The Next Day...

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Cora the nurse who was assigned during night shift called John in his office informing him that she won't be able to report on duty for her night shift because her son was having a high fever and she can't leave him alone. John told Cora that it's okay because he will take care of Catherine and keep her company the whole night.

John finished his office works for the day with a smile on his face, excited to see Catherine again. Maybe he should sleep frequently by her side so that she will get used to his presence so that they can finally live together as husband and wife, hmmm, the idea thrilled him to no end. He will try to sleep by her side three times a week and see how it goes. If he won't meet any opposition from her then he will make it official, they will live in together under one roof for the days to come.

His smile widened, jut think about it, he will be able to see Catherine every day and be in close contact with his baby inside her tummy.

That would be a wonderful lovely living arrangement for the two of them. He was looking forward to living with Catherine under one roof.

Three hours later...

John and Ramon were now on the road traveling towards MysticBay Twin tower.

After arriving at their destination, John instructed Ramon to pick him up the next day, morning at 7:00 AM.

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"Good evening, Sir!" greeted Minerva.

"Good evening! Where is Catherine?" asked John.

"She's sitting on the sofa, her favorite position in the house, staring at the ocean view," answered Minerva.

"Okay. You can go home now, Minerva, I will be accompanying Catherine tonight because Cora's son had a fever and she can't report on duty for tonight," explained John.

"Thank you, Sir. I'm going home now," said Minerva. She went to the guest room and retrieved her shoulder bag to go home for the night. Then she walked towards the door of the condo and make an exit.

John closed the door behind her.

He walked towards the living room and saw Catherine staring at the ocean view without blinking. John walked to her side and planted a loving kiss on her cheeks, then he sat beside her on the sofa.

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"Good evening, Cath! How's your day?" he asked her.

As usual, she didn't reply to his question.

John stared at the ocean view, it's particularly beautiful today because the moon was bright and it cast a wonderful glow on the surface of the ocean. It's so magical and romantic. He was mesmerized for a few moments staring at the ocean. He then edges closer to her and holds her hand into his.

"I miss you, Cath," he murmured into her ears huskily.

Then his loins stirred, causing a heavy surge of desire creeping up in his entire body. A few minutes later, he found himself nibbling at her earlobe, and his mouth was now on her neck showering her skin with hot kisses. He began unbuttoning the buttons of her maternity dress, her creamy chest was now exposed, bra-less. His hand move inside cupping her breast with his hand, he began stroking one nipple and then the other with his fingers, pleasuring her.

He was now on fire!

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The fire of desire pulsating on his groin. He grunted.

He unzips his pants, exposing his briefs, he took her left hand and inserted it inside his underwear, the moment her fingers touch his erect manhood, he becomes fully aroused, his shaft erected to its full length straining hard beneath his underwear. He guided her hands to grasp at his stiff rod and strokes it. First, she didn't get it, but later on, she got the hang of it and she openly fondled at his erection, obeying his command.

John grinned from ear to ear, very much pleased with her cooperation. He then lowered his hand and inserted it inside her panties, he heard her gasp a little, he was elated. He then inserted two fingers into her moist silky wall and slowly he began pleasuring her with his gentle strokes.

He leans a little towards her face and claimed her lips for a quick searing kiss while trying not to lose contact with her lower regions.

He then broke contact with her lips, he can no longer control his raging libido, he withdraws his fingers from her core and freed his erect manhood. He then lifted her body and deposited her lower body into his lap. Not satisfied, he lowered her panties down her legs and throw it somewhere. Then he raised her maternity dress higher up in her legs and poised her center down on his erect manhood, he eases her center slowly into his stiff rod until his manhood was now fully submerged inside her silky wall. Then he parted her legs a bit wider so that they will both feel comfortable with their position.

This is nice! John murmured to himself, grinning from ear to ear.

He feels at home inside her silky wall. While his body was wracked with intense sexual desire and urges, Catherine's face was glued to the ocean view.

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John's shafts luxuriated inside Catherine's mound, while a smile of desire and satisfaction was tugging at his lips. His fingers were busy fondling at her breast. The night was still young and the view outside was super romantic, and John was having a good time pleasuring his lady love.

The night is just perfect!

For a more stimulating and gratifying effect, he would guide her hips to move back and forth a little bit, just a little movement on her lower part can send him to the edge of nirvana. After a few minutes of teaching her, she finally able to move her lower region back and forth in a slow manner to John's delight, fantastic! She's a fast learner!

John rested his head on her back loving every minute of her pleasurable slow grinding just enough to satisfy his shaft still buried deep inside her silky core.

A few minutes later, John climaxed inside her, a wide grinned appeared on his lips.

"Thank you so much love, you made me happy tonight!" he murmured into her ears.

They rested for a while...

Then he slowly eased her bottom away from his manhood and deposited her into the sofa. He then zipped back his pants. He picked up her underwear that landed on the sofa and put it back on her legs and eases it up to her pelvis, then he pulled her gently to stand up, and they went inside the bedroom to retire for the night.

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