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A while ago she was feeling better upon hearing all Minerva's enlightening advice's, but why is it that right now she felt miserable again? Why she's miserable---because she has no money?

If she has lots of money, will she feel better?

Hmmm, where to get the money?

There is only one person who has lots of money!

And that person was the same person that hurt her so badly!

And that person happens to be the father of her baby, the one and only mighty and wealthy John!

If she wants to survive...

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She must know how to play with the rats and the monkey!

Then all of a sudden she starts laughing hard, so hard that a tear fell from her eyes. She was so amused by the idea that was conceived in her mind a while ago. Just thinking about it, she will play with the rats and the monkey!

She's going crazy!

But actually, she finally acknowledged to herself that John got the upper hand all the time. He is wealthy, she is poor, if she remained stubborn and hold on to her stupid pride, she will remain broken and poor all her life. John can easily discard her and pick another woman to love, he already cheated on her, he can do it again because he was capable of doing so.

Oh boy, she learned a lot today just by talking to Minerva. This older woman knows a lot about life than her. She can learn many life lessons just by listening to her advices and ramblings.

The question left is...

Sink or Swim?

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Catherine went into the dining room to eat her lunch.

She saw that the kitchen utensils were already back to their rightful place.

Minerva was currently busy arranging the plates and the spoons and fork in the table.

Catherine sat down on one of the chairs and check out the dishes. There's garlic shrimp, vegetable soup, fried fish, and pork stew with potato. All the dishes were bought from one of the five restaurants operating their establishment on the ground floor of the condominium building.

She started eating vegetable soup and fried fish and one cup of rice. She had to diet a little bit or else she will have a hard time giving birth.

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Minerva was eyeing her closely. "You're alright now, Cath?" she asked.

Catherine smiled at the nurse. "Yeah, am feeling better now."

They continue eating in comfortable silence.

Done eating, Catherine was thinking of wanting to go down on the ground floor because she likes to see the ocean up close and feel the sea breeze on her skin. Although the oceanfront of the condominium is not good for swimming because of many big rocks, it will be nice to see the ocean a few meters from afar while she remained inside the confinement of the building, doing her walking exercise in the open-air...

"Can I go downstairs? I want to do my walking exercise in there," she asked feeling hopeful.

"I'm sorry Catherine, were instructed by John that you can't go outside the door," replied Minerva.

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"Why?" Her face twisted in annoyance. She was totally against this whole idea of putting her on a leash. She already loses her freedom to roam around freely.

"Because he thinks you will flee and run away and you will not let him see your baby, and then you might harm yourself in the process," said Minerva.

Catherine sighed. "Tell him I won't commit suicide again and I won't run away. I won't do any of those things that he was afraid of..."

Minerva sighed. "Do you think he will listen to me? I think no. You have to do it yourself. If you want him to trust you again, change your ways, make him feel that you can be trusted again, make him feel that you won't run away and won't commit suicide ever again. It takes a lot of convincing power to change his mind. And the only person who can do that is you only. Convince him, do it slowly, if he finds out you are serious with your intention he will start trusting you again. To be honest, you might think that he is imprisoning you here against your will, you are wrong, considering that you have the tendency to commit suicide and just recently recovered from Dissociative Amnesia, he has every right to keep you safe," explained Minerva.

Catherine nods her head. "I fully understood you, Minerva."

Minerva smiled at her. "Until such time, you can never go out here freely on your own. You always have a chaperone beside you watching and guarding over you. John will not allow you to go out if you continue to go against his wishes and act like a diva. Prove to him that you are a loyal dog...then he will loosen up the leash that was being tightened around your neck," said Minerva.

Catherine's face darkens. "Huh? You call me a dog, John's dog?!"

Minerva laughed a little. "No dear. It's just a metaphor. I didn't mean to offend you, sorry if I do. But as you can see and observe the dogs habit, you will know and understand why they were loved greatly by their owners because they are obedient, loyal and always ready to please their masters. I hope you get what I mean," she winked at the innocent younger woman who still needs to be enrolled in Adulting 101.

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