The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 245: 245

John woke up early, he had set his alarm at 6:00 AM in the morning. He entered his bathroom and exited ten minutes later. His last thoughts before he sleeps last night were all about Ella and his first thoughts of the day when he wakes up this morning were all about Ella again!

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This woman irked him to no ends!

He groaned.

He goes out of his room to check on his unwanted visitor. His morning could have been perfect if she just magically vanished out from his place and never returns again.

He went to the swimming pool area, nobody's there. He went to the guest room and tried to open the door, it opened under his gentle push. He saw a woman's figure sleeping on the bed, it's Ella, who else? His mouth twisted into a grimace. His unwanted guest was enjoying his hospitality too much like a spoiled brat that she was. He shuts off the door again and sauntered towards the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for himself.

When he arrived at the kitchen his face darkened instantly when he saw the bottle of wine and used glass in the table. Damn! That annoying woman was even bold enough to drink his wine without permission! She didn't even bother to wash the glass she was using or return the bottle of wine in the cupboard, she was behaving as if it's her own damn house!

Spoiled heiress!

He was seething with rage.

As soon Ella will wake up he will throw her out of his flat and slam the door on her conceited face!

He made his coffee and starts sipping it. He stood up and headed for the door to get his morning newspaper delivery.

He was reading the newspaper while continues sipping his coffee.

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Ella burst into the kitchen and sat down on the chair across John. "Can I have a coffee please?" she demanded on her signature cheery voice.

"Make your own!" he said in a cold voice. He didn't even bother to glance at her face.

Ella pouted, she went to the sink and picked up a mug and poured hot water on it, then dissolved the 3 in 1 coffee sachet in the mug and stirred it with a spoon. She went back to the table and sat down on the chair.

She sipped her coffee and keeps sneaking glances at John's face.

John intentionally covered his face with the entire length of the newspaper.

A moment later, John noticed that she already finish her coffee. About time! He stood up and went to her side and holds her arms firmly about to forcefully drag her outside the door.

Ella yelped. "W-what the hell are you doing!?" she said aloud not wanting to stand up.

"Get out of my house now! You are not welcome here!" he shouted at her face.

Ella grinned and give John a cold stare. "Just be careful that your fingers won't bruise or leave a mark on my beautiful arms, 'coz if it did, I will file a sexual assault case or r-ape against you!" the devilish smile appeared on her lips.

John froze...

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He immediately removed his fingers from her arms and glared at the woman. He went back to his chair. 'This woman is really smart and a psycho!' said John to himself.

Ella smiled at John triumphantly.

"You have no evidence!" he said.

She smiled the more. "Every corner of your flat is already featured in my Instagram post, my friends know that am staying at your house right now. If you dare lay a finger on my skin again to hurt me I will file a sexual assault case against you," she said.

John released a deep sigh. 'This woman is very cunning and expert in manipulation!' he said to himself. "What do I need to do to make you go away?" he finally said.

She grinned mischievously. "I only ask for a simple thing, join me in the swimming pool area, John. Let me see your abs!"

John sighed and rolled his eyes.

"If I will let you see my abs, you will go home now?" he asked. His eyes were boring into hers, trying to read her eyes if she was telling the truth or not.

"Yes. I promised!" she said smiling.

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"Okay, go ahead in the swimming pool, I will join you later," he said.

John retreated into silence mode and continues reading the newspaper.

"Hmm, John am hungry, when are we going to eat breakfast? I want to eat rice," she sounded like a lost child.

'Just die!' said John to himself, but nevertheless, he reached for his phone and ordered breakfast from his favorite restaurant across the street. "Just wait a little bit, I already ordered our breakfast," he said.

Ella smiled at John sweetly. Inside in her mind, she was already fantasizing about John. There was something about him that aroused her curiosity and interest. Something tells her that, he can be a good and romantic lover! Behind his aloof personality lies a skilled and gentle lover, she wants to discover that side of him!

John keeps reading the newspaper.

While Ella was watching his face silently like a love-struck teenager.

Fifteen minutes later their breakfast already arrived.

They eat breakfast in silence, John didn't bother to initiate a conversation with her.

Done eating, Ella took the initiative to clean the remains of their breakfast and dropped everything in the trash can.

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"John, I will go now to the swimming pool area. Don't forget to join me there, I will be waiting for you," she winked at him.

John didn't answer nor even look at her.

Ella walked out of the kitchen and proceeds to the swimming pool area. She went to the bathroom and change into one of the swimsuits she saw inside the cabinet. She exited the bathroom and walked in a relax manner towards the swimming pool area.

Then she dived into the deepest part of the pool.


John put down the newspaper in the table and exited the kitchen area heading for his bedroom to change into his swimming trunks. He doesn't want to give in to her outrageous demands but if showing her his abs is the only way to send her away then he will do it, he won't die though if he does it and he won't lose anything, it's just abs!

Ella was behaving like a spoiled child. It is his misfortune to meet her in his life. He will just humor her this time, he will go swimming with her for a few minutes and then leave her alone on her own.

He must drive her away from his flat before the day is over. She is getting bothersome and tiresome already!

He placed his phone on the bedside table.

He entered the bathroom to relieved himself and change into his swimming trunk. He donned the bathrobe over his body and went out of the room walking casually towards the swimming pool area.

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