Second day...

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The next morning...Catherine was feeling physically weak...she had a hard time getting up from the bed. But she tried hard to get up, unfortunately, she felt dizzy again, the only thing she can do was to crawl slowly just to get out from her room, she went to the kitchen and stood up slowly to get water and drink it.

She managed to get up higher with much difficulty and reached for the biscuit in the cupboard, then she sat down in the floor and began munching on the biscuit, after a few minutes, she vomited again in the floor.

Ignoring her vomit, she crawled towards her room and managed to climb up in her bed and lay down. Slowly, she covered her body with the blanket. As she was lying in her bed, she can feel her body slowly deteriorating...

Is she dying?


She smiled a little...

That's good she will die and sleep forever so that she won't be able to feel the pain anymore because she doesn't want to remember John's painful cheating and his betrayal that chilled her to the bones.

She closed her eyes...she's ready to die.

Maybe in death, she can finally rest in peace and no longer have to wake up every day and be reminded by John's betrayal. He is happy with his new girl right now, and then they would marry soon and start a beautiful happy family. All the things she and John dreamed were snatched easily by that woman!

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What is the used of living?

If the one you love was already taken away by the other woman?

It's okay to die because she can't bear to see him happy with another woman, she'd rather die right now. Hopefully, when she wakes up later, she's already in heaven and God will be waiting at the gate to welcome her.

In her death, no more pain...

In her death, she can no longer remember John's face.

In her death, no more sweet memories to remember, only darkness and nothingness...

With those thoughts in her mind, she drifted into sleep, a faint smile was tugging in her lips thinking that she would die today and be freed at last from her misery.

Unfortunately, she didn't die, she woke up at 5:00 PM...

When she roamed her eyes around her, she discovered that she was still alive, she was feeling outrage that she was still alive! No this can't be! She was supposed to die! Fresh tears emerged from her eyes. She doesn't want to live anymore, what is the used of living?

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An idea crossed her mind, if God won't take her life back then she will kill herself!

Yes, that's right, she will kill herself! All she needs to do is to crawl into the kitchen and get the knife, then stab herself to death or cut her wrist, then the blood will be drained from her body and she will die of blood loss.

That's it! She will do just that!

She slowly rises up from the bed and tried to stand but her knees wobbled and her weak frame can no longer support the weight of her body. She collapses back into the bed. How many meals she had skip? When was the last time she had eaten a solid food? She can no longer remember when...her head hurts just trying to remember everything. Even the biscuits that she had eaten she vomited them all, her body was now lacking the vital foods and nutrients to survive. And she didn't want to survive either, she just wanted to die in peace!

She calmed herself and rested for a few minutes, she will attempt to crawl again towards the kitchen so that she can get the knife and kill herself.

A few moments later, she was able to crawl in a slow manner towards the kitchen. She was now below the kitchen sink, on the right corner of the sink was where the knife holder was located.

She attempted to get up to reach the knife holder but she failed on her first try. After several attempts, she finally able to lift her body and grabs at the first knife that comes in contact with her fingers.

A faint smile appeared on her face, she was clutching the knife firmly in her right hand.

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'Death here I come'... she murmured to herself.

She poised the knife above her wrist but her fingers were shaking, she can feel her strength about to fade away. She was about to slash the knife into her wrist but alas her hands were shaking and she cut her palm instead, drawing blood instantly, a small valley of blood was rapidly forming in her palm.

She suddenly felt horrified at the sight of fresh blood in her hands...

The blood spilled into the floor and slowly soaking her clothe.

She closed her eyes, finally, she was going to die...she smiled a bit in triumph.

Then she feels her world starting to go dark and she saw tiny dots swimming in her eyes, then total darkness claimed her consciousness.

Catherine passed out surrounded by her own vomit and blood on the kitchen floor.


Emily, one of the crews in the burger shop, went upstairs on the second floor because there has been a shortage in the delivery of buns and other ingredients for the burger making. She was also worried why their Ma'am Catherine was no longer performing her daily routines in the stores for two days straight, she found it strange.

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When she was already at the top of the stairs, she smelled something, a horrid stench, she covered her nose with her hands.

When she walked further inside... she noticed a form lying in the kitchen floor, she hurriedly went to the kitchen and was horrified when she saw Catherine lying on the floor unconscious surrounded with vomits and lots of blood, she checked her pulse, and she can't find her pulse! Her skin was getting colder in her touch...her face pale...she quickly pulled the handkerchief from the pocket of her pants and immediately wrapped it around her palm to stop the bleeding. She does the CPR and pumped her chest again and again... when she checked her pulse, she finally located it, it's still faint, but her breathing seems to be returning, but she really thinks she already stop breathing earlier, maybe she just panics and thinks already of the worst.

She then runs downstairs to get help...

Allan stood up from the chair quickly when she heard Emily's shouting.

"Allan...Ma'am Catherine is dying, she killed herself! There's a lot of blood on the kitchen floor!" Emily's terrified voice rung in the air.

Allan's body turns cold. "Get a taxi! We will bring her to the nearest hospital!" With a big stride and urgency, he climbs the stairs and located Catherine's body lying in the kitchen floor. He quickly scooped Catherine's unconscious form in his arms and hurriedly went downstairs and get inside the taxicab that was already waiting at the entrance of the building.

One hour later...

Catherine was finally admitted into a private room in the nearest private hospital.

Still alive!

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