For the entire week, John had been thinking of the idea in bringing Catherine into the Infinity Jade Tower. He was entertained by the possibility that maybe Catherine will regain her sanity by bringing her back to the place where everything started. If she will see the familiar place again it might trigger old painful memories that she had successfully buried inside the deepest recesses of her mind.

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Maybe it's worth trying when everything already fails. Although part of him wanted to continue enjoying this new persona of her because it's easier to handle Catherine when she was behaving this way, very cooperative.

Today, was the day that John finally decided to bring back Catherine to the Infinity Jade Tower and let her see the swimming pool again. Agnes the Psychotherapist come along to observe Catherine's reaction together with one of the nurses Minerva.

As soon as Catherine's entourage entered the elevator, John's heart was already beating fast, he has been afraid that Catherine will finally be able to regain her senses and she will hate him to no end, the baby might get affected if she started getting ballistic in condemning him of his past mistake with Ella. He already enjoyed her silence over these fast few months, it's now her time to come back no matter what's gonna happen today, he will shower her with endless love and support.

He was just hoping that her hatred towards him will fade away the moment she knows she's pregnant with their first baby.

They exited the elevator and John opened the flat's door for everyone to enter.

They sat down in the living room first, discussing what to do just in case Catherine will regain her senses back and might insist to get out of the flat due to a sudden surge of anger after remembering everything.

Fifteen minutes later...

John together with Agnes brought Catherine inside the swimming pool area.

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They observe her reaction...

The moment Catherine saw the sparkling water in the pool her face broke into a wide smile.

John and Agnes were stunned upon witnessing Catherine's reaction! It was the first time they saw her smile and displayed some kind of emotion since she got out of the hospital.

She was supposed to remember everything, all the painful memories associated with the swimming pool that resulted in her committing suicide and suffering from Dissociative Amnesia. Unfortunately, she didn't.

Instead, she walked slowly towards the pool, John never leaves her side, never letting go of her hand.

Catherine dipped her feet into the pool, she continues smiling. She got fascinated with the water. She played with the water using her hands. Then she finally comes down into the pool and submerged her whole body in the water intending to take a bath in the pool.

John allowed her to enjoy the water, he was already wet.

Agnes smiled a little and left the room to give the couple the chance to swim and enjoy each other's company, she joined Minerva and Ramon's company in the living room.

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"How it's going on there?" inquired Minerva who can no longer contain her curiosity.

"Did Catherine starts remembering everything?" asked Ramon.

Agnes shook her head vigorously. "No. Her normal self has not returned yet. But she smiled for the first time and she was now swimming happily in the pool like a child," she explained.

"Hmm, at least she's smiling now. Even though it's still a long road to recovery, she's showing emotion and it's a little sign of progress," commented Minerva.

"Let's hope she will start talking from now on, even just a few words," interjected Ramon.

"That remains to be seen if there will be more progress to follow, later on, let's hope for the best," replied Agnes.


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Back in the swimming pool area...

John was watching Catherine's movement in the water, worried that she might slip in the pool's tiles accidentally.

He enjoyed gazing at her radiant face, he was delighted to see her smiling again.

Meaning she could be on the road to recovery soon...

John was observing Catherine's face intently. Looking for some signs that she remembered the pain associated with the pool, but so far her face wasn't showing anything out of ordinary. She continuous frolicking in the pool with a happy countenance.

In the past few days, John began sleeping beside Catherine in the MysticBay Twin Tower, seven times a week. During day time he would go back to Jade tower to report to his office, then back again on Catherine's side during the evening. So far he likes the arrangement, it brings a good balance to his life, he spends quality time for Catherine and enough attention to his businesses as well.

He was just wondering if one day Catherine will regain her senses, what will gonna happen then? Would their relationship fall apart? Would they go their separate ways or she will learn to forgive him just for the sake of their baby that was growing inside her womb? If that day finally arrives, many things may happen and until now he thought he's not ready yet to face the magnitude of her wrath.

Right now, she's the obedient and silent Catherine that he comes to love and appreciate. This new persona of her is kind of precious and refreshing for him.

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He continues to marvel at her open fascination with the sparkling water in the pool.

Catherine didn't stop swimming until she finally got tired.

John, brought her to the bedroom so that she can shower and then change into dry clothes.

Done bathing, John let Catherine rest in the bed for the time being.

One hour later, she falls asleep soundly in the bed.

While she was sleep, John combs her long brown hair until it gets dry. Then he rested beside her on the bed, embracing her from behind. "I love you, Cath!" he murmured into her ears. Then he runs his hand in the surface of her tummy..."I love you, baby! I can't wait to see you soon!"

John had decided that Catherine will sleep in the Jade Tower beside him in his bed on that night. He let Minerva the nurse sleep in the guest room for the night. Agnes already went home one hour ago.

That night at 9:00 PM, Catherine's phone rings, when John saw the caller registered as Mike, he did not answer his call, instead he muted the phone. Mike continued calling Catherine's phone in the next five minutes, he called more than ten times until he gives up.

John smirked.

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