The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 288: 288

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Then Minerva continued...

"John is a complete package, he had a good looking face, athletic body, business-minded, wealthy, responsible and kindhearted. While you, dear, you only got your beautiful face to flaunt, yet you are penniless, jobless, and above all, John can easily replace you if he wanted to. There are lots of women who are faring better than you when it comes to good educational attainment, jobs, family background and status in society. In short, John has everything, he is considered a good catch by every woman's standard, but you dear is replaceable. Don't wait for the time that John will no longer love you and he will find a more agreeable and desirable woman to replace you in his heart. Remember you have everything to lose if you leave John and everything to gain if you marry him. Choose wisely my dearest," said Minerva.

Catherine took a deep breath and focus her eyes on the ocean view.

Minerva shakes her head many times while watching the younger woman's confused face, yet the only one who can make the final decision is Catherine herself. She can only give her choices and advice. In the end, Catherine has to pick the right choice for her. It's a life-changing decision. She turns on the TV again to continue watching the show.

Catherine rose to her feet and sauntered towards the bedroom.

Inside her room...she was thinking...

Is Minerva Pro John?

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She was in deep thoughts again, thinking about the severity of her situation. The odds were stacked against her, and the heavens favored John this time, even if he was the one who made the big mistake nearly costing her and their baby's life because of his cheating, still there was no love for her from heaven above, instead she's the one suffering the most pain right now.

She wanted to curse God at this moment because of the unfairness of everything, but she dared not, she knows all will be useless.

She took a deep breath and called Grace. With just a few rings, her cousin answered the call.

"Hello Grace!" she said, feeling excited.

"Who is this?" asked Grace, this number is not on her list of contacts.

"It's me, Catherine! I have my new number, and I bought a new phone," she explained.

"Catherine? Is this really---you? I have been calling you a few times in your old number but you were not answering my calls, yet you replied to all my text, what's wrong?" asked Grace.

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"I'm just busy in my work during those times, I'm sorry, cousin!" she was thinking John must have replied to all her cousin's text messages but he can never answer Grace call or else her family will know of her real situation.

"Yeah, you are indeed busy. I was planning to visit you at your workplace next month though. By the way, your mother was asking why you send them money too much, it used to be only Php 15k per month, but why it become Php 30k in these past five months? Have you been promoted on your job or your employer is super crazy generous to give you such high salary?" commented Grace in astonishment.

"He is super crazy!" she answered. So, John had been sending her family money on behalf of her in these past few months during her absence from reality? She sighed. In spite of John's cheating, he still manages to take good care of her private affairs.

"Are you still there, Cath?" asked Grace when she heard silence on the other end.

"Yes, I'm still here," she responded.

"Your mother's 60th birthday is coming two weeks from now. We plan to hold a small party for her. Hope you can come and visit us, make it a surprise visit so that your mother will not know of your coming. We missed you so much, Cath. Can you visit us here? Please...," begged Grace.

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Catherine was in dilemma. She's heavily pregnant, and worst, she and John were not in good terms. Would John even allow her to visit her family?

She had to think of a plan on how to visit her family in Cavite City. She had a lot of explaining to do to her family regarding her pregnancy and the father of her child. She will think of a concrete plan later, for now, her cousin needs her answer.

"Yes. I will come as a surprise visit to make mother happy!" she finally answered.

"Yessssss! That is good, Cath! We will make your mother's 60th birthday the most memorable ever!" there was much excitement in Grace's voice.

"I'm excited too! Sorry but I have to end our call, cousin, I still need to do so many things around here. Call and text me in this new number, okay? Take care and give my love and regards to Mother, Caroline, Jacob, and Lily. Bye, cousin!" she bid goodbye to Grace.

"Bye, Cath! See you soon!" said Grace.

Catherine ended the call. She put the mobile device on the bedside table and starts wracking her brain on how to find a way to visit her mother on her birthday?

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She wanted to buy gifts for her mother, she wanted to buy her mother a beautiful dress, a fancy shoulder bag and new shoes for her birthday presents.

Too bad she had no money.

She is penniless.


Imprisoned inside a condominium building by her cheater boyfriend and can't even go out pass the door.

My God, this all has to change! Her situation has to change!

She will go crazy if this will go on for a long time!

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