~Three Months Pregnancy~

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John and Ramon brought Catherine into her OB-Gyn for her monthly prenatal visits to reduce the risks of pregnancy complications. Catherine's blood pressure was check, her weight gain was check, they measure her abdomen to check the developing infant's growth, check the fetal heart rate, and check her hands and feet for swelling and other checkups to make sure she had a healthy pregnancy.

Overall, Catherine's OB-Gyn was satisfied with her health condition.

"John, your girlfriend's health condition is very good and also the baby inside her womb is growing healthy as well, considering her current mental condition her body is wonderfully supporting the baby well. Just continue giving her the milk and vitamins every day for the baby's healthy growth," explain the OB-Gyn.

"Thank you, Doc."

"Your next visit will be next month, on the first week," said the OB-Gyn.

"Okay, Doc," replied John.

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Fifteen minutes later, they were already out of the doctor's clinic. They still have lots of time to spare. John instructed Ramon to go to Eco Park so that Catherine can perform some exercise by walking in the park and inhale fresh air as well.


They arrived at the park at 3:00 PM, they still have two hours to do some sightseeing and strolling before the park will finally close their services to the public at 5:00 PM.

John intertwines his hands with Catherine and they walked slowly on the concrete pathways. As they were walking, John kept glancing at his silent companion. If Catherine was on her right mind frame today, he doubted if they will be able to walk in the park holding hands like this, chances are they were still not talking until now, she's probably still angry at him and planning to escape away from his clutch.

It's such a blessing in disguise that she suffered a strange illness that makes her compliant and she followed his every command like an obedient child. It somehow thrilled him that she follows his every order without complaints. She's under his full control, and she never throws any hateful looks at him or asks him any questions.

Her being agreeable was refreshing to him, he doesn't have to worry about her mood, about what she thinks about him inside her mind. To sum it all, her being calm, obedient and submissive attitude makes a lot of things easier in their relationship. His mind was no longer in trouble, he was currently enjoying peace of mind.

In short, he sometimes thinks that it's good that she ended this way for the meantime or much better she will remain this way until she will give birth to their baby.

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As the days pass by, he already has gotten used to her new persona. The new Catherine fascinated him, she was more than like a battery-operated robot to him, a beautiful and desirable robot that's under his control. He was thankful that she was cooperative and not giving him any headaches. The baby also grows healthy inside her due to her calmness and willingness to drink all the vitamins and milk that was given to her. The nurse has no complaints regarding her behavior. They already got used to her muted persona as the days go by.

He planted a sweet kiss on her forehead. Then he showered her an affectionate smile and pinched her nose.

"I love you, Cath!" he murmured into her ears.

As usual, she was silent, nothing registers in her mind. Her face gives nothing away of what she was thinking inside her mind as of the moment.

In the middle of their strolling, they found a wooden bench facing the relaxing pond and fountain, there are plenty of rest areas and cool shades of trees around the park, one just have to find their perfect place to sit down and enjoy the calming effect of the lush greenery that inundated them with refreshing feelings. John and Catherine sat down on the bench for a few minutes to rest, they enjoyed the fresh air that entered their nostrils. Fresh air was everywhere as long as you remained inside the park's vicinity.

John pulled out some money from his wallet and instructed Ramon to buy a buko juice in the Park's restaurant to quench their thirst.

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Ramon turned around to obey his boss's command.

John reached for the towel inside his backpack and wipes gently the sweats appearing on Catherine's forehead.

He acted around her like he was her loving husband. Too bad she was indifferent to his loving care and lavish attention that he showered on her.

"Are you thirsty, Cath? he asked.

She didn't reply nor even look at him.

Ramon came back, bringing with him three bottles of refreshing ice-cold buko juice.

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John took the two bottles, one for him and one for Catherine. She drinks the buko juice enthusiastically and when her bottle was already empty, she snatched John's buko juice without permission and drank all the contents to the last sip.

John smiled, amused by Catherine's action. He almost had forgotten that there was a baby inside her womb that was also thirsty.

After resting, they strolled again around the park. They went boating in the lagoon, John and Ramon navigated the boat towards the other end while Catherine was sitting pretty, her vision was dreamy, her face calm.

After boating they strolled into the botanical garden, they enjoyed bird and butterfly watching.

When they happened to pass by at the Parks restaurant, Catherine immediately went inside the restaurant when she saw food lined up deliciously inside the restaurant's display area. John followed Catherine inside, grinning, his pregnant girlfriend was hungry and so his baby inside her womb. Catherine pointed her fingers on the food she wanted to eat, they were local sweet delicacies that looks appetizing and mouth-watering to the eyes. John ordered all the foods she wanted to eat. He motioned for Ramon to join them inside, to eat some snack with them.

After done eating their delicious snack, they retrace their steps towards the entrance 'coz it's now time to go home, the park was now closing in for the day.

John and Ramon dropped Catherine into the MysticBay Twin Tower in the care of her private nurse on duty, Cora. Then they proceed to the Jade Tower to go home for the night.

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