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Catherine was still having difficulty interpreting the nurse words.

What is the connection between the dog and her situation?

"What are you trying to say, Minerva?" she asked in curiosity.

Minerva smiled a bit. "This is not in connection with the dog issue we were talking about earlier. But let me tell you something. As you can see, you acted like you are the only woman who undergoes that painful situation. You forgot that the majority of men cheated on their spouse or loved ones especially the ones who are in power or the ones we called wealthy men because they were capable to do so. Your wealthy and handsome boyfriend is not an exemption to the rule. You know what---? My brother's Boss is a wealthy man. He got mistresses...the wife knows about those mistresses but she can't do anything about it. It's either her wealthy husband will leave her for a younger woman, file an annulment or get a divorce and she would lose her position as the legal wife. To protect the welfare and future of her children, she swallowed her pride and hide her pain inside her heart and stick to her cheater husband for monetary purposes. Until now her husband has not changed his evil ways. But he is a responsible father though, his wife and children were living in luxury. The only problem is love is no longer present in their lives as husband and wife. They just stick together just for the sake of their children. Used your head, Catherine! Be practical. Money is important nowadays. Love will fly out of the window if the couple no longer has money to buy foods to feed their children. Just some questions for you to ponder about, what can you can do for the sake of your child? What are you willing to sacrifice? Don't be selfish! Your child first before yourself!"

Catherine stared at the nurse face. She bit her lower lip. Can she do that kind of sacrifice just for the sake of her son inside her womb?

"You can go back to your room now or sit down in your favorite position in the living room. Allan still need to eat his lunch and I will have to clean the table after he's done eating," said Minerva.

"Okay," replied Catherine. She stood up and chose to enter her room.

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While she was lying in the bed, she was still pondering what was the connection of the dog to her situation?

Does Minerva was insinuating that she needs to adopt the dog's behavior just to make John trust her again?

Oh God, she was having a headache all of a sudden.

So, to convince John to give her a little bit of freedom to roam around a little bit, she needs to lick his toes, lick his dick! WTF!?

No! Minerva did not figuratively say that it's all just a product of her hyperactive dirty mind.

She needs to be kinder, compliant, agreeable, cooperative, obedient and a good girl to John so that he will trust her again, and give her enough freedom to roam around...

So what about his cheating? She will just shove it under the rug and pretend it didn't happen?

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No way! She won't act like a dog in front of John.

She has to hold on to her pride no matter what! John was the one who made mistake not her! Why would she compromise with him?

Why does she felt that in the end, she will have to swallow her pride?

That in the end, she will have to play the good and forgiving girl after all.

She sighed deeply.

Stay mean, play a bad girl, play hard and play like a diva= suffering!

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Play like a good girl, cooperative, agreeable, yielding= freedom!

The question is what her life would be in the coming days?

It's all depends on how she behaves with the people around her especially with John.

What is her perfect alternative? None so far, 'coz there's only two choices which are clear for her right now.

Freedom or suffering?

Both choices have their consequences and requirements. And she still has plenty of time for deep analyzing and thinking.

She gets out of the bed and exited the room.

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She found Minerva in the living room watching a show on the flat-screen TV. She sat beside her. The nurse turns off the TV and faced her.

"You wanna talk?" Minerva asked.

Catherine sighed. "I already got what you mean by the metaphor about me and the dog's behavior," she said.

"Good girl! Let me ask you a question, did John ever offered you a marriage proposal?" asked Minerva.

She nodded her head. "Yes, many times already."

Minerva was now readying herself to deliver another lengthy explanation to the younger woman...

"If you leave John because he cheated on you and you find someone else. What could happen? What do you choose? You either marry John even if you still angry with him and woke up four years later that you find yourself falling in love with him all over again. Or, you find another guy to love and you walk up one day and then you realized that you still love John yet you can no longer go back to him because he already finds someone new or worse he already got married to another woman. Think twice! First and foremost, think a million times before you make decisions in your life because some mistakes that can never be undone and you will suffer the consequences of those decisions for the rest of your life," she said.

Catherine was now in deep thoughts processing everything Minerva had preached to her.

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