John was inside his office doing his usual routine when the landline phone on his desk starts ringing.

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He picked up the receiver and answered it.

"Hello, John! How are you!" A cheery voiced echoed on the other end.

John groaned 'coz he's quite familiar with the woman's voice on the other line. "Who is this?"

"This is Ella, don't tell me you already forgotten me. I miss you!" she answered.

John released a deep sigh. Of course, he will never forget the instrument of his downfall in the eyes of Catherine.

"Why are you calling me?" his voice was cold.

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"I just want to say hello and I'm thinking maybe we can meet again. I wanna see you and get to know you better," she said.

"I don't want to see you again, Ella! It's best that you should not contact me. I don't want to be associated with you again. Meeting you is the biggest mistake I'd ever done in my whole life. I will be happy if you don't show your face to me anymore," he said in a hard tone.

"Oh, that's sad, John. But as I have remembered correctly the last time we met, you are sucking at my breast hungrily like a baby and you like it very much. Unfortunately, we weren't able to progress much towards the most intimate level because your girlfriend came barging in at our romantic rendezvous, interrupting us. Why don't we meet somewhere private where no one can disturb us anymore and let's continue where we left off. How about that?" her voice was seductive and hopeful.

John's eyes were spitting anger.

"Ella, if you think that there will be a repeat of what happened the last time we meet, continue dreaming, but it won't happen over again, over my dead body!" John replied furiously.

"But John, can't you see---we're meant for each other! We are perfect for each other! Why can't you see it? Leave your girlfriend for me. And let's embark in a happy relationship together. I can give you everything, my undivided attention, my love, all of my self and wealth at your disposal if you marry me. I'm at the point of my life now that I wanted to marry and I find you the most suitable candidate for my husband to be. Please...will you consider thinking about my proposal for a few days before shutting me off. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose in this arrangement, just think about it!" her voice was filled with excitement.

John stared at the phone warily.

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"Let me get it straight on your head, Ella. I won't marry a woman I don't love. I don't need your wealth. Why would I become greedy and just marry you for wealth? I can very well earn my own money without anybody's help. You're nothing but trouble! You turned my love life upside down. Find another man to wrap around your little itchy fingers! Stop calling me again! Good riddance!" he said.

"Waiitttttttt----!" she shouted at the other end.

John ended their conversation abruptly and put the receiver back to its cradle.

He let out a deep sigh and get out of his office, he needs to go to his gym and release some steam out of his system.


Ella was lying furiously in her bed, in her father's mansion. All the furniture's in her room were made of high-grade materials that can cost a fortune, her room was displaying such wealth and luxury, starting from the bathroom tiles, carpeted floor, all the way to her expensive pieces of jewelry, luxurious bags and shoe collections and many other fancy accessories and beauty products that many people can only dream about. Being born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she's used to getting everything she wanted in her pampered life, she can get everything with just the click of her hand.

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Her father had doted on her, spoiled her rotten, but lately, he demanded and instructed her only daughter to find a good husband, get married and settle down because she's no longer a teenager and she was already on the marrying age. His father doesn't like her notorious playgirl image that she displayed in the public and all the revolting scandals that were associated with her image. She willingly put a dent on their glorious family image!

The only way to appease her father's wrath was to find a husband and marry quick!

Unfortunately, she doesn't want to get married yet! She still wants to live a free life and enjoy her life to the fullest by traveling to all the top tourist destination in the whole world.

But all that slowly changes when she laid eyes on John for the first time. The mere two days she spent inside his flat seems like a lifetime already. In just more or less 48 hours, she was able to experience mixed emotions just being in proximity with him, she was able to experience, anger, thrill, erotic desires, physical attraction and she also able to enjoy his gentler side when he allowed her to sleep on his guest room, when he ordered breakfasts and lunch for her. Those were just a small token of kindness from him but she treasured them very much.

In the last few days, the thoughts of John and their erotic interlude in his swimming pool leave her wanting for more. To say that she was just getting attracted to him is an understatement, the truth was, she was getting obsessed with John. To the point that she already hired a private investigator to spy on John's activities.

She's been thinking and fantasizing about John all day and all night long. He was everything in her fantasy! She wants to marry him and wanted him to become her husband. With John, she was sure there will be no dull and boring moments if they spend time with each other.

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God! She wanted to run her fingers on his amazing six-pack again! The last time they met, she never had the chance to run her fingers on his fantastic abs for a long time because it's been a hurried plan to seduce him fast and capture his weakness!

She imagined herself running her fingers on his abs all day long and only stop until she gets tired, she likes to run hot kisses on his abs. She wanted to bit her tongue on one of those masculine folds. My God! his abs are wonderful and his handsome face, oh my, she likened it to that of a fashion model, his manly face was chiseled, something that every woman would love to caress, and his eyes hypnotizing, it has the ability to suck you in towards him if he will direct his full gaze towards you.

John has all the pleasing qualities that she wanted for a lover and a husband!

Her biggest problem right now, he no longer wants to see her!

This won't do! How could she wrapped her little fingers around his neck and abs if he won't even want to see her in the first place? She needs to think of a plan on how to draw him back into her world. If there's a tiny window of opportunity presenting itself in the future, she would seize that chance to seduce him again. She would do anything to gain John's trust, love, and affection.

First thing first, she wanted to know what happened to him and his girlfriend's relationship after his woman caught them in an erotic embrace.

She knew already whom to call to get the juicy details. She grinned mischievously and swipes at her phone to call someone...

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