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The Day After...

Business as usual in the stores, but Catherine didn't perform her rounds in the shops the whole morning. She simply doesn't have the energy to get up and do something productive in her life, after what she had witnessed last night, her life has no meaning anymore.

What John did to her last night was so painful it shattered her world and sends her heart collapsing into tiny pieces like fragile porcelain. And now she doesn't know how to pick up the pieces anymore. She can no longer go back to the life that she used to. She can tolerate him meeting those women behind her back but what she can't tolerate is what just happened last night, seeing him getting intimate with another woman, when he was sucking the woman's breast did he ever think of her at all?

She felt betrayed to the core!

It's so fucking painful!

She doesn't know if she can recover from that magnitude of pain in her lifetime.

She loves him so much, she trusted him with all her heart, she built her happiness around him yet he cheated on her and the worst part that woman was already his girlfriend! She was so blind and stupid believing that she was the only woman he will ever love. What happened last night in the swimming pool was a private romantic lovers tryst, John and that woman, were clutching at each other's body and John was sucking at the woman's nipple like he always does to her every time they make love.

Her heart was refusing to accept the horrible truth that he already found somebody new to love, but her mind and her eyes saw the evidence when that woman and John was in a locked embrace, it's so vivid! So excruciatingly painful and real!

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Suddenly, she wanted to vomit again!

She stood up abruptly only to feel dizzy and she fell back in the bed, then she vomited on the floor. She rested for a while, when she feels better, she slowly gets up from the bed and went to the toilet to clean up her vomit in the room.

It's already 10:00 AM in the morning, yet she has not eaten any breakfast yet. She's not in the mood to cook anything, she's getting tired and lazy. She went to the cupboard and reached for a biscuit and started eating it. Then she drinks milk, only to vomit again after a few minutes.

She went back to her room, she's feeling dizzy again. Along with the death of her heart also her physical health deteriorated.

Inside the room, she rested and sleeps again.

Lunch time...

She woke up at 12:00 noon, feeling weak and dizzy. She slowly rose to her feet and went outside to go to the kitchen because she's feeling hungry.

She tried making coffee but her tummy won't accept the smell, it irritates her nose.

She ransacked her kitchen, nothing to eat, there was only biscuits and noodles. She began cooking the noodles and after done cooking, she started eating it, then she vomits again after a few minutes.

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She no longer has any desire to eat anything because she will only vomit what she eats. She sleeps the whole afternoon with an empty stomach.

By evening, dinner time, she didn't eat and ignore the biscuit altogether, she just drinks water. She was feeling more weaker with each passing minutes.

She texted Emily, one of the crews of the stores to leave their daily sales reports and the cash sales in the stairs, then she turned off her phone again. The whole day ended and she was a no show in the stores.

After stores hours, she slowly went downstairs to pick up the daily sales report and the cash sales, then she encoded the sales report in the excel files in the computer.

Done with encoding everything, she went to the kitchen and drink a glass of water. Then went back to her bed to sleep.


~Infinity Jade Tower~

John was lying in his bed inside his room, thinking of Catherine, thinking of what had just happened last night that changes everything.

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He regretting sucking Ella's breast, he regretted embracing her, he regretted that he allowed her to touch his manhood, he regretted allowing her inside his residence in the first place! If he only knew that it will result in all this horrible nightmare, he won't! If only there's a time machine he wants to go back to the time he and Catherine were strolling in the Eco Park, they were so happy and in love then.

Now he can only see darkness creeping inside his heart because he had hurt badly the woman he loves so much.

Until now, she had not replied to any of his text, she ignored his calls and then she just totally ignored him and shunned him off from her life. The only good thing about today is that she updated the stores daily report in the excel files. At least there's some activity at her end.

He called George on his phone.

"Good Evening, Boss," George spoke his greeting.

"George, did you see Catherine get out from the building today?" asked John.

"No Sir, she stayed on the second floor the whole day. She didn't even go downstairs to perform her daily rounds in the store," explained George.

"Okay, keep me updated to any developments there," said John.

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"Copy, Boss," replied George.

John ended the call.

If only last night didn't happen, Catherine would have been spending her time with him tonight since she already decided to live with him in his residence and marry him as soon as possible.

He sighed over and over again. What he was afraid of was the thoughts of her running away again this time, that's why he must tighten his security around her. He can not allow her to run away again. Even if this time he was at fault, he will never let her go. He will try hard to win her heart again and make amends with his mistakes.

He will visit her tomorrow night, he will try to talk to her and explain to her everything. He will do everything in his power to woo her again so that she can learn to forgive him and they will start a new beginning again and continue their love story.

He sleeps that night with a heart full of sadness and sorrow. He was worried to death, fearing that she may never forgive him this time.


Catherine woke up at 12:00 midnight screaming in pain!

Her stomach hurt so bad. There were fresh tears in her eyes. After a few minutes, the pain stops at once. She got up from the bed and feels dizzy again, but she managed to get out of her room and she goes to the kitchen in slow steps, and drink water, then goes to the toilet to pee.

She went back to her room, and sleep again.

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