Ella was waiting for John inside the Superstar Cafe. A while ago, she already contacted and instructed the private investigator to follow the car that she will be boarding a few minutes from now and take as many pictures as he can with John by her side. Those photos might become handy in the near future.

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Ten minutes later, John entered the entrance of the Cafe and signaled her to get out of the said establishment.

Ella picked up her black Channel shoulder bag and exited the Cafe. She boarded John's vehicle, they were sitting side by side in the passenger seat. She looked at John adoringly. "Where are we going?" she asked excitedly.

"You will know later...," answered John not even bothering to glance at her pretty face. He was busy scanning at his phone.

Ella pouted. She has been dressing sexily tonight for him yet he didn't even give her complimentary words for her attire. She wore a sexy Givenchy black dress that accentuated her gorgeous curves, the length is above the knee, the satin fabric hugs her body perfectly and it shows a little bit of her cleavage as well. His eyes didn't even linger much on her body, she feels like all her efforts were wasted! Dang!

Then John called someone through her phone...

"Minerva, how is Catherine? What she's doing right now?" asked John.

"She just finished taking her vitamins, Sir. She is taking her afternoon nap in the bedroom," answered Minerva.

"Okay. I will drop there tonight," said John. He put back his phone in the pocket of his jacket and focus his eyes on the road ahead.

Thirty minutes later...

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Ramon parked the vehicle in one of the dirtiest and populated slum area located near the city proper.

Ella's eyes grow bigger as she finally realized where John took her for a date. "WTF! Why we're here? Aren't we supposed to dine in a fancy restaurant somewhere?" she asked truly disappointed.

John smirked at her pouting lips. "Let's go, let's take a stroll around the neighborhood," he said amused with her reaction.

He got out of the car first and assisted Ella when she struggled to land her feet on the ground. The ground is dirty. There is dirt everywhere.

"Yuck!" she murmured to herself.

They walked side by side. John took off his jacket and wrapped it around Ella's shoulder, thinking that her attire isn't fit for this kind of environment.

"Thank you, John," she said softly. Ella was thrilled and overjoyed with his display of care and attention for her.

The place was heavily populated with squatters, street vendors, beggars, street children playing everywhere and homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk. If the other part of the city was teeming with high rise building and luxury houses and establishments, this slum area which still very much a part of the city where poor people live was lacking care and attention by the government, the types of people here were struggling to earn a living day by day.

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Ella covered her nose. "Ewww! What is that stench?" she complained.

"Probably a rotten garbage or dead animals lying somewhere, there is plenty of that here," he said.

"Why did you bring me here?" she asked.

"So that you will know how lucky you are. You don't have to earn a living because you received an allowance from your wealthy parents on a monthly basis. Look at the poor dirt people around you, especially the street children and abandoned old people in the street, and the beggars, they're the most vulnerable member of our society yet no one is willing to help them, maybe it's about time you do something about it. You have power and influence, do something productive even once in your life, instead of wasting your time on a guy like me who is already taken. Maybe if you do some charitable causes, I will be impressed!" he explained.

She pouted. "And why are you not doing anything to help them?" she asked.

"I do. I allocated some funds to donate to different charity organizations, such as the orphanage, home for the aged and other charitable institutions. Much better if you take part and influence other wealthy people like you to extend their help to the less fortunate ones. You could make a big difference with their lives," he said.

Ella stared at John's face. "If I will do that, would you start getting on a date with me?" she asked.

John sighed. "No. Do it because you have the capabilities and power to do so, not because you did it for someone," he said.

"Okay, I will think about it," she said. "Can you take me home now? I wanna go home!" she demanded.

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"As you wish, let's go back to the car. We will drop you home," said John.

They retrace their steps back to where the vehicle was parked. Ella was eager to get inside the car to get away from the dirty and foul-smelling place as soon as possible.

John entered the passenger seat beside Ella.

Ramon started the engine of the car. "Where are we going next, Boss?" he asked.

"Let's drop by Ella at her home," answered John.

"Drop me at Forbes Park, Ramon," said Ella.

"Okay, Ma'am," replied Ramon.

Thirty minutes later, they entered the Forbes Park entrance and drop Ella in front of the tall gate of their grandiose opulent mansion. Forbes Park is the home of the ultra-rich, celebrities, and personalities in the entertainment industry. It's famously called the subdivision for the wealthy, the most luxurious village in Metro Manila.

John bid goodbye to Ella...

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She wanted John to meet her parents but he refused her invitation politely.

"John, pleaseeee, just for a few minutes, I will serve you tea or your favorite coffee, I want you to meet my folks! They will surely like you!" she enthused.

"Not this time Ella. I'm not in the mood to meet your parents. We will go now. Bye!" John was about to enter the car.

He then remembered his jacket. He was about to take it off from Ella's shoulder but she refused.

"Can you give it to me as a present, please? I love your jacket, it has your masculine smell! I love smelling it!" she enthused.

John grimaced and runs his fingers through his hair. "Fine. It's yours then."

He entered the car without giving Ella another glance.

Ella grumbled and pouted up a storm, John's car was already fading away from her vision. Then she smiled upon remembering that she got a piece of him lingering around her body, she runs her fingers on the fabric of his leather jacket, imagining him embracing her from behind.

Ella turned around and entered the tall gate of the mansion.

A few minutes later, John and Ramon were already out of the famous luxurious village's entrance, they were now back on the road traveling towards MysticBay Twin Tower, John was eager to go back into the arms of his beloved Catherine.

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