Let's see how far he can go to resist her charm.

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She's getting excited to play around with John's stubbornness. This is super fun and exciting! she murmured to herself. The devilish gleam was flashing in her eyes. She danced around inside the guest room feeling excited.

After a few minutes of dancing, Ella lay down in the bed to rest. She tossed and turned in the bed yet she can't sleep. She gets up from the bed and left the room to go to the kitchen area, she perused the entire cabinet drawer there, she can't find anything interesting. In the cupboard, she saw several bottles of wines. She took one bottle of wine that she was accustomed to drinking and was familiar to her. She poured the wine into the glass and sat down in the chair and placed the bottle above the table and then began drinking wine.

After a few rounds of drink, she started hearing his father's voice ringing in her ears, telling her that she was a disgrace to their family because of her notorious image of being a playgirl, playing and entertaining men left to right.

His father was right, she hasn't met her match yet! For every man that she met they are always lacking something, she can't describe what was lacking in them.

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She wants a perfect man for her.

She won't settle for less.

She only deserves the best!

So far John was filling all the criteria she wants for a boyfriend and a husband, but he was playing hard to get, maybe because he already had a girlfriend? How rich is this woman? How beautiful is she? Can his girlfriend even compare to her sexiness and gorgeous body that men want to die for? She's a complete, wealth, gorgeous body, good education, good family background and a lot more. She can give any woman a run for her money.

When Ella fell asleep that night her last thoughts were all about John.

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