Three days after...

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John was surprised to hear from Romeo that Ella was at the entrance of the building again waiting to be allowed to enter the building.

This annoying woman can't even wait! John cursed profanities under his breath. But in a way, she was just acting like himself when he was stalking Catherine and smother her with his attention. Ella was like a lot like him in so many ways when it comes to dealing with obsession. Too bad he was at the receiving end of Ella's annoying obsession. If her obsession was directed to other guys then he should have never faced this problem at all. But he believes that he can handle Ella's advances and seduction this time without jumping into the fire with her.

"Bro, she's getting super annoying!" grumbled Romeo on his phone. "Shall I call the cops now?" he asked.

"No. Let her in and tell her to come to my office at once, 'coz I wanted to talk to her," said John.

"Okay, as you say so," replied Romeo.

Romeo signaled the guards to allow Ella to enter the building. Ella looked at Romeo with an irritated eye, then she stuck out her tongue at him again, grinning like a naughty child.

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Romeo was flabbergasted, such a shameless woman! He watched her enter the elevator, shaking his head. What a mess he had brought to his best friends life! It was supposed to be a simple meet and greet blind date, but that woman took it further and now she becomes the stalker, a woman with loose morals.


Ella entered John's office beaming with excitement. "Hello John, good afternoon!"

John didn't return her cheery greeting, there was a flicker of annoyance in his eyes. "Ella, why did you come here again? I told you not to bother me again here in my office. I told you to wait from my text informing you of the day of the challenge. Why can't you understand that when I'm working I don't want to be disturb," he said in a harsh voice.

Ella pouted her red lips. "What can I do, I miss you! Besides, I have this feeling that you are not taking the challenge seriously, you just made it up just to send me away!"

John released a sigh. "You are just wasting your time on me. Be productive at least. Why don't you start working on your father's company so that you can keep yourself busy, find a job, it's a productive and more rewarding activity than disturbing other peoples lives and work!"

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She continues pouting feeling sad that she was reprimanded by her ultimate crush. "Can I work here in your office as your secretary? Pretty please? I will work for you without a salary. Just one kiss a day and let me touch your abs once a day then I will be okay," with the amusing thoughts running in her mind, she starts giggling.

Oh My God! He eyed her with disbelief in his eyes.

John was feeling amused all of a sudden. A laughed escapes his mouth without him knowing it.

"Wow! I make you smile! That's a compliment already! I'm so happy today!" she keeps babbling. Happiness was glowing in her face. To see John smile at her silly comments is her biggest accomplishment to date already.

Then John's face turned serious. "Seriously Ella, if you keep doing this---disturbing me at my work I will not go ahead with the challenge," he warned her.

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Ella was afraid that he would cut off the challenge before it even began which she has been looking forward to. She's been practicing a lot in her bedroom for the challenge, she put all her heart and soul into her practice hoping that one day she can get his attention and his love at the end of the challenge.

"Please John, don't cancel our challenge!" she begged.

"If that is the case then, why are you still here? Get out now!" he said.

"B-but, tell me when is the exact date of the first round so that I can be prepared for it," she asked.

John groaned. "Get ready next week, Friday. I will inform you of the place and time. Just go now!" he almost yelled at her.

Ella's face brightened up! She was getting excited now that John finally committed to doing the first round of their challenge. "Oh Yeah! Thank you, John, I will go now! bye! See you on Friday!" she rose to her feet and about to exit the door....but John suddenly spoke to her.

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"Ella, wait for a second...I want to bring you somewhere....would you come with me?" he asked.

She smiled brightly and sweetly at him, feeling deliriously happy that all of a sudden, out of the blue John invited her to go with him somewhere, she was hoping for a romantic date with him and finally, it's happening right now. "Yes! I will go anywhere with you!" her excited reply.

John smirked. "Wait for me at the Superstar Cafe, nearby. I will fetch you there at 5:00 PM," he said.

Ella smiled at him and exited the room quickly with a megawatt smile plastered on her face. John's invitation brighten up her day. Yes! She still has three hours to spare, she will go home for pampering and make herself more beautiful and sexy in John's eyes.


The clock strikes at 5:00 PM, John wore his jacket and exited his office, he entered the elevator that would take him to the parking area of the building. He exited the elevator and get out of the building heading to his car.

"Ramon, let's go to Superstar Cafe to fetch Ella, we will take that spoiled brat heiress for a ride in the slum area. It's about time she will know what others are doing in their lives while she was procrastinating and feeling like she is the Queen of the whole world. Let's give the mighty princess a dose of the reality of life," he said upon entering the car.

"Okay, Sir!" Ramon started the engine, smiling. He navigated the car out of the parking area heading to the Superstar Cafe that was situated in the nearby street, a few meters away from the Infinity Jade Tower.

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