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John was very much pleased to hear of the good news that Catherine allowed the things to be brought back in the living room and the kitchen. She no longer hurls and destroys things inside the condo unit. The nurses reported that Catherine was now sporting a pleasant look on her face compared before that she was always projecting a gloomy or brooding face.

It was such a good and refreshing news for John.

He was hoping that the storm will soon pass between them and the sunshine will finally enter in their lives.

She no longer texted him hate messages and statements...

Every time he texted her asking hows her day? She would reply two words in alternate basis...either ...fine or bored.

If he will inquire if she already has eaten her breakfast, lunch or dinner...she would reply with 'yes or no.' Although it's kind of monotone still it's a reply, better than nothing. He has to be content for now, he was afraid if he will pressure her much she might go ballistic again.

He was currently reading the newspaper inside his office when he received a text message from Catherine that put a wide smile on his face.

He read it five times...

'...Can I go downstairs on the ground floor so that I can do my exercise there while watching the ocean...? I will have the nurse and your bodyguard to accompany me. Don't worry I won't run away. Promised! Pleasseee?'

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John was feeling ecstatic after reading her long text message. It's the first time he received such a long message from her. He was overjoyed!

He called George right away...

"Hello George," said John.

"Yes Boss...," asked George.

"Accompany Catherine to do her walking exercise on the ground floor. Bring her nurse too. So that there will be two of you who can guard around her. Make sure she is safe and don't let her walk outside the building! Stay inside the building, am I clear?" asked John.

"Yes, Boss, loud and clear!" answered George.

"Okay, go now," said John.

He texted Catherine informing her that he now allowed her to go downstairs accompanied by the nurse and George.

He received a quick reply from her that says...'Thank you!' and several smiling emoji.

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Wow, as in wow! Are they now in good speaking terms? Or is it too early yet to count for a total reconciliation and forgiveness from her?

He doesn't want to rejoice yet but he had a good feeling about this...

He roamed his eyes around the office. If they will finally able to settle their differences, he wants Catherine to visit him here frequently in his office.

It would be nice to see her inside his office while he was working...

Ah, he already knows what to do!

He will purchase a sofa bed then a flat TV screen to be delivered in his office. If Catherine will visit him here she can lie down on the sofa bed while watching TV. Then after office hours, he will bring her to go shopping and strolling in the mall or bring her to dine in a fancy restaurant.

Nice idea!

He reached for his laptop and browse on his favorite online store to check on the sofa bed's designs and colors. He found what he was looking for, it's a color brown smooth and glossy leather sofa perfect for sleeping and sitting. Next, he browses for a 32 inches flat-screen TV. Then he chose cash on delivery as his mode of payment.

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Done doing his online shopping...he stretched his arms above his head and exited his office wearing a pleasant smile on his face. He will go upstairs to do some quick cardio work out in his gym then take a swim in the pool afterward.

He's feeling good today, super good actually!

Catherine's calm behavior contributed 100% to his pleasant mood today!

Hope today is now the beginning of her complete transformation. The sooner she can fully accept him back in her heart and in her life the better, so that they can finally move on forward with their lives and plan their wedding.

He entered the elevator that will take him to his flat on the 15th floor.

Once he was already inside his dwelling, he went straight to his gym and do some workout and weight lifting. He would maintain his six-pack abs because Catherine loves running her fingers on them so much, he grinned from ear to ear. He missed cuddling with her, when can he ever kiss her lips again? He already missed getting intimate with her. He missed caressing her tummy and talking to his son inside her womb.

But he would wait patiently for the time that she will be the one that would request for his presence in her life. If he will force himself on her she might resist him.

Twenty minutes later...

He was already done with his work out in the gym. He went to the swimming pool area and execute some backstroke and butterfly stroke in the swimming pool.

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He rested a bit in the lounge chair and enjoyed the outstanding view of the Makati Skyline at night. The time now is nearing 7:00 PM. Time for his dinner, he ordered his dinner from his favorite restaurant across the street.

After thirty minutes of waiting, his foods finally arrived.

Done eating his dinner, he returned to the pool area and continues sky gazing at the Makati Skyline.

He reached for his phone from the pool table to call Mr. Satorno the manager of one of his hotel in Makati City.

After conveying his detailed instruction to the manager, he ended his call.

The Zen Garden Hotel is a ten-story building that caters to family, single, double or solo occupants. They also had two floors that cater to travelers who like to occupy rooms that are good for one week, two weeks, fifteen days or even one month occupancy period with discounted rates. He had reserved one of the suites for his visit tomorrow with Ella for their first-round challenge.

Although he's not looking forward to their challenge it's one thing he's willing to finish so that he can get rid of Ella his stalker once and for all in a nice humanly way possible.

Done resting in the pool area.

He went to his bedroom to have an early rest for the night.

He must be the winner of tomorrows first round of challenge with Ella. He must not let his guard down, he won't allow himself to be seduced and be tempted again with her naked body. It's one challenge he's very determined to emerge as the winner after the 3 rounds ended.

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