The time is now 6:00 PM.

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John exited his office and rides the elevator towards the 15th floor. He entered his flat, he went to his room and placed his phone on the bedside table, then he walked casually heading to the swimming pool area.

Now is the time for Ella to go home!

He pushed the door open and entered the pool area. What he saw in the pool shocked him and also sent the temperature of his body soaring to high heavens!

There she is...!

Ella was swimming in the pool fully naked with all her glory, not even an item of single clothing can be found on her entire gorgeous body, her clothes were piled neatly above the tiles of the pool.

It took all John's strength not to stare at her captivating body, damn! her breast was plump! her skin creamy! and she was like the Greek Goddess~Aphrodite swimming in a mortal pool, she is ripe for the taking. She was every inch a goddess of beauty floating in the water!

When Ella saw John entering the swimming pool area, she stood up, her supple voluptuous body in full display, she was arching her body a bit for a sexy effect so that John can see her entire naked body.

John gulped his saliva down his throat. Fuck! He can feel the instant stirring of his manhood reacting to Ella's ravishing body!

Damn! Fuck! He swore profanities under his breath.

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Ella was watching John's reaction, she grinned, she finally achieved the intended effect she wants John to feel! Success! Now all she needs to do was execute her plan to the fullest!

She will have a satisfying feast on John's body tonight! And the wild erotic thoughts excite her! His masculine sight turn her on!

"Ella, time for you to go home!" John said, but his voice sounds low. Her nakedness starting to affect his entire senses. Damn! Fuck!

"Okay John, can you please hand me over my bathrobe?" she asked in a seductive voice.

Like a bee drawn to the flower, John obeyed her request. He picked up the bathrobe and walked to the side of the pool where Ella was located. He stretched his hand and handed the bathrobe to Ella. His eyes were on top of Ella's head, deliberately avoiding the hypnotizing effect of Ella's bewitching naked body.

Ella knows she was running out of time...Her hand did not reach for the bathrobe, instead, she seized the chance by grabbing his arm fast and pulling him hard into the pool with all her strength.

"What the fuck!?" John was taken by surprise, he was losing his balance, he found himself falling down into the pool and there he goes his body was now fully submerged under the water.

Ella wasted no time, she swam to his side and wrapped her arms tightly around his head and rubs her naked breast on his face vigorously.

When John opened his eyes, he can't breathe! To his chagrined his face was now buried into the valley of Ella's naked soft breast, to get rid of her, he has no choice but to hold her waist to push her away from him.

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But she won't let go of his head. She latched on to him firmly and would never let go! Ella can sense that he was fighting his urges, damn! he was hard to seduce! She has to do the last resort! She lowered her right hand and immediately cupped his manhood and starts stroking it back and forth...pleasuring him.

John froze...

When Ella's hand starts stroking his erect manhood, John's body suddenly engulfed with a heavy flame of desire. His body becomes pliant...immersing to the pleasure that Ella's hands brought to his now stiff shaft.

Ella was feeling delirious when she sensed the change of John's reaction, he was no longer fighting her! For much pleasurable effect, Ella inserted her fingers inside his wet underwear and grabs at his erect manhood, skin to skin, stroking it vigorously, he groaned in pleasure. John's mouth automatically pounced at Ella's naked breast which was just an inch away from his mouth and began sucking at her nipple. Ella gasped in pleasure, a moan escapes her lips. John's arms were now pulling Ella's body closer to him for more intimate contact.

John heard voices start screaming inside his head urging him to stop on what he was doing!

Yet his body was no longer under his control, he completely surrendered to the intense need for quick sexual gratification!

As his need for her body grows stronger, the voices that were screaming in his mind was also getting louder trying to wake him up, when he finally comes to his senses and realizes that everything is's too late!

Catherine already saw everything...

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While John and Ella were in a locked embrace a few seconds ago...they didn't see Catherine entered the door and staring at them horrified, her eyes were wide as saucers...the color was drained from her face. No words came out from her mouth due to the extreme shock and unbearable excruciating pain squeezing her heart seeing the man she loves sucking at another woman's breast!

She winced in pain.

Ella was about to insert John's hard erection into her core...but that was also the time Catherine found her voice again.

"Wowwwww! Nice live show! Awesome!" she exclaimed. Catherine claps her hands five times.

John froze...

In the middle of passion and desire, Catherine's voice finally penetrated John's mind slowly at first...

"Please continue the live show guys! I will just watch here, please don't mind me!" she continues in a trembling voice, tears were now streaming down her face. Her heart was breaking into tiny pieces inside her rib cage.

Shiit! Fuck! Damn! It's Catherine's voice! The moment Catherine's voice finally registered in John's consciousness he immediately withdraws his mouth from Ella's nipple and his limp hands fall to his side, he was feeling the weight of the world crumbling down on him. He just made the most unforgivable sin in their relationship ever! He was caught on the act by his girlfriend aggressively sucking on other woman's breast! Damn!

He turned around to face her...

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"Catherine, please let me explain!" John said he was trying to remedy the situation.

"What's there to explain, John? Were your actions not enough! You're a cheating liar!" her eyes were throwing daggers into his eyes.

Ella was confused about what was going on around her...she and John have locked in an embrace a minute ago and now an intruder appeared...

"And who are you?" Catherine focused her gazed to the naked woman beside John wanting to strangle her.

"I'm John's girlfriend! And who are you? " Ella answered in a haughty manner, she even has the audacity to lay a false claim on John, she was trying to inflict as much pain to the woman who comes unannounced to disturb her plans.

Catherine laughed, a dead woman's laugh was coming out from her lips. So, John has another girlfriend! It all dawned on her right now, she is not needed here, she just disturbs the lover's erotic activity...! So, what is she waiting for-? Time to go home and swim into the ocean of her misery somewhere...

As Catherine's feet start moving to exit the pool area...

John finally recovered from his shocked, he got out of the pool and run after her!

"Catherine, let me explain!" he said catching up with her in the hallway. He was about to touch her arms...

"Don't touch me ever again! You're a fucking cheater!" she hissed venom into his face. She continues exiting the door of the flat and entered the elevator.

John was taken aback by the degree of hatred he saw in her eyes, damn! He just loses her tonight! No! This cannot be! He can't just let go of Catherine just like that! Everything was a fucking nightmare! His emotion was a big shamble of mess!

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