With a crushed spirit and a very troubled mind, John walked to his room and picked up his phone to call Ramon.

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"Yes, Boss?" answered Ramon.

"Ramon...listen carefully, Catherine was now inside the elevator heading down, don't let her go! She just caught me kissing another woman in my pool. She might run away again this time! Brought her back to her workplace safely, okay!?" he barked his command.

"Okay Boss, copy!" Ramon answered and scratched his head, the call ended. Ramon was swearing profanities in silent. Just when they already found Catherine, why is this happening? He can't understand why his Boss fucked up this time, why? He immediately sprung into action and walked towards the elevator's entrance. OMG! This is a major setback for the lovers who just recently reunited. He must not let Catherine get out of his sight tonight.

John went inside his bathroom and stripped his wet clothes, he exited the bathroom and walked to his closets, he changed into dry clothes.

He sat on the edge of his bed, a painful headache was now pounding on his head. He sank his body into his bed, trying to recall what just happened way back in the swimming pool area.

Everything happened so fast that when Ella pulled him down into the pool, that was the period when the madness begins to happen, his downfall started in the eyes of his beloved Catherine who had seen it all. It must be very painful for her! Oh, God!

He had to admit that he was guilty beyond doubt...

He should have been more resolute to resist Ella's temptation but he was weak, as soon as Ella's fingers clamped around his manhood and began her stroking, he knew he was already a goner and yet he still continues devouring her breast, he should have walked out right away, but he didn't!



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That was the verdict of his mind and heart, and his guilt will torture him for the rest of his waking hours. The painful pounding of his head has just started...


After Ella realized that the girl was John's girlfriend who caught them in the act, she knew she just destroyed a relationship tonight. Damn that woman! She was so close to taming John's arrogant spirit, she was so damn sure that before the night was over she would be sharing John's bed, now she doesn't know where to begin again.

She went to the guest room and changed into dry clothes and quickly gathered her personal belongings, she exited the flat and rides the elevator in a hurry. She doesn't want to wait any longer and be roasted by John's wrath and fury!

Once outside the building, she located her car in the parking area, the chauffeur was already inside the waiting vehicle. Ella entered the car and instructed the driver to drive out of the place at once!


Ramon saw the crying Catherine outside the elevator's hallway. He doesn't know what to say to her. But he needs to say something to her.

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"I will take you wherever you go, Catherine," he offered.

"Take me back to my workplace, Ramon," she said in a cold sad voice.

"Okay, let's go!"

Inside the moving vehicle, Catherine's sobbing started to fade away. She composed herself, she will continue crying later in her room.

The one hour ride passed like a blur in Catherine's consciousness.

Ramon dropped Catherine at her workplace.

She doesn't remember well how she got out of the vehicle, the guard gave her the crew's daily sales report, she inserted the key to the padlock, entered the door and closed it behind her, she drags her feet to climb the stairs, she can feel her strength slowly leaving her body, she fights it, she manages to enter her room and sunk her trembling body in her bed. Then her body crumbled and another fresh set of tears emerges from her eyes, then she released heartbreaking cries and sobs, she continues crying uncontrollably burying her face into her pillow.

Her phone starts ringing...It must be John reaching out to her! She picked up her phone from her shoulder bag and muted it, she doesn't like the sound of it's ringing! She had a total of fifty miss calls from John and loads of messages from him. Yet, she is not interested to know what he was about to say to her. For her, they were already over!

For the last time...she typed a message for him...while her tears fell into the screen of her phone.

'I went there at your place today very excited, I was about to surprise you and tell you that I will finally marry you next week, too bad you already had a new girlfriend. Anyways, I understand, I come too late, so I just wanted to say that congratulations on your new girl and wish you two happiness. Goodbye John!'

She tap send and then a few seconds later she turns off her phone and submerged herself into the ocean of extreme misery and agony.

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From now on, she will teach her heart to forget John.

From now on, she will erase all their beautiful memories together.

From now on, she'd never met John in this lifetime.

From now on, she will never fall in love again.

She will go far... far...away to a place he can no longer follow her.


~Infinity Jade Tower~

John was excited to read Catherine message...

But the contents of her message tore his heart into tiny pieces...but as soon he was done reading her message, he wailed in pain like a wounded animal. No! This can't be! She was about to marry him! Dammit! His dream wedding to the woman he loves so much just shattered into oblivion tonight.

This is a pure nightmare!

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She would never marry him after what she had just witness inside the swimming pool area, John was sure of that, then she would run away again leaving him in pain. No! He won't let her go!

John called Ramon...

"Yes, Boss!"

"Where is Catherine?" John asked.

"I already send her home," answered Ramon.

"Instruct Allan and George to guard the building's entrance 24/7. They must take shift 12 hours each guarding the building. They must not let Catherine out of the building. She is under house arrest! You understand me, Ramon?"

"Yes Boss, copy, loud and clear!" answered Ramon.

John ended the call and continues lying in his bed, then he remembered Ella! That bitch! Where is she? He will tear her limb to limb! He stormed out of his room and search for the evil woman but she was nowhere to be found.

Damn! She's gone after creating havoc in his life!

As much as he wanted to see Catherine right now, it would not be a good idea since her heart was full of hatred towards him at this moment, she wouldn't listen to reasons and she would ignore everything that he was about to say and explain to her. It's better that he will visit her after a few days when her anger already subsided a little bit.

He went back to his room and continues calling Catherine all night long in his cell phone like a mad man.

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