When John entered the pool area, he was shocked by what his eyes saw!

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Ella was wearing Catherine's swimsuit! Damn!

How vile this woman is! His face darkened instantly.

"Why did you wear my girlfriend's swimsuit!?" he scolded her.

"Sorry, I have no more swimsuit to wear so I borrowed your girlfriend's swimsuit. Don't worry, I will buy a new one for her," she said.

John took a deep breath, it's no use losing one's self-control and sanity on someone who was super duper shameless! It doesn't matter, he can always buy a new swimsuit for Catherine. He discarded the bathrobe from his body and dived into the deepest part of the pool.

Ella was salivating when she saw John took off his bathrobe and his six-packs come into full view. Oh My God! His six-pack is heavenly, awesome! He got a magnificently sculpted body. Her senses were getting hyped up. She was drooling! Shiit! She needs to run her hand on his six-pack, she will die if she can't touch his abs! She was licking her lips with intense anticipation...

She swims closer to John...

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Out of the corner of his eyes, John saw Ella swimming towards him.

When Ella was already a few inches away from him, her hands poised to touch his abs, but John was able to intercept her hands before it touches the skin of his chest.

"Oops! You can only look but no touching! You can never touch my chest, my girlfriend is the only woman I will allow to touch my body!" he said in a loud voice.

Ella withdraws her hand, so disappointed and clearly annoyed!

John remained in the pool for a few minutes then get out of the pool. He looked at Ella's irritated face. "Now you see my abs, it's about time you get out of my house! Or I will call a Police to drag you out and file a case for trespassing," he said.

Ella's beautiful face contorted in shrill laughter. "Trespassing my ass! Who would believe that a beautiful, elegant and sexy woman like me would tress pass a house such as yours? I'm your guest, treat me with respect! I will leave when I feel like to," she said.

John stared at her face in irritation, he was gritting his teeth furiously. "So, when are you really going to go home? " he asked in a gentle voice, trying to instill calm in his frayed nerves.

"I will go home tonight at 6:00 PM. I already called my chauffeur to pick me up from your residence," she said.

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John released a sigh of relief.

He doesn't like it that she would linger in his flat until 6:00 PM. He wants her out right now! But he can't force her, he doesn't know how her mind works. She's an evil manipulative bitch! Dragging her physically out of his house may backfire on him, she might scream r-ape or sexual harassment! Calling for the cops to get her out of his residence might attract controversy and what would Catherine think if the news reached to her that he got a woman inside his flat and that same woman stays overnight with him. How can he explain that to her? He must keep this whole incident a secret.

"Happy now, John?" she smirked at him.

John throws her a hateful look, he picked up his bathrobe and get out of the pool area with a big stride.


Ella saw the hatred on John's face that was directed on her. She was amused because of all the men she had dated before, they will do anything to please her. They will cater to her happiness and they would do anything to provide her any of her request and demands. But John was different, she got no love from him only hate. It's the first time she met a guy who was so immune to her charm and that fascinated her even more, she's wanting to know more about him.

She was thinking of how to have the chance to run her fingers on his six-pack. She can't simply go home tonight unable to touch his abs. She would consider herself a total failure if she can't touch his body. She was actually lusting for his magnificent body. How does it feel to be touched and kissed by John?

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She giggled hysterically when the erotic images start flooding her mind. How does it feel to make love to John? Oh my gosh! she was definitely smitten by John's terrific abs and everything about him! She has to taste him tonight, feel his tongue sucking her skin and gives her pleasure inch by inch.

Just thinking about it makes her desire boiling to a fever pitch.

But she knew that John is very hard to seduce, 'coz if not, they would already have been rolling in his bed since last night.

Hmm, she needs a concrete plan on how to seduce him successfully!

For the next few hours, she occupied herself with many possible plans and many ideas on how to make John wants to touch her body, make her body more desirable and irresistible to him.

Lunchtime comes...

Ella got out of the pool, took a shower and change into dry clothes. She sauntered into the dining room area because her nose smelled a scent of mouthwatering food and she saw John eating his lunch already.

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She took a plate, fork, and spoon and put some foods on her plate and starts eating across him in silence.

John avoided her gaze. He won't talk to her anymore, he will just wait for 6:00 PM to come so that he can finally get rid of her from his residence. Done eating, John left the dining table without saying a word to his guest. Call it rude but he doesn't care anymore. She was the kind of guest that he doesn't want to be associated with ever again.

Ella continues eating her lunch, alone.

As she was eating alone in the dining room, her mind was also busy concocting ideas and plans how to make sure she and John will end up pleasuring each other's body tonight, all night long.

A few moments later, she already got a solid plan, she will execute it later.

Done eating, she cleaned the table and disposed the trash into the can, done in the kitchen, she went back to the swimming pool area, her favorite area of John's flat. She sat down in the lounge chair and stared at the beautiful view outside the building, feeling like a Queen about to rule her kingdom.

As she was imagining how to execute her plan, her smile becomes wider, the devilish glimmer in her eyes comeback in full force! She will definitely succeed tonight! With her solid plan, she's 100% sure John won't be able to resist her charms!

She hummed a song to herself feeling happy, excited and triumphant already!

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