The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 258: 258

John was thinking maybe if he makes love to her right now it can trigger something in her memory and bring her speech back. If she is in her right frame of mind right now and only pretending not to talk, he will find it for sure!

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It's worth exploring that option, make love to her and let see what will be her reaction? If it can make her speak again, it will be worth it! Why not?

The more he thinks about it, the more he wanted to try it!

John's hand starts caressing her legs for a few minutes, then he starts nibbling at her earlobe and he showered hot kisses on her neck, he was fully aroused now, he discarded her clothing one by one until she was fully naked in his eyes. She didn't complained or protest when her clothes were taken away from her body, she just stared at John without any emotion on her face.

John discarded all his clothing as well and he was now completely naked in front of her, his erect manhood dangling between his legs. John lowered his mouth and claimed her lips for a fiery kiss, her lips weren't responding though, then his mouth went lower down to her breast, he sucked at her nipple hungrily for a few minutes. Done with pleasuring her breast, his mouth went down towards her rounded tummy with his child growing inside her, he showered her tummy with sweet little kisses hoping that his unborn child can feel his love. He then wrapped her legs around his pelvis and gently lowered his manhood into her core, while he was doing some gentle thrusting inside her, he looked at her, observing her face for any signs of emotion, reaction or whatsoever.


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He then makes some not so gentle thrusting inside her silky wall for a brief second, he avoided getting too much aggressive with her on the bed because she was already pregnant. As he keeps making pleasurable thrusting inside her, he noticed that her mouth twisted a bit, then he heard a soft moan escapes her first John didn't believe that moan even existed! But as he keeps pleasuring her, another moan escapes her mouth, it's not a loud moan though, but enough to thrill him! A sound escapes her mouth! And for him, that is a big achievement already.

He can keep continuing making this intimate session with her, along with the hope that one day her speech will return and she will be ready to talk and open up to him. Any small sound emanating from her mouth was a clear indication that she still has some tiny feelings and emotion left in her body and maybe she was just suppressing it. Hopefully, it can lead to a more active talking later. His body made a successful connection with her body just today. This is wonderful progress! He would do anything to bring her speech back.

After several gentle thrusts inside her, he reached his climax and collapsed beside her in bed. He covered their naked body with the blanket. He planted a loving kiss on her forehead. Then Catherine closed her eyes on the way to sleep just like she always did every time they make love. He held her body closed to his body.

"Sleep well, Cath. I will be here beside you, I won't leave your side today," he said gently.

John also shuts off his eyes and rest beside her lady love with a smile tugging on his lips. He dozed off into sleep with a renewed hope in his heart. Yes, there is a big possibility he can make Catherine talk and feel alive again. He will go slowly this time, one step at a time.

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He was committed to having more patient with her. He will try to bring the old Catherine back no matter what the consequences that await them at the end.

Lunchtime comes...

John ordered foods for their lunch, they eat in silence in the dining room.

As he was observing her behavior, she still knows how to eat on her own, she goes to the bathroom and does her things, yet she seems to lose the ability to talk or she just doesn't want to talk at all, which is which?

Could it be that Catherine was aware of him yet she was just pretending that he does not exist because of so much pain? But maybe her silence was a healing process for her, the more she stays quiet and feeling detach from her surroundings, the more she's at peace with herself, the more she keeps to herself the safer she felt inside.

When you stop caring for others and only care and exist for yourself, then you are not giving anyone the power to hurt you. When you start loving and caring for a person, you give that person a chance to hurt you.

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With the way Catherine was behaving right now, it's either she was really suffering from Dissociative Amnesia or just pretending that he doesn't or no longer exist in her world just to cope with her trauma.

John sighed deeply. The more he thinks about her condition, the more it becomes a mind-boggling phenomenon to him.

But according to his research, Dissociative Amnesia is a short term illness and memories do return after some time, the only question is when?

That afternoon...

Catherine returns to her favorite place, sitting on the sofa facing the beautiful ocean view. While John watches a television show on the flat-screen TV beside her.

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He was observing her face while she was looking at the ocean view, she got that serene look on her face, maybe she finds the ocean's view calming and soothing in her subconscious mind. He very much wanted to delve inside her mind to have a better understanding of what she was thinking right now.

John stood up and walk towards the see-through wall with all the intention to block her view. He wants to know how she will react...

As he stood in front blocking her vision, she did not react at first...

John didn't move an inch and continues blocking the ocean view.

Catherine stood up and approached John. She didn't attempt to remove his body from the view, instead, she squeezed herself into the tiny vacant space bedside him and continues staring at the ocean.

John smiled at her reaction, he suddenly hugged her tight and planted a kiss on her lips. "Cath, let's go back to the sofa so that you can continue watching your favorite ocean, sorry, am just trying to play a prank on you. Don't be angry, okay?" he pinched her nose playfully.

She didn't utter a single word, but she did go back to the sofa and sat down beside him and continues staring at the enchanting ocean view in front of them.

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