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The following day...

When Catherine ventured outside her room. She was shocked to see that the living room was bare, all the things that she wanted to destroy were gone, her fingers were itching to destroy something really bad, she needs to vent her anger on something, anything! She feels a little bit better if she can destroy something of John's things. She went to the kitchen to find some glass to destroy, but to her astonishment, the kitchen was also bare!

She saw plastic wares above the sink, she picked up three plastic cups and plates and throw it hard on the floor. They fell into the floor with a heavy thud and shattered into pieces.

"OMG! What have you done again Catherine?" said Minerva, her face showing shocked and displeasure.

Catherine ignored her.

Minerva went to the sink and put two more plastic cups in her hands. "Okay, go on! Destroy all the plastic wares in this house. Destroy everything around here if that can make you happy. Do you think that that pain will go away if you destroy all the things here? The relief is only temporary, but the pain remains. Why do you find it hard to accept to yourself that the majority of men were cheaters! There is no such thing as perfect love in this world. There is no such thing as perfect men or women in this world! It's only a matter of time before any of us will commit a big mistake. John made a big mistake first, and how about you? Don't tell me you are perfect? What exactly do you want, a husband that cheats before the marriage and become a reformed man later or the perfect boyfriend that later on will cheat behind your back after the marriage and will leave you the minute he finds another good looking woman, chose! If you want a perfect boyfriend and husband leave John, find another and good luck if you can find one! But for the sake of your son inside your womb, please calm down until you give birth to your child. Once you already give birth, stay with the baby for at least six months to one year, if you still can't forgive your cheating boyfriend then leave the baby alone in John's care. Because at this point, he can financially support the baby, while you, since you have no job and no money, you have to start all over again, find a rich husband first that can support you and fight for custody for your baby from John. How does that sound to you?" asked Minerva.

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Catherine's eyes widen in wonderment by the great wisdom that the nurse was openly sharing to her. "Wow, you're perfectly making sense!" she finds Minerva's advice's enlightening.

Minerva grinned. "Grow up girl! Why make things so complicated? The deed has been done. Even if you cry a river nothing can change the fact that John cheated on you. The problem in our current society is that when men cheat they can get away with, but when women cheat we are condemned to high heavens and our reputation is tarnished and ruined to the lowest level. So if you want to find a perfect boyfriend, good luck with your quest! Now, are you done breaking things?"

Catherine smiled. "Am done!"

"How about those things outside? Will you still destroy them?' asked Minerva.

Catherine smiled. "No. Not anymore. Bring them all back in," she said smiling for the first time, the scowl was completely gone from her face.

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"Good girl!" Minerva walked towards the door to start returning the things inside.

Catherine went to her room and closed the door behind her. As she was lying down on the bed, Minerva's advice's keeps replaying in her head. The nurse was right, what is the purpose of destroying things that John won't even see or even feel the pain each time she destroyed those objects? She was just wasting her time and energy.

But she was thinking of how to hurt John deeply, how to get her revenge smartly? Hmmm? How?

In what way she can make him suffer for a long long time?

Well, she still has long days of planning, no need to rush things right now...

Thanks to Minerva! She feels much better now compared to yesterday. It's indeed useless crying over spilled milk. It's useless spending her life in agony and torment. She has a long life ahead of her. What she experienced right now will fade away as days go by.

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Right now, she is jobless, she was heavily dependent on John financially. Sad to say she has no money on her own and worst, she was heavily pregnant, she had to fully rely on her cheating boyfriend to survive afloat.



Heavily pregnant...

Imprisoned in a place that she can't get out...

Cheated by her boyfriend, and what else...?

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Her life truly sucks!

She finds her life pretty annoying actually!

She wanted to cry again. Even if she will run away from John, what will happen to her? Where will she go since she has no money? Can she even buy milk to feed her newborn son? Can she even afford to buy diapers and other baby's needs?

Whoaaa, her life was so pathetic! She felt so useless!

Damn! She felt so down again, she felt so depressed again!

Why is this happening to her life?

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